Could Someone Translate This To Mexican Spanish

Can someone translate this English/spanish for me?

Some of the answers that were given to are close but they have little mistakes. You would say:

"Las estrellas de la noche son grandes y brillantes. Están profundas en el corazón de Texas."

All of the endings of the adjectives need to match the nouns. For example, profundas matches estrellas because deep is describing the stars.

Your translation says "ser" which means "to be." It is not conjugated and should say "son." Also profundamente means deeply.

One more thing, although Texas is pronounced differently you would not spell it differently. Tejas means "you tile" from the verb "tejar." It means to tile a roof. Its like the pronunciation of mexico, you pronounce the "x" like an english "h" or a spanish "j" but you dont spell it with a "j".

I hope this was helpful!!

Can someone translate this into Mexican Spanish?

Basically " Mexican Spanish is regular Spanish with a few regional idions thrown in Hwever your questions do not lend themselves to " special " words or idioms used in Mexico. So I will translate them to regular Spanish and if something lends itself to a regional expression I will try to use it
Soy ambicioso
Un Mexicano viene de Mexico or Un Mexicano es oriundo de Mexico ( this sounds better )
Soy Colombiano

Hope this helps

My padre es un dentista

Eres Nicaraguense ? OR Eres de Nicaragua ?

Si, soy Nicaraguense or Si, soy de Nicaragua.

Me gusta el otono

Me gustan los libros

May someone please translate this Mexican slang?

so what f@ggot does your piece of $hit have facebook?

yep, now its my computer and all because mine isnt worth a $hit!

riata = verga = díck vale pura riata/verga means its not worth $hit!

jotitio = little f@ggot
simon = variation of the word "si" meaning yeah, yep, yes...

Can someone translate this (Spanish to English)?

What beautiful girl!
Escribira - I write..
Queridita-Darling It doeesen't make any sense..

Can someone do a Spanish-English translation?

-Goals & reflections

-Verb lines
-Past thense

-Talk activities
-Listening activities

-Explaining sheet
-Info. on Spain, Venezuela & mexico

-Explaining sheet
-Short stories

-Things that represent what you know
-Projects, pictures, diaolog etc.

-Review paper
-Practice paper

well here you go have fun

How do you translate When is your birthday into mexican Spanish?

How do you translate When is your birthday into mexican In a film ((Temporada de patos) it sounds like "cuando lo(s) cumplisti", but I cannot find this sentence when I google it.
Does anyone know what they might be saying, it's a girl addressing a boy in the movie.

A huevo! Translate Mexican Spanish please?

In Mexico, "A huevo" does mean hell yeah, but in other parts of south america you can say things like "Qué Bien" or "Pipudo." In Spain, you could say, "Qué Guay." This expression (Qué Guay) might not be understood in most Spanish speaking countries except Spain. "Por Supuesto" is another way to say hell yeah in Spanish.

Can someone translate this for me?

I would say the translator is right... but the original sencence is wrong!What I understood is "It would be better if YOU come closer and speak to me in Spanish".In Spanish, that should be phrased like that:Sería mejor si [usted] se acerca[se|ra] [a mí] y me habla[ra|se] en español.Pronouns in Spanish that can be inferred from context (usually verbal forms) are usually omitted, so "usted" and "a mí" are optional."acercara" and "acercase" are the SAME, no difference whatsoever. Same for "hablara" or "hablase".The difference between "acerca" and "acercara" is that the first is Present and the second is "some past", named "pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo" (not easy to forget once you nailed it in you memory... :D) that it's not "simply" a past, it's kind of a condicional: "if you could come closer...".

Could someone translate these Spanish words to English?

hijole= Would be like "Holy Molly"

a la naca= "Naco(a)" Is a tacky-distasteful-uneducated person "A la naca" Is to do something in an distasteful manner

pupi(s)= Is usually said for people that have a lot of money or act like they do and show it off in attitude and/or clothing. Example: Se cree muy pupis= She thinks she's all that.

rollo= There are so many uses for this. "Hechar mucho rollo"="talks too much"..."Es mucho rollo"="It's to much hassle"..."Que buen rollo"="That's cool stuff"..."Es buen rollo"=usually refers to a person being "Cool people"

mañoso= Someone that has alterier motives, someone that has a hustle a scheme, someone trying to out smart you. "Coneving"

la barba= To smoothe someone. Like a teacher's pet empties the waste basket to gain points, so we say "Le hace la barba a la maestra"

la neta= The truth. The real deal.

limosna= Charity but it refers to a homeless person asking for money is asking for limosna. You don't give limosna to a charity organization for example.

late= "Me late"="I dig"..."Te late?"="You dig?" (Not literaly). Also we say "El/Ella me late"="I like him/her" as in love interest or just to say ththey seem like a nice person.

Who can help with translation assistance for Mexican Spanish?

I can, as I am Maxican.