Could A Global Nuclear War Happen

In nuclear war...what would happen?

If there was a nuclear war, full scale I mean, and America launched all it's nukes as did China and Russia...all at the same time (at each other). What would happen? Would the Earth simply blow up? Or would all existence of living things on Earth be wiped out ? Or would the majority of humans be killed, eventually, by the fallout? Or by the radioactive clouds bloking the sun and bringing on a new ice age?

These things were all said likely to happen during the 80s when there was a real threat of a nuclear war but I've never heard a decent explanation on which of these theories is the correct one.

What would happen to the world if a nuclear war broke out?

If you had a full nuclear exchange involving the US, Russia, and China it would be devastating. tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions would die from the blast effects, and the prompt gamma and neutron radiation. Dirt and debris sucked up into the mushroom clouds would be activated (made radioactive) by neutrons in the fireball. Some of this material would fall back to earth as radioactive fallout Tens of millions more would die from exposure to this radioactive fallout in the following weeks.The eventual height reached by the radioactive cloud depends upon the heat energy of the weapon and upon the atmospheric conditions. If the cloud reaches the tropopause, about 6-8 miles above the Earth's surface, there is a tendency for it to spread out. But if sufficient energy remains in the radioactive cloud at this height, a portion of it will ascend into the more stable air of the stratosphere. (, as nuclear firestorms incinerate cities and fo­rests, torrents of smoke ascend into the atmosphere to entomb the planet in billowing, black clouds of ash. The result is noontime darkness, plummeting temperatures and the eventual death of life on planet Earth. Nuclear winter is the severe and prolonged global climatic cooling effect hypothesized to occur after widespread firestorms following a nuclear war. The hypothesis is based on the fact that such fires can inject soot into the stratosphere, where it can block some direct sunlight from reaching the surface of the Earth. (Wikipedia)What follows will be years of continuous winter. No crops will grow. All plant eaters and predators will starve to death. And finally, all humans will starve also.

If a global nuclear war happens, what will happen to Indonesia?

Indonesia would not be targeted by nuclear weapons, and as such would not suffer immediate devastation.However, the very event of a global nuclear war would destroy the world economy. Dominoes would fall everywhere, affect everyone and Indonesia is no exempt. International trade would virtually stop.Environmental catastrophe would cripple food production. Yes, including the south hemisphere.In short, unemployment in Indonesia would skyrocket. Money would lose all of it’s value. Food would start to be rationed, but it wouldn’t be enough for everyone. At the very best, one whole growing season would be gone. The government would issue martial law, and army and police would be everywhere, with allowance to use lethal force. Considering how the country has a huge population, there wouldn’t be a force on this Earth that could stop the riots.In very short, Indonesia would erupt in total chaos.

Will god allow a nuclear war?

I read a book, 'God Stopping A Nuclear War' , which explains God in a fight with Satan over controlling Mankind, but it describes God as a group global mind, with all the left brains workings as one, like a hive mind, invisible to single humans, except to people like Jesus and Moses. Left brain been verbal, controlling right hand, crossed wired in our bodies, favored Jews to write Bible. To use their greater verbal skills to control information, media, banking, and computer systems for collecting info on people.

Right brain hive global mind, spatial, is more German and Japanese like. Builders.

Left hive mind sent Moses and Jesus. Right hive mind sent Hitler and Nero.

The right hive mind controls our left hand, you know, the sinister hand. Yea, that is the real Satan.

Cain, the first to question God, was the first city builder.

Second came Satan himself.

Does management exploit labor?

Does God exploit Satan?

Will they continue their fight even into a nuclear war?


Could world war 3 happen WITHOUT nuclear weapons?

Every time the theoretical topic of a third global war comes up, it is always assumed to be a nuclear holocaust. But why? it just seems entirely illogical, end all life on earth? really?.

Looking at this from a logical standpoint, wouldn't it be much simpler for warring superpowers to utilize military resources to fight and control certain areas instead of blowing up the entire earth and killing everybody forever? it almost seems lazy. Like, me and this guy at the pub disagree with eachother, so instead of fist fighting, we will both simultaneously press buttons to blow the building up killing everybody inside including ourselves.

Seems like a total copout, an insane one at that.

Should I commit suicide when a nuclear war happens?

Absolutely not. What you can do is be proactive and live your life to the fullest now. You can't live your life in fear. While all signs point to the fact that our country is being run by corrupt, greedy, offshore banks who want nothing less than to take over the entire world... We're okay right now. Maybe we can even stop the tyranny that is coming our way. Live your life with purpose. Teach your kids to do the same. Don't let your fear of what might happen over rule what is going on now!
Relish the fact that you're American and enjoy it. If you're going to die, wouldn't it be better to do it with your head held high and while you're fighting for freedom than to cower and die in a corner because you didn't want to face hardship?
Your body is yours, so I guess ultimately it's up to you.