Could I Go To Another Schools Prom

Can you go to another school's prom?

Might be a good idea if you get your boyfriend to check to see if he is allowed to bring someone from outside the school.

My school has the rule 'No outsiders and No other grade' in other words only the seniors at our school are allowed to go to the prom

Should I go to another school’s prom with a girl who is not my girlfriend? I have been dating a girl for 2 years and will go to my schools prom with her. The other girl is a friend of 5 years who doesn’t have a date. Her prom is after my prom.

I would suggest asking your girlfriend of two years, out of respect for her opinion and feelings, how she truly feels about it.Beyond that, consider the gossip mill. I teach in a rural school district and all of the neighboring districts are too. My students have friends and family in the neighboring districts. Let me tell you, gossip flies at the speed of Snapchat and Twitter. Chisme, or gossip for those who don’t speak Spanglish, is a huge pastime of some teens. I’ve witnessed friendly conversations in the hallway in the morning only to have the interchange recounted to me, at end of day, involving accusations of inappropriate behavior, obvious cheating, and seriously naughty details.Dont get me wrong, I’m all for friends taking friends to the prom. Just be mindful of the potential firestorm that could come at you, your best friend, and girlfriend from people who have nothing better to do than stir the pot.

How do I get a prom date, if I go to an all boy school?

Here are a few things that my friends from an all boys’ school would have done, back in high school. Im not sure how the US works, but where I live, this was what people did:Ask your friends to set you up. This was by far the safest option, because friends were familiar with other people from other schools, and they wouldnt set you up with a horrible person.Ask one of your neighbor friends, or family friends (aka mom’s friends daughter, brothers friends sister, etc etc). If you have a friend who is a girl and happens to be your family friend, there’s no harm in asking someone who’d also be willing to go.Search for your date from nearby schools. Im not sure how near your schools are, but from where I live, schools were almost nearly just 10–15 mins by car. People were bound to know at least a few friends from other schools from mutual friends at least. You could always ask girls from other schools, whom you are acquainted with.Basically, search through all the possible friends you could possible have, whether by networking or finding dates yourself, explain your situation, and ask! Hope you have a blast.

Can you take someone to prom, from another school?

Depends on your school's rules. It should be OK, as long as the guy is of appropriate age.

Is it weird for my girlfriend to go to prom at another school with a different guy and attend the after party with him?

If I were in your shoes, I would not be feelimg comfortable about my partner going to a prom with another person.However, there could be several reasons why she may want to attend.Perhaps she is doing a random act of kindness and being his date because he has found it challenging to find a person to take.Perhaps she is driven to be his date to the prom because she is a social person and he is her ticket into this social event and its after parties.Perhaps she is going because she likes the guy and is hoping that something more might bloom.Have you asked her why she wants to go? In relationships, communication is really important. Have you told her it makes you uncomfortable? To me, that is what matters most. If she is aware that the action of her going to the prom and after party with another guy, is going to make you feel uncomfortable, but she still chooses to go anyway, that is when I think you need to be concerned. If your feelings do not matter to her, then perhaps you need to consider if she is someone that you want to be with.If you haven't talked to her already, then I think you need to. You may discover that some of her friends are going and she is simply looking for another opportunity to dress up with her best friends, and there is nothing more to it than that. Be brave, have the conversation.Good Luck!

Is it weird or awkward going to another school's prom?

Hey guys. So I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half and his prom is in a month. We go to totally different schools and in so nervous! I'm a sophomore and he's a junior so it feels like it'll be even more awkward since I'm a sophomore. His school is really clicky and snobby so i feel weird.. I've already been to two homecomings with him at his school and they weren't too bad but pretty awkward and since this is prom and a big deal, I'm really nervous. Should I be nervous or feel weird? And should I wear a long dress or a short dress? Please help!