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Do online hacking generators really work?

Nothing is as easy as it is seen on the internet such as online hacking generators. They only trap your information such as i.p address and login details and later sell these on dark web against bitcoins and earn profit

Is it possible to be in love with 2 girls at a single time?

Yes.Well you can love your sister and your girlfriend at the same time.You can love your wife and your little daughter at the same time.If you're not asking this in a family context, then my answer would be.....Yes.Yes, it is possible to love two persons at the same time.And I'm talking about love, not the damn infatuation you develop on seeing a new girl in your class or a new crush on your cousin's friend's neighbour just because you found her voice like christmas bells!And, if you're in love with two people, it doesn't mean you go sucking their faces at alternate hours of the day!It doesn't mean you have to be in a relationship with both, or cheat on one of them with the other.What I'm trying to say is, you can love two persons at the same time, but you cannot be with both of them.You have to let one of them go. Sometimes, both.There's someone who still feels the pain of his ex leaving him to pursue her dreams. A part of his heart still beats for her. She didn't cheat on him, neither hurted him. He still gazes proudly at her photos in the magazines. Yet misses the sound of her sweet laugh.At the same time, his wife is someone he cannot imagine life without. Someone whom he's tied with destiny. Who made him believe love isn't always a one time thing. The sparkle in her eyes is what keeps him going.He never lost his respect as a man, inspite of being in love with two different women.Something like this is what I'm talking about.Doesn't matter if you love two women. Destiny has chosen just one person for you.And you’ll know whom to kiss goodnight and whom to just admire from a distance..:)This content is not to be copied outside or anywhere on Quora.