Currently Writing A Bucket List Anything Like Lunar Eclipses Or Solar Eclipses

Things to put on a teen bucket list?

55. Have a contest to see who can finish a gallon of milk.
56. Sleep on the roof.
57. Reenact a scene from your favorite movie.
58. Go swimming in jeans.
59. Paint your face neon colors and go out in public like nothing's wrong.
60. Go hiking/camping.

List of things you can see in the sky?

Other than the obvious things like birds and planes, what we see in the sky is endless. We can see the sunlight sparkling on a cloud. We can see the looming clouds of tomorrow's rain. We can see the sunburn that threatens our flesh. We can see the space where the inhabitants of some distant planets may someday fly through to land and join us on earth. We can see the future of harnessing the light rays of the sun, thus saying goodbye to oil. We can see the vast intricacies of space and time and marvel at the galaxy that is ours.

We can look at the clouds like the Charlie Brown character and see the forms of a Duckie or Goosey. We can allow our imagination to reign supreme, because there is no limit to what we can see in the sky.

Why is there an activity on the Moon and we hear nothing from NASA?

What activity on the moon do you think is happening that you think NASA should be reporting on?There was the recent Chinese lander - but that was nothing to do with NASA.There is the Lunar Reconaisance Orbiter[1], which is taking very accurate pictures of the moon’s surface, but hasn’t found anything particularly newsworthy recently - and it wasn’t expected to. Although it could be that the LRO will take some pictures in the not too distant future which will show a new impact crater from the meteorite which collided with the moon during the lunar eclipse[2].There are the Artemis P1 & P2 orbiters[3] which aren’t really orbiting the moon but are in a so called libration orbit, orbiting Earth, the moon and the sun in a looping orbit. These orbiters are doing deep scientific measurements of how the magnetic fields around the sun and Earth are impacted by the moon.There is no permanent base on the moon, and according to this page[4], there are only three operational NASA lunar missions as listed above.If you read the right web pages or scientific journals, you will I am sure see updates from these missions, but their role isn’t to produce public newsworthy announcements - I doubt you will see anything from LRO, or Artemis on the national news.Footnotes[1] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter[2] Watch a Meteor Smack the Blood Moon in This Lunar Eclipse Video![3][4] List of missions to the Moon - Wikipedia