Could You Answers These Questions

Can you answer the question 4?

First calculate the heat flux through the wall due to heat conduction.
Assuming g one-dimensional flow through the the flat wall it is given by.
h = k ∙ ∆T /x

k thermal conductivity of the wall k = 1.7W/Km for concrete
∆T temperature difference between the two faces of the wall
x thickness of the wall
h = 1.7W/km ∙ 20K / 0.1m = 340W/m²

From the outer surface of the wall heat is transferred to surrounding by conduction through the air and radiation.

The radiant radiant heat flux is given by Stefan_Boltzmann law
j = ε ∙ σ ∙ T⁴
ε emissivity of the surface
σ = 5.6704×10⁻⁸W/m²K⁴ Stefan-Boltzmann constant
T absolute surface temperature of in Kelvins

Conservation of energy requires that heat flux through the wall equals heat flux from the wall to the surrounding. Since we assumed, that conductive flux and radiant flux are the same, we can equate:
h = 2∙ j
h = 2 ∙ ε ∙ σ ∙ T⁴
Solve for ε:
ε = h / (2 ∙ σ ∙ T⁴)
= 340W/m² / (2∙ 5.6704×10⁻⁸W/m²K⁴ ∙ (273.15K)⁴ )
= 0.54

Will you answer this question?

Yes I will.And I just did.Boom

Which one is grammatically correct, "Can someone answer my question?" or "Can anyone answer my question?"

As it is a question, 'anyone' should be used undoubtedly.But you know, American Eng followers are free to use whatever they choose!Thanks

Can anyone help me answer these questions?

2. During hte divine Peleus and Teti marriage, the only godess not invited, Eris(Discord) throw on the table a golden apple, writing on "to the most beutiful", all the godess started to argue on it and at the end stayed 3 goddes "Aphrodites, Athena, Hera". Zeus, afraid to offend the 2 losers godess, didin't give an answer so was selected as judge Parides, the most handsome Priamus' ,king of Troy, son. Aphrodites promised him the most beutiful girl of the Earth, Hera a great power, Athena wisdom and strenght...but he chose Aphrodites. The goddess gave him Elena the nice Menelaus, Agamemnon's brother, wife. When the girl escaped in Troy with Parid, Menelao and Agamemnon declared war to Troy.

3. Yes -Putamaria (waht a strange name!)- is right, Tetis immersed him in the Stix, the immortality river, but taking him for a foot she let the heel dry.

4. Achilles argued with Agamemnon who stole Achilles' slave as war loot and Achilles accused him to be bully. Since Agamemnon was a king and Achilles wasn't, he had to give up, so outraged, he retired by war in his own tent.

5. Only Patroclus' death will make Achilles fight again. The demigod died becouse of an arrow, thrown by Parid, wich strikes Achilles' heel.

6. The war of Trojan hend with the arrive of the big wood horse, contrived by Ulisses, that was carried into Trojan walls as a peace present. During the night, Greek soldiers quit from the horse an killed everybody in the city.

Could you please help to answer these questions?

Reading Assessment

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Questions 1 - 30: Select the best answer to each question.

1. Read the paragraph in order to answer the question.

Harvey loved the game of football. He practiced passing and kicking every day. But, at age 15, Harvey was short and slender. Soaking wet, he barely tipped the bathroom scale at 108 pounds. One day, Harvey told his older brother he was going to try out for the football team. Harvey's brother laughed and suggested that he try out for the chess team.

The main idea in this passage is that
A. Harvey was small for his age, but he was strong.
B. Harvey loved football more than chess.
C. Harvey wanted to play football in spite of his size.
D. Harvey's brother preferred chess to football.

2. Read

How can I properly answer questions?

A. Did you hear the question clearly? If yes, go to B, below.If no, say you didn’t hear the question clearly and ask that it be repeated.B. Do you understand the question? If yes, go to C, below.If no, say you don’t understand the question and ask that it be rephrased.If you still don’t understand it, say so politely. Maybe say something like, “I’m sorry, I don’t know how to answer that.”C. If you are willing to answer the question, go to D, below. If you don’t want to answer the question, for whatever reason, you almost always have the right to refuse to answer it.You could say something like, “I’m sorry, but I'd rather not talk about that.”D. You understand the question and are willing to answer it. Compose yourself and rehearse in your mind what you wish to say. Keep it as simple as possible (don’t answer what wasn’t asked). Most of the time these steps are almost automatic and take only a couple of seconds. Then smile (if appropriate) and give your answer. Be prepared to address follow-up questions. If you are asked another question, go back to A.

Which is correct? "The answer to this question.." or "The answer of this question "?

There’s no easy answer to this question.I don't quite know what to say in answer to your question.It's a difficult situation. And I don't know what the answer to the current crisis is.There are no simple answers to the problems facing the economy.You'll never guess the answer to this puzzle - do you give in?Please answer to your name when it is called. (when your name is called, answer it)The minister promised to give a written answer to the MP's detailed question.In answer to your letter of 30 May, I am writing to accept your offer of £3,575 in compensation.Can you figure out the answer to this question?I'd like to give an honest answer to this question.I'll think it over and give an answer ( to the question) by next week.You give an answer to something.You get an answer from someone.Someone has answers for everything.You have to answer for your misdeeds. (Phrasal verb)

How would you answer the question, What is your philosophy in educating preschool children?

educating preschoolers should begin at home. they don`t learn anything at preschool that you can`t teach them at home. the only benefit I can see is that they can interact with other children.

How could you answer these questions? Preparing for a test in spanish?

I'll write both very formal, and just normal conversation answers.

21. Fui a El Salvador de vacaciones. // A El Salvador.

22. Fui a visitar a mi familia. // A visitar a mi familia.

23. He traido un calendario y un DVD. // Traje un calendario y un DVD. (or simply 'Un calendario y un DVD.)

24. Si, hice 3 buenos amigos. // Not really a way to say that informally. I'm not sure if we use the verb 'I made friends with', but I can't think of something else.

25. Estuve de vacaciones por 2 meses. // 2 meses.

There you go. The very formal ones are more like, grammar class answers, the other ones are the kind of things you would say to a friend, saying the formal ones would make you sound like a spaniard or robotic. Or stupid.