Daughter In Trouble With School And I Don

Daughter in trouble at school. What should I do?

We moved to a small district in Texas about two months ago, after the semester began, and I had no idea they had paddling in this school.

My daughter is 15 and at her school they have a rule that more than 3 tardy's to any 1 class is a trip to the principal. This morning, she got sent to the principal for 3 tardies PLUS being chatty in class, and the principle said that since I hadn't signed the corporal punishment slip that they couldn't paddle her, so instead she gave her ISS 2 days next week. The only way out of it is for me to sign the slip.

My daughter would REALLY rather take the licks because even though she is nervous about it, ISS would mean missing her swim meet. But I'm nervous about letting them paddle her-I was paddled in jr high and it was humiliating & painful. Should I really let her make that choice?

I also wanted to add that I don't have a problem with spanking itself. I spanked my kids when they were small. However I'm not so sure about the school doing it. The principal did say that the parent can go in and spank the child instead (I assume that means they lend you the paddle and you spank them in front of the principal?) I'd be more for that than the principal doing it herself. I really don't know what I should do. Maybe if the school does it, it makes more of an impact? Or I should go to the school and paddle her myself? Perhaps that would be too embarrassing. I do think she deserves SOMEthing as she has been warned over and over about tardies

I got in trouble today at school??

Soooo today at school I had a really horrible day. like mother ****** I hated it so much. so like after MATH CLASS. my whole class had to go to ******* art class ( which is my worst period of all ) My friend Caitlin and I sit next to each other in art class and we like talk a lot and by a lot I mean A LOT. A WHOLE ******* LOT. and our art teacher gets mad at it. but today when we sat next to each other we started fooling around with paper. and talking. and then Caitlin said this soooo boring. god I hate it. then she got a glue and put it on paper then stuck it on my clothes. and glue got all over me. so I stuck glue on her too. ( I know sooo childish and crazy) the we started going sooooo crazy. my art teacher saw ( she is like an 80 year old with a really sharp temper that no one can really stand ) and she said OK BOTH OF YOU GO BACK TO YOUR MATH PERIOD. RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then we Caitlin and I went to the classroom our math teacher said ok both of you go to the principles office. and in the office we had to talk with the principle. it was sooo ******* dumb and boring I hated it. now she sent a detention slip home and I am afraid to show it to my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 help pls.

My 8 year old daughter is getting in trouble at school (disobeying, talking, kicking) to discipline?

We only have one consequence for getting in trouble at school. That is a SPANKING. I have 3 girls, they all know what the punishment is should they try that one. I am not talking about minor stuff, that the teacher deals with. I am talking about anything that their teacher feels the need to either call me, or pull me aside and tell me about. This means, if my daughters are punished by the teacher (losing recess, pin moved down on chart, or any other kind of warning) I leave it at that. If the teacher feels she needs our support she will pull me aside. I set it up like this at the beginning of every year, I have a talk with the teacher, and ask them to help me, help them. If my daughters don't turn their day around via teachers instructions, we make the proper adjustments on their bottoms when they get home.

When I am talking about spanking, I am not talking about a single swat to the covered bottom. In our home, it's pants/panties down, and over the lap, for a good red tush. Children, especially at 8, hate spankings (i know mine do) and will work hard at following the rules to avoid them. If the consistency is strong in your home, to the point your daughter KNOWS with out a doubt, she will get a spanking for certain behavior, she'll stop, GUARANTEED.

Give it a try, and good luck

My daughter got into a fight at school...?

Good for your daughter. There are several things I can not stand. Bullies-boys girls, adults and even animals----Girls who don't stand up for themselves----and people who stand there and watch somebody being picked on.

My advice for you? Have some male figure in your daughters life to teach her how to punch and kick and let her know that though you don't approve fighting you are glad she wasn't starting any, and that she was defending her friend.

Is your daughter a good student? Do the teachers seem to like her in class and does she cause any other trouble? If all or most of these questions and others related are in favor of your daughter than I don't know what your problem is. The teachers know if she is a good student and if this behavior is something that will continue. And the parents of the girl that got hurt bad enough should be smart enough to know that their daughter started the fight and they have no case... so don't worry about it. As long as your daughter is under 18 and there was no manslaughter in her mind at the time she'll be good.

My daughter is violent what should i do?

Her and her father just don't get along so when shes in trouble its full out war.
Sounds like 'daddy' needs to set a better example

My daughter has also had problems in school shes very smart but she disrespects the teachers and finds it funny.
Let me ask you something. Does the teacher respect her? Resspect works two ways you know.

she hangs out with other kids and never hurts them but she says that the goody two shoes annoy her. she recently had a friend over that was a goody two shoes that she got along with and my daughter said she was pushed off a skateboard and was almost pushed down a hill by railroad tracks and the friend stared hitting her but didn't leave marks. My son said it was true the friend hit her for no reason but also that my daughter started throwing punches.
Your daughter was defending herself. What did you expect. She was nearly killed and then her friend hit her. Come on. Think lady

My daughter left bruises on the kids back. In the past she has been beat up a lot. in fifth grade she was in a fight a day but rarely won and she was fighting the same guy every time. All her other friends think she is hilarious and so does she but she hurt a kid and the other friends still find it hilarious. I took away her cell phone after the fight with the friend but she Just screams you are making it worse you are making it worse. I don't want her to text people that are encouraging her to hurt people.
You punished her for defending herself?

I didnt have these problems with my other children Her teachers have told me to have her checked for A.D.D but muy daughter just screams and cry she doesnt want to. What should i do???
She might have ADD but she needs her mother to be on her side. Yes have her checked but you need to start thinking about your behavior too.

Daughter wants to become a doctor but struggles in school?

Well, a question you may want to ask yourself is what motivates your daughter to be a doctor. If the motivation is solely a television show glamorizing medicine, then it may be helpful for your daughter to actually volunteer at a hospital. By volunteering at an actual hospital your daughter may see that the Field of medicine is not as glamorous as she believes it to be. A good friend of mine, brilliant person, studied all through college to be a doctor, took the MCAT and did well. However, before medical school started he did an internship in medicine, the first time he had ever done so, and realized that he hated the field of medicine; he couldn't stand the fact that the majority of his life would be spent with severely sick people, it was depressing to him. If after your daughter has volunteered at a hospital she still has interest, then I would sit down and create a plan with her. You do not have to be a genius in science and math to be accepted into medical school, believe it or not but medical school is all about memorizing not theorizing. She should go to a college that has a pre-med program and major in one of the humanities--English literature, sociology. The major mistake I see in kids who want to go to medical school is this ridiculous belief that they have to major in a science to do so, not the case at all. A college with a pre-med program will provide the science and math courses essential to apply to a medical school program--Calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, organic chemistry and that's it. Your daughter can get into a medical school, it may not be the best one in the nation but still a medical school.