Could It Be Possible For Someone To Be Thinking There Awake In Real Like But

Why do I wake up thinking my dreams are real?

An interesting thing about dreams is that they can do what happens in waking reality. They create memories. They use memories that you already have move them around and create new ones. Using real visuals and real emotions you already have. Nightmares may pull up some intense feelings of fear and you start to think there is no way I could feel this unless it actually occurred. Lucidity can also make the dream so real since you have an awareness in the dream.Determining what symbolism in the dream that occurs that help you determine it is a dream while in the dream helps you to distinguish the differences. The idea is finding the concept that can’t occur in real life but occurs in the dream. Lucid dreamers look for this all the time to bring themselves to an awareness that they are dreaming.Now lets ask the question, what is convincing you the dream is real? Is it a feeling? The clarity? Is it only for nightmares? The more you ask yourself questions about the dream the more you can understand what it is.

Does thinking about someone make them think about you?

Yes, we are very connected moreso than we think and we are also much more sensitive to psychic energy too. Not only can people sense that you are looking at them from very far away (you may not even be able to see their features, and be daydreaming out of a window for example) but they also turn and look exactly where you are o they know where the stare was coming from. Often the time this happens without you even having to think about the person. So we are psychic enough to kno when being looked at.We also know when people are thinking of us sometimes -this is usually people who are more right hemispheric i have noticed it is always people who are more spiritually open than they realise and have good intuition. I will think of them and immeditately they call me. This has now been happening for years and there is no such thing as coincidences, only syncronicities

Is it true that if you can't sleep at night someone is thinking of you?

Not true.
If you can't sleep its more than likely YOU are the one thinking of someone or something. The anixiety builds in your system and results in a inability to comfortable fall or drift asleep.

You could be thinking about this person or thing subconsciously or consciously; nonetheless, it is your brain that is being overproductive about something and resulting in your inability to sleep. If this happens again, try taking a few deep breaths and softly count backwards from 100.

Can you persuade someone to do something while they are sleeping?

Is it possible to go up to someone sleeping, and tell them to do something wen they wake up? like, if i go up to someone sleeping and say "when you wake up, you will have a great desire to clean" or something like that?

Can someone dream something completely unrelated to their daily life ?

I know a dream is a projection of what's in our subconscious mind, but can there be exceptions? i mean can somethings jump into our subconscious, without we experiencing it in the real world or when not thinking about it when awake. Can someone dream about things without knowing what they are dreaming....

Because i had a dream when people i don't know, did some kind of rituals with me in my dream. I was wondering what was happening even in my dream.The ritual ended with tying a thread tied to my left hand And when i woke up to see my left hand raised while tying the ribbon in dream. I could feel the tinglingness when you kind of remove the watch or something like that.

That night i slept as usual without watching any t.v, or thinking about any woodoo rituals, but still this dream happened....

can someone explain this to me??

Do you believe that someone is thinking about you when you can't sleep at night?

Are you feeling the warm fuzzies for someone?Have you ever asked yourself why it is so difficult to stop thinking about someone? We are all psychic in one way or another. When you connect to another man/woman in a deep way, you are connecting with your souls. Most people don’t realize how psychic they really are. Everyone is clairsentient whether they know it or not. Being clairsentient means that you have the psychic ability to feel another person’s energy and feelings.Guides: Say Goodnight to Insomnia – Kate Nichol – MediumNow, when you think about someone in a normal way, there is nothing unusual there. Then all of a sudden you feel overwhelmed like you are in a fog and you can’t stop thinking about them. Now, stop for a second and focus on where you are feeling the energy. It is usually in the heart and chest area. You’ve had that funny feeling before. Remember. You just thought it was YOU. What is going on is that you are feeling THEIR THOUGHTS. WHAT YOU ARE FEELING IS WHAT THEY ARE THINKING AND FEELING ABOUT YOU RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT!In 2004, after an unexpected breakup with someone, I felt one night he was thinking of me, and then it really got interesting. One Valentines night while we were still together, someone took a picture of our costumes and we each got a framed copy.I knew without a doubt he was looking at that picture and my outfit that I had warn that night appeared in front of my face. It was a spine tingling, emotional and very powerful experience.There are times when I know what someone is feeling about me before they actually know it. As a psychic medium, I have to be careful and allow them to catch up with me. Patience isn’t one of my better traits; however, I know it is essential for the relationship.Recently after an ending to a short relationship, I felt this man’s energy very intensely. It was a very powerful love energy that I had never experienced before-purrre love. The energy lasted for 3 days. At some point in our short relationship, we had both chosen not to follow our hearts; however, with that kind of energy, no telling what could have happened……..or what could still happen if we let it.

Do you think there is a moment when an enlightened person realizes "I am enlightened"?

Enlightenment is like a bowl of cherries… or is it a box of chocolates…?Anyway it is different in every experience. When you read stories of the sages and the current enlightened beings walking the planet, you can see no two stories are alike.One similarity is the loss of the person, so after enlightenment there is no person where there was the feeling and belief of being a person before enlightenment.Having self-identification change from a person to infinite awareness implies that there was a time when the shift in understanding happened, although since it is different for all, it could be so gradual as to not have a specific moment of occurrence.When the shift occurred to me, it was immediate.I was a seeker looking for enlightenment. I read, sat for meditation, contemplated, and practiced many other forms of spiritual work. I figured if one way didn’t help me reach my goal, another would.Realization happened in a moment. As I read a sentence in a book, the seeker who started the sentence had disappeared before the beginning of the next sentence! No more reading happened or was needed!Literally by the end of the thought I was no more!It sounds dramatic, like I exploded into light, or disappeared into thin air.In reality, one moment I thought I was a seeker, sitting in a room reading, and the next I was the beingness that all existed in, beyond the mind, beyond the body!There was the understanding that identity was real only when applied to beingness. There was no person.Yes, in beingness there is no time, so there is no moment of enlightenment. In fact there is no need of enlightenment, as the beingness that we all are only knows itself.The mind that experiences the world for beingness knows the experience of time, and in this case experienced a moment when a permanent shift occurred.In that moment, I knew, I laughed, and I am.It was such a simple shift, from a misunderstanding that built an illusory view of a world, to an understanding that put all of this play in its proper place.And yes, it all happened in a moment!

Am I maybe going through a vampire awakening?

I have a sensitivity to light and it makes my head hurt.

I am very thirsty and feel dehydrated alot.

I get a small image of what someone is thinking around me.

People seem to act nervous around me but not my fam.

I prefer rainy dark days to bright sunny days.

But the problem is I'm not pale, I live on a farm and get tan when outside. Have farmers tan but pale everywhere but other than my arms and face.

I am very tired during the day but when comes to night I wanting to stay awake and i always wanna sleep during the day because it seem that the sun wears me out but if it's a dark day I'm alright.

Can someone ask more things that is a symptom because I can't think of anything else and please NO NON BELIEVERS reply.
Please help and NO rude comments. I DO believe in real vampires. I need someone out there who is awakening who can help and explain the vampire history and the truth. I may not be, it may just be me but if I'm not I want to because it's more that anything to me and I wanna no more and be one.

Can you stop psi-vampire awakening?

The red pill or the blue pill?

How long has it been that you've thought you were awakening. I feel like you're not even certain you are a vamp, but now you're getting scared you might really be one, so you want to go back and take the blue pill.

You might not be a vamp. You might not be therian. You might just have a vivid imagination and psychosomatic "symptoms".

I don't think it's a transformation. I think it's called an awakening because it's a realization of what is, not a becoming of something. It may be possible to convince yourself that it's not real or to convince yourself it's real when it's not. But in the end, it is whatever it is, and you'll need to accept that truth, one way or the other.

The challenge, I think, is to figure out what's real and then learn to live with it the best you can. Would you really want to take the blue pill if you could? Would it even be possible to forget everything and go back to being "normal" again?

I repressed my psi-vampiric side for 27 years, but it was still always this weird thing inside me that I didn't talk about. I lived a relatively normal life. I didn't know anything about the real vampire community. I didn't think I could be a vampire, because I wasn't like any fictional one. Yet, I still dreamt of being one. I had my waking world, "normal" self that everyone saw. But I also had this just-as-real dream-self that fed on other people in dreams. It didn't go away just because it wasn't socially acceptable or would make me sound crazy if I talked about it. It was part of my secret self, but it was still part of who I was.

Personally, I don't think it's possible to put yourself back asleep. It's like trying to hide from a monster in your dreams, when really the monster is part of yourself. The only way you can fight it, is to turn around and face it.

- P.