Could A Shy Modest Female Give Her Honest Thoughts To Help Me Accurately Write This Scene In My

How do I write an essay on describing myself?

If you are relying entirely on inspiration to write essays, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Inspiration is a whim. It is either there or not, depending on mood, what you ate, how you feel, and what you have to do today. You may not want to do what needs to be done and inspiration leaves you.Rely on perspiration. Learn to write. Just write. Pick a subject, any subject. There isn’t a perfect subject. I have yet to get this across to my perfectionist step-son, but I’ll try again here. There is no one perfect subject. If you are searching for the perfect idea, again, you are shooting yourself in the foot.Write. Learn to write as required of your deadlines. Do the writing early so you have time to edit and redraft, or rewrite. I never did less than three drafts unless it was on an exam. If you are relying on inspiration for exams? well… bullet… foot… you. Don’t do that.If you rely on music, friends, a bird singing outside your window? bullet… foot… you. Don’t do that. You won’t have those on exams.Sit yourself down and write. If you have two or more subjects to write about, pick one randomly or eenie meenie it. It doesn’t matter as long as you pick one.Then write. Learning to write as needed means working on writing as needed. Practice it. Just do it. Stop waiting for it.

Can you tell me about the dragon in the chinese zodiac?

I want to know more about the chinese zodiac, preferably the dragon. Characteristics, Preferences etc. Info on the other animals in the zodiac would be useful too.