Decimals To Mixed Numbers Help

Decimals to mixed numbers? help?

You just convert the decimal into fraction by moving decimal point to two places to the right and then have its denominator as 100. For instance:


Then you reduce 625/100 by dividing by the same largest number for both numerator and denominator. Or you could find the greatest common factor (GCF) of 625 and 100.

I divide the numerator and denominator of 625/100 by 25 which will give you 25/4. Then you convert from 25/4 to 6 1/4.

2.3=230/100= 2 30/100= 2 3/10

Additional information: In order to find GCF of 12 and 6. You can do this below. Once you do this, you would be able to find GCF of any numbers.


The GCF of 12 and 6 is 6.

Hopefully, that helps you.


!!!!!turning decimals into mixed numbers help!!!!!?

0.28 = 28/100 = 7/25

it can not be converted into mixed number cause of it's less than 1

Write This Decimal As A Mixed Number! HELP!?

3 = 3
x = .074074...

1000x = 74.074074...
--> - x = - .074074...

999x = 74
x = 74/999

3 + 74/999 = 3.074074...

Turning Decimals to Mixed numbers ?

The invisible "denominator" of every decimal is a 1, followed by the same amount of 0's there are digits (numbers) after the decimal point.
for example 0.2
there is ONE digit after the decimal point, so the denominator will have ONE zero after the 1 (that makes it 10)
So 0.2 is 2/10. Reduce and you get 1/5. (if that's a negative sign, you have to keep that too

5.96 has TWO digits after the decimal point, so TWO zero's after the 1 (that makes it 100)
96/100 reduces to 48/50, and that reduces to 24/25.
So, 5.96 as a mixed number is 5 and 24/25.
(It's really difficult to show fractions and mixed numbers in Y!-A because you can't change the font size.) :(

I'm sure you can figure out the rest. :)

What is the best way to convert decimals into mixed numbers?

First, you need to convert it into a fraction.Take your decimal and move the decimal point to the right until it becomes a whole number (ex: 1.04 → 104). That number is your numerator. Now, wrote down “1”, then for every time you had to move the decimal point to make the decimal a whole number, add a 0 to the end of it. That’s your denominator (ex: for 1.04 → 104, you had to move the decimal to the right 2 times, so your denominator is 100. So your fraction in full is 104/100). Now you need to simplify your fraction (ex: 104/100 = 26/25).Now we have an improper fraction. To convert it to a mixed number, take the numerator and divide it by the denominator, but don’t go into decimals, just get a whole number and record the remainder (ex: 26/25 = 1 with a remainder of 1). The quotient is the whole number to the left of the fraction, the remainder is your new numerator and the denominator stays the same.So, 1.04 = 1 + (1/25)

What is the correct way of turning mixed numbers into decimals?

I would define the correct way as the way that most-closely follows skills already learned. Assuming one knows that a proper fraction is turned into a decimal by performing the division (dividing the numerator by the denominator), then the whole number part of the mixed number is added to the zero units of the decimal of the proper fraction part.Since 1/4 is converted to 0.25 by dividing 4 into 1, we can derive the decimal equivalent of 5 1/4 as 5 + the decimal equivalent of 1/4, or 5 + 0.25 = 5.25.Over time, one may become familiar with the decimal equivalent of many common fractions, and simply recall them automatically, e.g. 1/8 = 0.125. But if ever one has difficulty recalling the equivalent of some fraction, simply do the long division.

Turn a decimal into a fraction or mixed number?

Turning a decimal into a fraction

Example: 0.255

0.255 = 255 / 1000 = 51/ 200

Turning a decimal into a mixed number

Example: 6.25

6.25 = 625 / 100 = 25 / 4 = (24 / 4) + (1 / 4) = 6 1/4

What are some good mixed number to decimal calculators?

Being the author I am a bit biased but for iOS devices check out the app Perpenso Calc. It converts between decimals and fractions, mixed and improper fractions, and fractions can be easily entered using two decimal points. One decimal point between an optional whole number and the numerator and a second decimal point between the numerator and denominator. For example1/2 = . 1 . 22 3/4 = 2 . 3 . 4