Could Lemon Be Bad For Me

Is it bad to eat a rotten lemon?

Call your local poison control center immediately. If you have granular activated charcoal in your house, swallow some for the poison lemon to sorb onto.

Eating Raw Lemon Is Bad for Health?

No, eating raw lemon is not bad for your health. Of course, as anything is, eating too much of it IS in fact a bad thing. Even drinking too much water is bad. But also, eating a lot of lemon can erode the enamel on your teeth because of the acid in it, as well as all citrus fruit such as oranges, and lime. But eating it in moderation is completely fine. Maybe one lemon every other day or every three days is fine.
And no, lemon is not very toxic at all: "It exhibits remarkably low toxicity." (Direct quote from wikipedia)
"vitamin C overdose and toxicity is very rare and is seen only in people who consume supplements in very large amounts." (Also another direct quote from
Also, when it becomes toxic in your body from consuming a large amount of it, it simply goes right out of the body in the form of diarrhea, which can easily be treated.

To summarize: No, lemons are not necessarily bad for you. They can erode your tooth enamel if you eat too much of them, which is about two or three daily. Also, they, nor the Vitamin C, are not toxic, unless consumed in large amounts, again about 2 or 3 lemons a day.

How much lemon is okay to consume in a day?

An adult man needs about 90 mg vitamin C every day and a woman needs 75 mg. Overdose-related health problems occur only when you exceed 2,000 mg.With an 8 oz cup of lemon juice containing 94.4 mg of vitamin C, you’d have to drink a preposterous amount to overdose – around 21 cups. But remember that it is not the only source of vitamin C in your diet and you might be taking supplements too.As lemons are quite acidic and have a strong decaying effect on your teeth, always dilute the juice. The usual serving size for diluted lemon juice is 1 cup (240 ml or 8 oz), and 1 cup requires a little less than 1 lemon. Have no more than 2 lemons a day, which means you could have 3 cups of diluted lemon juice, spread across the day. Beyond that the citric acid load can become a concern. Also note that the standard amount of lemon juice when used as a cooking ingredient is 5 ml.

Could having too much lemon be cause of a bad stomach ache?

Give it a while, but you may have to go to the doctors. Try and have less acids, eat something too. Have a lie down. I had a stomach ache once for two weeks- my dad eventually took me to the doctors, he said to carry on as normal and if the ache still persists, come back, fortunately it went away.
I doubt lemon juice is the cause of stomach ache. Also, it the ache in your stomach or your intestines? If it's in your stomach, it may be because you have too much hydrochloric acid. if it's in your intestine, then its having trouble digesting food, try and eat more fibre.
Not to scare you or anything but my friend had a stomach ace for quite some time - about a month or so, and she ended up having her appendix out. So, if it's been a while and the stomach ache won't go away, you must check with the doctor.
I wouldn't bother with medicines - I never do!
Hope you feel better soon ;)

What happens if I eat a lemon seed?

I accidentilly swallowed a lemon seed and I'm worried a plant will start to grow inside of me. What should I do???!! I can probably throw it up still if I have to.

Can lemon help with acid reflux?

Weirdly yes, acid can stop acid reflux, at least in the short term. The logic is that the sphincter that should close off the stomach acid isn't triggering, so dropping some acid on top of it will help trigger that closing reaction and prevent the rest of the stomach acid from coming back up.

But it'll come back in most cases, so you need something alkaline to follow it up with to neutralize the acid. So drink a little lemon, wait 5 minutes, then take some Tums or acid reflux meds or some milk, or be gross like me and chug a pinch of baking soda in a glass of water. Diluted ACV, then diluted baking soda a few minutes later is my heartburn cure and works every time for me. The acetic acid stops the burning immediately, and the sodium bicarbonate keeps it from returning.

Can I eat lemon the way people eat orange?

I will tell you can make a lemon very sweet so that you can eat it without cracking a squint. Listen on!There’s this super safe tablet that contains a berry called the miracle berry (aka mberry). The berry itself is from the Synsepalum dulcificum plant, which is from South Africa.“This is because the plant’s red berries, often called “miracle berries,” contain “miraculin,” a protein that temporally numbs the taste buds that pick up sour and bitter flavors. This causes users to experience foods that would normally be tart or savory as exceedingly sweet.” -HuffPost-You can get it safely at Amazon or the site itself: Miracle Berry Tablets.**I promise you 100% that this is safe. You can Google it if you have any health concerns...**When you place the tablet in your mouth, swirl it around for 20–40 seconds, spit it out, and try something, such as a lemon, it makes it sweet.-I did a fun demonstration for my class as I:Placed the mberry tablet my mouthSwirled it all around my mouth for 30 secondsSpit it outTook the slice of fresh, raw lemon and took a nice juicy bite-The lemon tasted very refreshing and tasty. Much better than eating a regular orange. In my experience, I felt that I was eating a piece of candy. Everyone in class reacted like this:Holy fuck! Did he just eat a raw lemon!! Let me try!-Get the mberry and eat a lemon. (This works with other sour or bitter foods. I tried balsamic vinegar and it tasted fine!)Surprise someone and see their reaction. Have fun with it!

Does lemon make your sore throat worse?

Just plain lemon juice won't help because of the citric acid, but if you add lemon to tea or warm water it's actually quite good for your throat. Remember warm and smooth is always best so for a sore throat try broth, or tea, warm, not hot.