Darkness Does Not Always Equate To Evil Just As Light Does Not Always Bring Good

Movie quote: Darkness does not equate evil, just as light does not equal good.?

I think it might not be from a movie, rather a book.

House of Night Series by P. C. Cast

"Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good"

Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good?

true. darkness can be used for good and light can be used for evil

Meaning of "darkness does not always equate to evil-just as light does not always bring good"?

darkness does not always equate to evil-just as light does not always bring good"

so i came across this quote in one of my books im reading and i fell in love with it. just wrapping my mind around what it means is kind of confusing me. meaning how can dark be good and how can light be bad when we grow up being taught and learning the exact opposite? i guess what im asking is maybe for examples or a deeper explanation of the quote.

thank you in advance.

"Darkness does not always equate to evil as light does not always equate to good" What is the meaning?

its saying don't interpret something or someone by there appearance, they could be the complete opposite .

Can darkness be as good as light?

Dark and Light are ancient precepts denoting the cosmic forces of flow that craft and shape the universe. Dark is cold and difficult to discern, and so it took on a left-handed or sinister aspect in mythology. Light is warm and bright, and reveals all, and so it took on the right-handed or dexter aspect in mythology. They were not so much equated to good and evil traditionally, instead filling the two roles necessary for reality to exist. Without two opposing forces, only stagnation and static is possible.As Hamlet would say, “…for there is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so. “

Why is darkness always associated with evil?

We sleep in darkness, we are most intimate in darkness, some of the greatest expressions of love, laughter, and joy are experienced in the dark. So why have we as a society, cursed the absense of illumination, with the stigma of bieng bad?

If darkness is the absence of light. Cold, the absence of heat. Is good the absence of evil, or is evil the absence of good?

Well according to the way you've characterised the other properties where the apparently negative aspect (or the one most people associate with the negative) is defined by the absence of the positive then I would say that to you, evil is the absence of good.I say that because:Darkness nearly always has negative connotations in all human cultures and languages, in English:the state or quality of being dark :The room was in total darkness.2. absence or deficiency of light:the darkness of night.3. wickedness or evil:Satan, the prince of darkness.4. obscurity; concealment:The darkness of the metaphor destroyed its effectiveness.5. lack of knowledge or enlightenment:heathen darkness.6. lack of sight; blindness. the definition of darkness You've made a condition where darkness which is synonymous with evil is defined as the absence of light which is synonymous with good. So what's the point of asking for yet another definition of the same thing?Also cold as the adsence of heat is exactly the same statement. Cold is another widely accepted negative as in English.Cold: having a relatively low temperature; having little or no warmth:cold water; a cold day.2. feeling an uncomfortable lack of warmth; chilled:The skaters were cold.3. having a temperature lower than the normal temperature of the human body:cold hands.4. lacking in passion, emotion, enthusiasm, ardor, etc.; dispassionate:cold reason.5. not affectionate, cordial, or friendly; unresponsive:a cold reply; a cold reception.6. lacking sensual desire:She remained cold to his advances.7. failing to excite feeling or interest:the cold precision of his prose.the definition of cold In most cultures especially those with significantly different seasonal temperatures, I'm sure that coldness is associated with death, suffering, illness and evil. Whilst heat or warm is associated with life, happiness, health and goodness. Consider the difference between public holidays in the summer and those in the winter. Halloween is a great example of the negative connotations associated with cold. So again you've as good as said "evil is the absence of good."Personally I think that the term absence is a bit too absolute because negative and postive, light and dark, good and evil, cold and hot all compliment each a bit like the yinyang symbol.

Augustine argued that evil is the absence of good. Is it equally possible that good is the absence of evil?

No; it’s analogous to physics: dark is the absence of light but light is a real measurable energy presence with different wave lengths and colours.Cold is the absence of heat—but again—heat is a real measurable quantity that is discernible in the speed of the movement of molecules that generate it.There are more examples of such polarity in physics, but suffice it to say, in our world—good is the “real thing”—the active force, and evil is its absence.We feel cold as though it were an entity and we see darkness as though it were a tangible oppressive presence—but our perceptions are not good measures of that reality beyond direct experience. We feel and see evil actions and think of it as an active force—but it is a vacuum, a void, an absence that still ‘lives’ and has the power to chill us to the heart and leave us wandering in darkness.