Cried At The Movie Click Am I Now A Vg

I haven't cried in years, is something wrong with me? I'm not a very emotional person.

Just because you are not expressing a lot of “loud” emotions doesn’t mean you aren’t feeling. Everybody feels. However, you might not feel comfortable with your feelings and therefore are suppressing yourself. Maybe you are overintellectualizing your responses to your environment and the things that are happening to you.You could start getting more in touch with your feelings by writing down your thoughts and what you think are your feeling s into a daily journal. Write as fast as possible, and don’t stop to think or make corrections, don’t even worry about spelling or grammar. Do this for ten minute intervals every day, then after a few days start reading what you wrote. Within time you will start to see things that you repeat, and those are clues to what you are feeling.Emotions are our bodies’ physical response to our thinking and environment. That is why the tears, the tension, the burning in the stomach, etc. A good way to get more in touch with your body is by taking a dance class, specifically modern dance or an ethnic style. When you move, you will be getting in touch with how your body feels as well as how the music is making you feel—which you are automatically expressing through your moves.Another way to get more in touch with your feelings is to sit down and do a kind of meditation where you put your hands on your knees, close your eyes, breathe in and out deeply, and try to think only about your breath. When a lot of people first start doing this a lot of pent up emotions come up to the surface. It is very distracting to them because they want a quiet mind, but in a way it is actually very good because it is giving a chance to the repressed feelings to come to the surface so they can be dealt with.Another way to get in touch with your emotions is to enjoy some kind of art form, such as music, watching people dance, art, poetry, books, etc. Pay attention to your responses. Those are emotions. You might even find something you are passionate about, and that too is an emotion.