Dare A Young Man To Dream

What does it mean when you’re getting married in a dream if you're single?

In general, a dream of a wedding can point to a new beginning or transition in your life. Think about how you were feeling in the dream; it can reflect how you feel about commitment in you waking life. The wedding ring can represent love and/or completeness.I don’t think it has anything to do with the guy, but I think it has to do with you and the way you are right now. It is possible you are happy and healthy and really like yourself right now. You may be on the cusp of a new period in your life. That could mean a relationship, but it could also mean a new job or a change in your job, moving to a new place, going to a new place, or any number of other things.It sounds like it was a hopeful, happy dream. Good luck!

Is it right for a woman to date someone 2-3 years younger than her?

No when:One of them is underage (16;14) and they're having sex(But it happens and no one gets hurt, and then sometimes they do..)If the woman is nearing the age of her fertility dropping (say 33+) and the man is 29/30Still ok - but if he decides he's not ready to have kids after a few years she might struggle. So they just need to definitely HAVE this conversation sooner rather than laterIf the boy is immatureThe 'dating' will have an expiration dateBut mostly yes because:Being happyShould be the key quotient of successAlmost every relationship I had was with a slightly (from 9 months - 7 years) older woman (see here for that story)Age was not why we're not together anymoreA woman wouldn't date a younger man blindlyThey guy is probably matureIt's a cool quirk of the relationshipA lot of life-long humour there :)To get my advice upon dating and relationships head here

Seeing my younger self crying in a dream?

Oooo - this is a very important dream - try to get this one written out and remember it.

This is that terribly important contact that people can make with their past - which is why dreams are important when you're trying to understand yourself. What you see/hear is yourself having been abused. And it's terribly helpful to know that you were the innocent victim of this.

This is the sort of thing therapists are very happy to see finally come up. It reveals the depth of your pain as a little kid. And it's important to know that because mostly we just deny all that.

The child - you - can't answer. The emotion is too big and bad. But in time that 4 year old will tell you - if you're listening.

Can u ever dream your future?????

I have experieced this several times. People have told me it's deja vu, but deja vu is only a strange feeling that you have done something before, not actually dreaming about it.

I was able to experiment a bit (very limited), where in some cases I tried to follow how the dream played out, and in some cases I tried to do it differently.

My conclusion...

I don't know. I have never met anybody else with the same experience, and haven't been able to find anything on the internet either. Don't worry about seeing the future though, if things come true, they will, if they don't, they won't. Worrying about it won't help a stich.

I would suggest looking into "lucid dreams" which is the closest thing I found where one can control their own dreams, which I have also experienced. Interesting stuff.

Good luck, and try to enjoy it, there aren't too many mystical things in the world today.

Why do so many young women rush marriage.?

being married is often seen as a sign of maturity and success for a woman. And women are given a harder time about being single than men are (still). I know lots of young women who are regularly told "You are such a nice young lady, I don't understand why you don't have someone."

Personally, having a wedding does not make someone maturity, growing and having experiences does that so I figure it's better to wait until you've found the person you want to be with rather than marrying because you want to be married.

What's a man in a black suit mean in a dream and in supernatural things?

Okay, I've looked everywhere on the internet and it doesn't tell me anything. I'm just curious, I personally don't claim to believe in god or anything of the sort, but I do respect the fact that there are unexplained things. I'm asking this, because ever since I was little I've had reoccurring nightmares/night terrors about him. Usually he'll be behind me, facing me head on, or getting closer every time I blink. I can't scream and it's nearly impossible to run. In my dream my body feels physically heavy like every time i try to move I melt into the floor. In my dream I fall to the point of trying to crawl and sometimes I can't move at all. I view them as nothing more than bad dreams, but I haven't had them in years now. Except last month I had a horrible one of it and it had changed. I'm curious also, since a blog I follow for fun is doing spooky dares. I don't participate, but every time I read about one it says if you see a man in a suit end what ever your doing immediately. Why? What does he mean? I'm just curious, but I'm not gonna lie, he's spooky as hell. Oh and just to let you know in my dreams he always wheres a black hat usually.

13 year old girl having sex dreams about 17 year old boy?

OKay, well im 13 and think this guy who is 17 is extremely hot and i cant stop thinking about him- and i see him looking at me and my friends say he looks at me as well but thing is...its turned to having sex dreams about him...and its new to me. i normally just dream about kissing actors and makeing out with them...even in the bath tub i start to day dream about him(seventeen year old) and know...
and one time he lifted up his shirt and was looking at me looking hot and i could see his stomuch...i had a feeling of desire...and its scares me cause i dont understand it....
so please if some one could help! please give some advice.

Is it appropriate for a 52 year old man to date a 29 year old woman?

Lol don't listen to these people here as they are skewed in their thoughts.Yes it's inappropriate. Whether it is a man or woman. Don't listen to this bs that love knows no age. Guys and women will just say that crap because they are old and want a younger person to be with which is creepy. If you are in your 50′s, have some respect and don't be with someone that would be your child's age.For one, that relationship will never last. Second, don't rob a person of their life by some weird infatuation, even if the 29 year old is initiating some form of relationship. It's creepy, wrong and manipulative. Would you a 52 year old date a 75 year old? I didn't think so unless you were doing it as a way to get inheritance money or a life insurance policy.All the older person would do is eventually treat you as a child, ownership, possession once the crazy idea relationship starts to fall apart.Any intelligent person knows how this will end.

I dreamed of killing my girlfriend. should I tell her?

Do whatever you can to get those images out of your head. Forget about it. And I wouldn't recommend telling her about it. How long have you been together? Maybe you watched a graphic TV show or movie and that is where your thought originated from. If you think about this more often, WHILE AWAKE, stay away from her until you figure out what in the world is going on.