Could I Be A Model Thoughts And Tips

Can you be a model if you have moles!?

Of course you can. All you should care about is your inner beauty, and once you have accepted yourself, then you'll be confident and that's what photographers search for in a lady, confidence. Besides, there's professionals who can remove your blemishes.
And, to get into modeling, just talk to your parents or guardian about it, and go sign up somewhere. It's actually quite easy. Just a couple photo shoots then you'll end up perhaps in some of the kid magazines for fashion and along the lines as you get older and more professional you'll find yourself on cover girl or billboard signs etc.
Make sure to find inspirations and role models to keep you going, too! ( a good role model would be Talia Joy Castellano. She's gorgeous, and confident although she has cancer. )

Can I be a model with bad skin?

I have bad skin but an agency reached out to me after I sent in my bare faced, no filter and un-retouched photos. I made sure they could actually see the real condition of my skin which is oily and has fairly visible acne.

But they still reached out and called me for a portfolio shoot. I have a good body and great hair but I am nervous as hell I'd disappoint them when they see me in real life because my skin is far from perfect. So much so that I can bet anything all the readers have better skin than I do.These nerves are giving me second thoughts, any advice please?

Everyone says i should be a model, what do you think?

I have really considered it, but im not sure if i really am pretty enough. I am 5'9' and i weigh 115 pounds, also i have a beauty mark on my face can i still be a model?
What are your thoughts i would love to hear?
Here are some pictures please take a look?

What is the best way to choose your role model?

Everybody face hurdles in a path to success.Parents can you for some extent after that choices and decision made by your own. But, when hard times hit you it's up to you whether you are choosing to move on or staying where you don’t belong.It's very easy to give up in a hard time and complaint others factors for that loss. But to take the opportunity, we really need someone’s guidance at some point. At that time, Role model and inspiration giving big hand to move on. It can be anyone father, friend, or some person in society, it depends on your thoughts!Role model and inspiration character are not about following them. We choose role model’s to cross our hard times with their inspiration to achieve our unique path of success! Of course, they are not going to guide us directly, but we do read them and their life, how they handle the situation, how badly they are hit by bad times, and how positively they approached those circumstances, to achieve success! that may sometimes work for us!.We see a lot of successful people in society. When we hear about them, we respond with great claps to respect and encourage their hard work. But when we hear some sort of people story, it travels into us, gives the power to lead your thoughts...And we raised to searched about that person biography, family, everything. Then we started to talk about that person. (“how great he/she faced it! it’s very hard”). Now we started to follow some of their habits. This is that spirit and inspiration which leads us to follow our dreams even at a hard time. It gives you confidence that you are not the one who struggling!. This is how the role model work.Inspiration, if it leads you to the successful path, the future is yours!.