Dealing With A Horrible Boss

How do you deal with a horrible boss?

have been at my job for a little over a year now and up until about a month ago I thought it was something I could stay at long term. My coworkers are amazing and the owner of the place I work at is amazing. For my field I make at the higher end of a starting salary and I have great benefits.

My problem is our old manager recently left and the person who replaced her is one of the worst managers I have ever had. He is lazy, plays favorites, his policies are not professional, he doesn’t follow the rules, and he thinks he is above doing regular every day work. (The old manager always helped out with the everyday stuff when she could and knew that she wasn’t above having to do anything that is what made her so amazing)

My problem is I can’t decide if I should try to stay and wait to see if he leaves soon or somehow gets better (not likely). It is getting to the point to where it is affecting my mood outside of work and I am getting angry at his favorite who I used to be really close with.

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with a horrible boss? Should I stay and tough it out or start to look around for something else? There is one other place in my town where I could work that would pay me the same and have the same benefits. The only downside to this place is the hours are not as good.

How can I deal with a horrible boss? She is very quick-tempered and yells all the time without any reason.

It could be her white blood count is high and her red blood count is low, to the point of anemia. This would cause her to scream continually which others would think for no reason. You should suggest her to have a blood test to determine anemia which then she’d be put on iron supplements.Donna Thompson Book Author

Horrible bosses 1 and 2?

Do you need to watch the first movie of Horrible Bosses to get the second movie? Because a few friends of mine are going to the cinema tonight to watch Horrible Bosses 2 and they invited me to join, but I haven't watched the first one.

If anyone here watched both of the movies, can you tell me if watching the first one is needed to fully understand/enjoy the second movie or is it a whole different/new plot that doesn't require watching the first one?

Horrible bosses 2?

cant find the answer anywhere and already seen the movie. In horrible bosses 2...rex (chris pine) sits in a car during the final scenes of a car chase and a song plays on the radio to which he sings along...what is that song??

How do I tackle a horrible boss?

Sympathy works pretty well in that situation, even if it's fake.  Saying to the guy, "Look, I don't know how you get the amount of things done in one day that you do.  I don't.  I am doing my best here and sometimes things go wrong.  When they go wrong you're here yelling at me and when they go right you don't say a word. "Say, "It would be great to have you help me out here once in a while."If you know for sure this job is burnt because of stuff he's probably writing down about you, you have some choices.  To stay there isn't one of them.  The job market is pretty good right now and you should be able to find something else if you look.  You might also be able to find something else within your company if it's big enough.  If the place is big enough to have an HR department, you could consider going to them, but know ahead that they're likely to take his side no matter how egregious his behavior is and if they don't they're also likely to take a complaint of some sort from you and either sit on it or try to disprove it because the company can be liable for a boss if he's bad enough.   Personally, I would consider any HR department to be an early warning system for the company more than an outfit that is there to help ME.  You should keep a notebook at home that records what he does to you or says to you that's offensive.  Make notes about what happened to make you start this notebook in the beginning of it.  This has value in several ways.  One is to document it all in case you get laid off or fired and you have to file for unemployment and they fight it.  You have to be able to say it was a hostile work environment.  Another is that in the off chance that more than one of you get laid off or fired, you like one of the other people a lot and you have yourself a new job lined up, you can give them copies of your records to help them.  Maybe more important is that if things go right for a while and then some disrespectful things come up on your record later, you can have this record to show.  As you're making a record, when real bad things happen, send an e-mail to yourself describing the incident when it's still fresh.  E-mails have time and date stamps.  Save them in a folder.  Now your ass is covered as well as it can be.

What are some practical ways to deal with a horrible boss whose management style is intimidation and manipulation?

Do your job to the best of your ability and be comfortable and confident in that.  Your ability to stay calm and collected under fire will be difficult of course but most people have gone through what you have and it is sort of a right of passage, a story you can tell when you've moved on to a better boss.Practical ways, OK let's try some scenarios:1. Your boss starts yelling and screaming about anything. Excuse yourself get up, walk away and take a break - go get a coffee or just go to the restroom. If you boss asks then just say you really had to go and you didn't want a mess by your desk.  If you do this every time he screams then he'll learn that you are not going to sit around and take it.2. It's 5pm and just as you are about to leave your boss comes up and dumps a large job on your desk and says he has to have it by 9am the next day. First time, grin and bear it and if possible get the job done. With the work next morning let him know you were glad to help but next time you would appreciate some notice as you won't always be able to stay. If he ignores you and does it again get up and put your coat on as he leaves the work and make it known you are leaving anyway.Obviously you can to to HR if it is a big company and then you will need to document everything, including recordings of his rants.Most horrible bosses act the way they can because they don't get any challenges to the behavior.  You might have to put your job on the line but you eventually have to choose, put up or shut up and take it.Good luck.

What is the song played at the very beginning of Horrible Bosses ?

The Underdog – Spoon

MOVIE! Horrible bosses or The change up? Help!?

Horrible Bosses:7 outta 10

Horrible Bosses is an easy to relate to comedy that keeps you engaged and amused all the way. Some great scenes involving crude/sexual/racial humor that catch you off guard and have you rolling. The plot is a little forced, as was the ending, which is partially forgivable in the case of a comedy, as long as it makes you laugh. Seeing Kevin Spacey play asshole boss brought back fond memories (Swimming With Sharks), he pulls it off very well. Jennifer Aniston very outside her standard girly role, and it was awesome. Charlie Day was amazing, and resembles his character in always Sunny in Philly (personal fav). Overall, not quite for the collection, but definitely worthwhile a trip to the movie theater!

The Change-Up: 8 outta 10

The movie is another body changing movie, yes. Seeing Hangover and having a great time made me see this movie also, and liking it. Still, this movie has a vulgar way of making you laugh and at the same time cheer for the main characters as they are changing their life to better.

Acting is way better than expected, all the jokes are understood and yes, again, they are vulgar but somewhat surprising.

If you liked Hangover(s) GO SEE THIS MOVIE, especially in the movie theater cause there is nothing better than when you can laugh out along with the rest of the (younger) crowd.

How to deal w/ Capricorn boss?

I know I'm supposed to have his chart & my chart ideally but is there anyway I could have any advice just based on sun sign???

I'm a Libra sun, Taurus moon, Pisces rising... I stay focused but I also smile a lot and laugh and I like making friends but I'm not a social butterfly and I'm not loud and distracting. but I probably seem "happier" than the average person especially compared w/ at work. Capricorn boss has isolated me in the office where I work. I'm in a corner away from everyone! hahahah it's like I'm in time out!! I don't mind..but the whole "relationship" with him aspect is bothering me!! anyway... there was never any talk about this or just happened. Firstly, I never meant to offend him with my positive attitude and I'm insanely focused and even work at home etc... but I think he thinks I'm a bad worker because of my positive/happy/laughing attitude.. What should I do???? he's clouded and doesn't think I work seriously!! Okay and if you don't want to take astrology into account...any advice still?? does he hate me?? do I need to change??? am I going to get fired???
thank you ever so kindly...