Dad Shuts Me Out And I

How can i make my dad shutup?

He sounds like he likes the sound of hes own voice... you can smile and say yes dad, gotta go :)

whack on headphones and listen to music :)

My dad never shuts up!!!?

i feel the same way my dad goes to work at 4am gets home at around 4 and just bothers me and nags me and everyone including my friends and oh he thinks he's funny to and try's to tell jokes that make him look dumb anyways i know it's not right but i just kinda avoid my dad now like if my friends want to go somewhere i make them pick me up before he gets home so he won't bug me

I told my dad to shut up?

The 5th Commandment (or 4th if you're Catholic) is "Honor your father and mother".

You should respect your parents.

In my opinion though, respect between ones parents should be mutual. The only way you will maintain a good relationship with your father is if you both respect each other.

You should tell him this, if not now, then when you're older. You will have more freedom eventually.

My dad told me to shut up. Is that abuse?

Irrespective of how all the other answers are constructed, I cannot follow their pattern.No, what he did was no where close to abuse. Kids, this generation, need to understand this. Abuse from a parent is when he/she beats up the kids. Not when he is trying to make you strong.Why in the world could you not carry your bag? Why should he be carrying your bag? Kids these days get most things done by parents. Starting from waking up kids, handing kids water to drink, breakfast to eat, carrying their books, dropping them at school, to start in the morning. Most of these could be done by the kids themselves.You would not have felt this as abuse if you did not feel that you were entitled to have your dad carry your backpack. That is not true and completely inappropriate. If you are able to post this question on quora, I assume you are at least over 12 years old. You are a member of a family. Start learning to contribute to the family if you can. Do not become a burden. Habits start very young. Chose which habits you want to learn.

I told my Dad to shut up, was I wrong?

Okay so this is what happen.... I was driving on a road I'd never been before and yelled "TURN TURN TURN" And I panicked because on coming traffic so I said "its fine ill turn at the next light stop yelling." So after I said that he starts yelling more on purpose like a kid even though I explained yelling while I'm driving makes lose it he yells and complains more and finally he yells and turns my wheel a little and I got mad. One hes yelling two he moved the wheel!!!! So I said "omg shut up im driving" and he smacked me not hard but still I got more mad and I said "im DRIVING dont hit me whats wrong with you!!!!?!" So am I in the wrong or whats that shut up appropriate?

My dad always tells me to shut up?

He's watching movies and playing video games ALL THE TIME (literally, he plays until 12 Am and starts when he gets home from work) and I'll get a snack or make a tiny noise or say something to my mom and he tells me to shut up or shut the F*ck up. He's always lecturing me about respect, so he's kind of a hypocrite, he thinks he doesnn't have to respect me since I'm the child. I think he should at least be decent to me.

If I would say shut up he would kill me. I would get grounded for a month and get spanked, probably. (Even though I'm a 13 year old girl and that seems a little unacceptable.) He never apologizes and does it all the time, although it's not the worst thing he does. He says it when I never even talk to him, I just have to make a tiny noise. He's been doing it for years.

What should I do?

Dad shut me out... what's wrong with me?

He used to dote on me, but in the past few years he has been almost cruel. I graduated from college and immediately went to Michoacán, Mexico, because my dream was to play in a band there, and I also wanted to be a TEFL teacher. I did those things, and when I was down there, he wrote me emails about how "Do you realize that your being down there is hurting your mother's health?" I didn't WANT to hurt my mom. I just wanted my dream, and to be somebody in the world. I didn't want to be unemployed or trapped in a crap job at home, which is all Greensboro has to offer.

Finally he guilted me into coming back "home" and now he shuts me out. My parents are divorced and he's a farmer in GA. I'm not allowed to even visit his farm. I'm his daughter and I'm a good "kid," not a sex criminal.

He came to visit us over Christmas and became verbally abusive and his words were like knives in me. He said that I "did not deserve" to live at home and that he demanded that I "get the hell out" of my mother's house. My mom just stood and watched. I called my best friend crying and he reprimanded me for "whining." My mom didn't try to comfort me because "I'm busy waiting on your father."

I know he resents me bc I didn't "do the right thing and have kids" like my cousin "Laura." Before his explosion, he was bloviating about how he tells other customers at the grocery that "my daughter is too lazy so I'll never be a grandpa."

My dad told me "Shut up, bitch." What should I do?

It sounds as if your father comes from a place of very profound pain. To strike out at your child to speak to them in this manner indicates that he, himself, is suffering greatly. In all likelihood, this has nothing whatsoever to do with you and you are just receiving the bleed-over of his own pain. Is it possible that your father has his own pain that he is dealing with — and perhaps has been dealing with since he was a child? Could it be that his model for how a father should behave was his own father, who didn’t treat him well?Often times we do what has been done to us because it is the only way we know how to respond. It would be strange for someone who has been tormented their entire lives and isn’t conscious of this deeply-embedded programming to act with kindness and compassion. It takes an act of profound will to step back from yourself to look at the programming you have been shackled with and to disconnect from that to respond to stimuli in a way other than you have been shown in your life. This doesn’t excuse what he has done — it may, however, make it easier for you to see him as a consequence of his own unconsciousness combined with his past experiences than as someone who is fully in control of what they do, think, and feel.

My dad told me to shut the f**k up and now i hate him?

You're being a normal teenage brat - don't stress too much about it. By now your Dad has already cooled off and forgiven you, he is just waiting for you to make the next move. So you can be the adult and apologize for what you said or be a teen and sulk like a brat. Either way, he is already over it.