Cutting Problem Teenage Girl

Are teenage girls the only ones that have cutting problems?

I frequently see patients in the mental health hospital where I work that have self-mutilation issues (cutting, burning, minor drug overdosing, etc.). I work with adult patients- over 18 years old. Many people who cut in their teens do not stop. I've seen frequent cutters as old as 56. Men do it too, or other forms of self-mutilation. They don't do it just as a method of true suicide- most of it is due to borderline personality disorder (Google that if you need to, but stick to reputable web sites). Cutting for suicide is very different than cutting for "release, anger, or to feel something"- these people will try to cut in a lethal manner, like the throat.

At what point do you “cut off” a teenage girl at the dinner table? Or do you let them eat as much as they want (even if that is 3-4 full cheeseburger and lots of fries)?

Hey. You know what might help instead of fat shaming a teenaged girl who, apparently, is not fat, but you apparently know better than her stomach and brain if she’s hungry?Providing something else for dinner than enough cheese burgers to make you notice.Some teenagers are an eternal size 0, with a high metabolism. Also: fun fact: not everyone grows on an identical schedule. Changing bodies need fuel. Hungry is hungry.At what point should you ‘cut her off at the dinner table’? When she tells you she’s stress-eating and would like some help with that from you.Instant Edit: This is a sensitive topic for me. I apologize for not wording it more gently.

Teenage daughter is cutting herself?

I used to self harm and I am now a mentor to help students who have gone through the same things as me.

First off all I am sorry about your wife's death, it's very sad. When teenagers start to self harm, the majority of the time it is caused by a past experience that has happened. In my case it was the bullying and the abuse I was going through at home. As your wife passed away a few months ago, this could be the reason why your daughter has started to self harm as she is very upset and heartbroken over her mother's death and she doesn't know how to cope about it. People who self harm keep their feelings all bottled up, and sometimes they blame themselves and they go through guilt, but most of the time they feel that physical pain is easier to deal with than emotional pain and they feel in control and in power when they start to self harm.

Self harming is a very horrible thing to go through and your daughter is going to need a lot of help. Your daughter needs to know that you are not mad at her and you are there for her, and supporting her. Don't be mad at her and just be there for her. No matter what you are feeling, put your emotions and feelings aside, and don't be angry. When you are talking to your daughter make sure you talk to your daughter in a nice calm voice, don't interrupt, listen to her, remain eye contact, smile, hug her, be there for her and talk to her.

Your daughter might not open to you as you are very close to her and she might want to talk to somebody she doesn't know - teenagers do hide things away from their parents so don't feel upset if she does and also remember that talking to somebody is the best thing to do, and your daughter should talk to somebody who deals with this like a school counsellor or a therapist.

Good luck xoxo

What is the best strategy to stop teen girls from cutting?

Have you ever been in a movie theatre, eyes glued to the screen, suspense stifling your breath? As the music pounds to a crescendo your heart races filling your whole body with the weight of the moment.The story plays with your emotions and your body feels the intensity. Relief washes over you and your breath floods back as the hero breaks free from their enemy and rescues the object of their affection.Now imagine being in the theatre again, but this time as your mind races to find any link to victory there’s no weight on your chest, no throbbing heart. While your mind surges with the moment your body knows nothing of this agony.Welcome to the mind behind cutting.I know because I’ve stood in the bathroom with rolled up sleeves. I didn’t want to cut. I just wanted to know that my pain was real. I felt trapped in my mental agony that no one could see. I wanted to feel physically what I felt mentally.How did I get through? Someone told me my agony was real. Someone told me that feeling hurt wasn’t wrong. Someone told me that I was allowed to cry.This someone dared to listen. Week after week she listened. And week after week she told me my pain was real, but so was my ability to overcome.You see, when we feel something so acutely that no one else can see or feel, it makes us feel foolish. The truth is I wanted to talk. I wanted to not be alone in my pain, but I was afraid I would be seen as weak or confused. My friend undid it all and all she did was listen and affirm.She gave me a safe place to hurt. To pour out my mental agony and I didn’t feel the need to express my agony physically. This in turn filled me with confidence to engage and stop hiding in “aloneness.”So this is my advice, my request as a teen girl who almost did cut herself, but made it adulthood with unscarred arms, sit down with your hurting friend, sister, or daughter. Pretend you’re in a movie theatre. They’re about to tell you the story that makes their mind race but their body can’t feel. Listen well and give their heart permission to pound by telling them that their pain is real and so is their ability to overcome.

Story ideas about problems teen girls have, other than cliche ideas?

How about a girl who appears to have everything together but fears that life is just a meaningless game.

How common is it for teenage girls that cut to eventually commit suicide?

One study found that almost half of people who self-harm reported at least one suicide attempt (Klonsky, 2011).[1]Attempts, of course, are not successes, especially in women.[W]omen are roughly three times more likely to attempt suicide, though men are around three times more likely to die from suicide.[2]Further, due to men commonly choosing more effective methods, women often attempt suicide multiple times before succeeding, unlike men.Around 62 percent of women who are successful in suicide have made a previous attempt, but when it comes to men, 62 percent of those who die from suicide have not had a previous attempt[3]Self-harmers are often trying to prevent suicide by self-harming, and often their risk of suicide increases if self-harm ceases to offer relief. Suicide is also less frightening to accomplish for these individuals, leading for the potential of higher success rates. That said, most self-harmers have no or low suicidal intent.[4]I’m not sure how these statistics can be combined, if they can at all, but suicide attempts are common for self-harmers, though success rates should be fairly low, as most self-harmers are women, and most women fail in committing suicide.Footnotes[1] Self-harm and Suicide - Centre for Suicide Prevention[2] Are There Gender Differences in Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors?[3] Are There Gender Differences in Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors?[4] Self-harm and Suicide - Centre for Suicide Prevention

What vitamins should teen girls to make their hair grow ?

My greatest concern is that you're 16 w/ high blood pressure. However, I will deal with the question you asked help with.

My questions pertain to your hair care practices and the texture of your hair:

Do you have curly hair?
- curly hair needs more water based moisture to protect the ends from breakage.

Do you have tons of breakage?
- If you are experiencing breakage, you need to determine what the cause is - usually dryness of the hair. It could be that your hair is growing but you don't see the results of said growth due to breakage (not to be confused with shedding) and hair vitamins will not benefit you if this is the case.

Do you protective style your hair?
- Protecting your ends from harsh elements can help preserve them, thus you will retain your growth.

Could it perhaps be your diet?
- Hair is mostly protein, a diet rich in lean sources of protein (fish, chicken) and dark leafy green vegetables can help promote healthy hair.

Okay, now on to the vitamins:

The most popular vitamin on the market is Nioxin Intensive Therapy Hair Vitamins. Nioxin is a hair industry leader in hair restoration.

Biotin is also known for helping to promote hair growth, however, biotin is also known to cause acne breakouts, which can be offset by taking a B-complex vitamin.

Again, if you take biotin, also take a b-complex vitamin.

It takes some time and patience to see results. A watched pot never boils. I would recommend that every morning and evening, you LIGHTLY moisturize the ends of your hair and put it up in a bun to protect the ends.

Take pictures of your hair beginning today and in 2 months time, take another picture and compare your growth.

Best of luck to you in improving and restoring your hair.