Daughters 6 Month Old Pup Has Parvo

What should I do if my 6 month old puppy has diarrhea?

Take your puppy to the vet. Best case scenario it ate something and it's got an upset tummy and it'll clear up on its own. Worst case scenario your puppy has parvovirus. Which can be deadly, and can kill quickly. It's also very contagious to other dogs, so your putting others at risk the longer you wait if that's what’s wrong with your dog. Bring a stool sample to the vets if you can, chances are they'll ask for one anyway, might as well be prepared. Parvovirus tests are pretty quick. If parvovirus is what your puppy has immediate treatment is necessary. They can die from parvovirus even if receiving treatment. I cannot stress enough how serious this is. It mostly affects young unvaccinated dogs.I realize vet appointments are expensive, but personally I'd rather the piece of mind knowing my new puppy wasn't seriously ill.

My 3 months old puppy is suffering from food poisoning/parvo virus for six days. His symptoms are vomiting and loose motion. He is surviving on glucose drill every day. He has not taken food. What should I do?

Get this sick animal to the animal hospital.  If it's Parvo, his life is on the line.  Food poisoning shouldn't keep a dog down for that  long, as their digestive tracts are specially equipped to handle some nasty stuff.  But Parvo - this is a DEADLY VIRUS in dogs.Added after further reading:It sounds like Parvo. I think it comes from birds/ bird crap. It is a deadly disease.  CALL AROUND TO VETS IN YOUR AREA TO SEE IF ANY HAVE HAD SUCCESS CONQUERING THIS DISEASE IN ITS ACTIVE STAGE. I lost several beautiful puppies to this horrid disease. They picked it up in an irrigated park where old canal water was still standing.  (You know, puppies + water puddles) I wasn't cautious of it as me and my husband used to PLAY in this irrigation water when we were kids!My pups became SO sick, they were under 24/7 hospital care with IV drips. The vet could no longer watch them suffer.  After 4 days she asked permission to euthanize them.  I felt like a total HEEL for taking them to that park...But this happened about 25 years ago.   Maybe Vets have a better protocol for curing this disease in 2015?  Call a few more Vets and see if they know more than your vet.  Veterinarians, like doctors, vary greatly in their skill and abilities.  That piece of paper on the wall only means they passed a test.I do truly sympathize with you, you have some tough decisions to make pretty soon.

Can a three-month old puppy get rabies?

Yes, if a three month old puppy is bitten or scratched by an animal with rabies it can and probably will contract rabies unless it has been vaccinated against the disease. In fact a theee month old puppy is probably more susceptible to disease as its immune system is still developing. There is of course no treatment for rabies, which is why the rabies vaccine is mandatory in all united states.A dog of any age can contract rabies, but before three months they are less likely IF their mother has been vaccinated against rabies because of immunity gained through the mother’s milk. This immunity does not last forever however and 3–4 months is the time to get the first rabies vaccine. If done earlier the vaccine may not take affect because the immunity gained from the morher’s milk will fight off the dead virus rather than the puppy’s own immune system. Some places require rabies vaccines younger and you should follow the laws of your municipality and avoid exposure to strange animals with dogs too young to have gotten vaccines.I recommend following the vaccination protocol set forth by Ronald Schultz including titer testing after the first round of shots to make sure the vaccines took. (You don’t want to think your dog is protected against something like parvo only to later find out your puppy is the one in a thousand who is immune to the vaccine.)

My 2 yr old cocker came down with parvo?

Don't be surprised if she gets worse before she gets better..She has a very good chance at her age, of being able to fight off the virus.
Puppies don't have a fully developed immune system, so Parvo is harder for them to fight..If your dog was healthy, she should recover, with lots of TLC..Feel free to email me for tips on what you can do as the disease progresses..
One formula that has been very successful is Parvaid..Call any herbal shops in your are, to see who might carry it..Just keep calling all that are within driving distance..

Pedialyte ok for 7 month old?

Are you nursing? If yes, don't do Pedialyte.

"When baby is sick, moms are sometimes told to discontinue or restrict breastfeeding and substitute an oral rehydration therapy such as Pedialyte. This outdated practice has been shown to offer no benefits to the breastfed baby, and can even delay healing.

Your milk has four things that your baby needs even more than usual when he's sick:

Antibodies to fight this illness - you want baby to get as much of these as possible. Encourage *more* nursing rather than less. Pedialyte has no antibodies.
Liquids to keep baby hydrated. Your baby may not be eating as much because he doesn't feel well. Sick babies are more likely to nurse than to take anything else by mouth, so nursing is important to keep baby hydrated. Keeping baby well hydrated also helps keep the mucus secretions thinned out if baby has a cold or other congestion. So again, you want to nurse *more*. Pedialyte will keep baby hydrated, but so will breastmilk.
Concentrated nutrients. Breastmilk is easily and quickly digested, so baby gets more nutrients and absorbs them faster. Pedialyte will keep baby hydrated but has little nutritional value. Again, it's best to nurse *more* since baby may not be eating as much if he feels bad.
Comfort. Sick babies need more comforting - what better way to do this than at the breast? "

My puppy (6 months old) hasn't been pooping solid for the past week/week and a half, what could cause this?

This indicates a tummy upset, also known as a gastrointestinal disturbance. These are common in dogs of all ages, and usually pass on their own without intervention. The causes, as with people, can be various. Puppies like babies like to mouth and chew on all kinds of things, including things that have harmful bacteria. Very often it can signal something in the puppy’s food that is not good and will certainly cause very soft stools and even diarrhea. This includes the ubiquitous corn, soy, wheat and other grains, Brewers yeast, etc., also glyphosate (also known as Roundup), which is very widespread in all non organic grains as it is used as a desiccant. Hormones, antibiotics, and contamination in meat are also common G.I. upsets. They are toxic and a dog’s body, like that of a human’s, tries to get rid of it in any way it can. Over heating of your puppy in hot weather can also cause this reaction. Attention must be paid to keeping any dog comfortably cool and well hydrated in hot weather. Diarrhea is concerning because a puppy or adult dog can become drhydrated and suffer heat stroke very easily.There can be other, equally serious causes of soft stool. Usually the problem corrects itself. More than one week is quite a long time, however. Is your puppy still eating with appetite and drinking well? If not, or if the problem persists, you might consult a vet.

My 4 1/2 mo old puppy has diareah. What are the human over the counter meds I can give her?

Buffered Aspirin
For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory.
1 tablet per 60 Lbs.
2 times per day

Baby Aspirin
For dogs only. Pain relief, anti-inflammatory.
1 tablet per 15 Lbs.
2 times per day

Treat allergies, itching, reaction to insect stings, etc. 1 mg. per 1 Lb.
2 times per day

Not for animals with glaucoma or bladder problems. Reduce car sickness.
3-25 Lb. pet - 12.5 mg.
26-50 Lb. pet - 25 mg.
51 Lb. + pet - 50 mg.
Give at least 1 hour prior to travel, no more than once a day

For dogs only. Relieve vomiting or stomach gas, diarrhea.
1 tsp. per 20 Lbs.
Every 6 hours

Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
To induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of a poison. 1 Tbls. per 10 Lbs. Up to 3 times, 10 minute intervals, until vomiting occurs

Mineral Oil Eliminate constipation.
Dogs: up to 4 Tbls.
Cats: up to 2 Tbls. Daily, as needed

Acetaminophen, Tylenol®, Ibuprofen, Motrin®, Nuprin®, Alieve®
Never give to animals.

Hope this helps

What do I feed my 3 month old golden retriever?

Hi there,Hope you are having a good time with your golden retriver like me.Golden Retriever require highly nutritious food for their growth and to maintain their coat and skin.I was using using Royal Canin Maxi starter and puppy cerelac.The food schedule is 5 times/day that include puppy cerelac 3 times a day and maxi starter 2 times a day .After it completes 3 months you can stop cerelac and feed with maxi starter . I would like to share the image of dog .