Cramp Like Feeling In My Chest

A cramp like feeling in my heart?

If it gets worse when you take a deep breath, then it is unlikely to be related to your heart. My guess would be that it is something in your chest wall (like inflamed cartilage) or possibly something lung-related. I wish I could tell you exactly what is happening, but only a doctor can tell you for sure.

I also get sharp chest pains that increase with deep breathing, and it used to worry me, but I feel a lot better about it after working with heart patients and seeing that that's not the way they tend to experience heart pain. So, I just take more shallow breaths and wait it out. For me, it goes away within 30 minutes.

But anyway, I know it can be unnerving. I suggest a visit to the doctor because it's always the safest course of action, and you'll probably wind up getting some reassuring news.

Pain in the center of my chest, feels like a chest cramp?

For the past few years I've had occasional pain in the center of my rib cage. I don't believe it's a heart attack as this cramping feeling is the only symptom and it has been an issue for so long. The pain worsens when I stand up or slouch, and I experience short-term relief when I belch or take a deep breath, but it always comes back. I believe the case I'm experiencing right now might have been related to trying on a tight corset.
I'm sixteen years old and a little nervous. This is a lot worse than most of the cramps I've gotten.
Does anyone have any advice on how to make these cramps more bearable or have any idea of what they might be?

What does it feel like when your chest hurts a little or feels like a cramp from Coke?

If you mean the beverage, it’s probably the carbonation creating pressure on your esophagus. As others have said drink more slowly or switch to a non-carbonated drink like bottled water or iced tea.If you are referring to the white powdery stuff junkies inhale, you are probably having a heart attack. Cocaine raises blood pressure and heart rate, so too much blood tries to get through arteries that are too narrow to accommodate it. This disrupts blood supply to cells and the pain is a warning.Alternatively, cocaine can also disrupt the finely tuned coordination of pumping chambers in the heart which can send you into fibrillation, which is like Lucy in the candy factory.Still a third possibility with cocaine is the electric signals telling valves to open and close, chambers to suck blood in and push it out simply accelerate to warp speed. Normal BPM is 72, though for athletes not on drugs it can come down to 50–60. That’s the heart’s cruising speed. Tachycardia induced by drugs can see your heart rate spike to 300 - BPM, at which speed there isn’t time for the chambers to fill and discharge properly, again depriving cells of blood and resulting in pain.More common is like 180 — which I got to occasionally when I smoked tobacco. I mention tachycardia because it’s a young person’s phenomena and you sound like a young person.So if you mean the beverage, just slow down or switch to iced tea. If you mean the powder just stop doing it. It can also lead to nasal congestion.

Pain in left side of my chest, feels like a muscle cramp?

Hi I'm a 19 year old male. I remember when I was younger (in my early teens) I used to have this chest pain. I went to the doctor and got an EKG but they said everything is fine. It went away for several years.

A few days ago this thing that feels like a cramp has come back in the left side of my chest. It feels like its directly in my lungs. It really hurts sometimes to breathe in because it expands my chest. This forces me to take in tiny breaths.Sometimes the pain feels like I'm going to have a heart attack and I'll run over to someone just in case there's an emergency....

Can anyone help me? I'm only writing this because I'm having bad symptoms right now.

What do chest pains and stomach cramps mean?

Stomach cramps with vomiting could be gastroenteritis, but you really need to call your emergency services with chest pain

Chest cramps// Makes inhaling painful. How do I make 'em go away?

As long as you've been cleared medically, try slow deep breathing. You will have to endure the pain at first but it should lessen as you continue. Inhale slowly through your nose and fill your lungs as completely as you can. Hold it for the count of 3, then slowly exhale through pursed lips. This is called pursed-lip breathing. Try 5 reps of this inhale-exhale cycle whenever you think about it and see if it helps.

So many people here are suggesting cardiac problems and telling you to get a chest X-ray but angina (chest pain) is not dependent on inhalation. Angina occurs whether one is inhaling or exhaling. And this doesn't sound like heart failure either.

Feels like my heart cramps/seizes up, whats wrong?

This has happened for the longest time ever, just under a random moment I feel like someone is squeezing my heart, thats what it feels like. It feels like its cramping and seizing up.

I'm healthy, I'm fit, I don't know why this could be happening.

Can anyone give me an idea?