Creative Ways To Refurbish A Tricycle

Why am I dreaming of an unknown place again and again?

You know I do believe a lot of us have these kind of dreams if not all of us… Another one I think we all have is people in are dreams that while we are dreaming we know them well. They are maybe a neighbor in the dream you are close too, and dream a lot about but in the real world you have never met them before.I have a few places I frequent in my dreams but have never seen or been too. One is a bar… It is a bar where I am a bar maid, and the people are always the same (most are wise in one way or another, women and men one old man in particular is important to me while I am in the dream) the bar is always the same too… I really love that dream scenario. There is also a campground I go to a lot, along with a wild life preserve (sometimes I dream of them together and sometimes I only dream of one or the other) most of the time to get to these two places I have to drive. It is increasingly harder to drive to the campground then the wildlife preserve. Regardless they are both challenging dreams and I tend to have the feeling of dread and try to avoid going to them in the dream and most of the time I can stop it. Sometimes I am brave enough to take it on. The wildlife dream has an interesting place when I push it past the nightmare… Its sacred and wonderful.Okay given what I shared above here… My places appear to be representing challenges of probably experiences I have had in real that I still need to overcome, or are overcoming as time goes by. Our subconscious can be funny like that.For example- As a child and all though my 20’s I would dream of a bridge that was about to topple and I would have to cross it. I would always fall through the holes. As I started to overcome a lot of my fears in life, the dream changed. The last time I had the dream, the Bridge was like brand new, strong, invincible. Only I had about 100 more feet or so to go lol. It wasn’t complete!Totally psychological! and neat, very neat…I have a lot of these places some that I still go to that I did way back when I was a kid. Not a 100% certain what they are all about. I believe there is a spiritual twist too. This is my take on mine.Maybe you might notice some correlations to your places and your life experiences too? Interesting stuff… let us know where it takes you. Definitely read all the suggestions people have. Anything might help you connect the dots… Interpreting your dreams are just like a puzzle. Not all the pieces look right but you would be surprised which ones fit where.