Demi Lovato Vs Selena Gomez Vs Miley Cyrus

Demi Lovato vs. Selena Gomez vs. Miley Cyrus?

Demi Lovato
Selena Gomez
Demi Lovato (although Wizard's can be pretty funny and good too)
Selena Gomez
Ehh, can't believe I am saying this, but Miley is richer...
Miley is sadly more famous....
Demi Lovato ( to me she is like the only girl behind Raven who can really sing on Disney and her show is more hilarious and etc)...

Overall we really got the same answers.. =D

Who is more taller? selena gomez or miley cyrus or demi lovato!?

Selena Gomez 5'4 (163 cm)

Miley Cryus 5'4 1/2 (164 cm)

Demi Lovato 5'2 (157 cm)

Miley is tallest by an cm

Demi Lovato vs. Miley Cyrus vs. Ariana Grande vs. Selena Gomez vs. Miranda Cosgrove?

Okay answer in this criteria:
1. In order from best to least, who is the best singer?
2. In order from best to least, who has the best body?
3. In order from best to least, who has the prettiest face?
4. In order from best to least, who has the least annoying personality?
Note: If you never saw their bodies, or heard them sing live, etc, please do before answering the question

My personal opinion:
1. Demi (by a little beats) Ariana, Miley, Miranda, Selena
2. Demi (by far has the curviest body and probably the biggest ***), Miley, Ariana, Selena, Miranda
3. Ariana (by a little beats) Demi, Miley (old Miley), Selena, Miranda
4. Selena, Demi (both great personalities), Miley, Ariana, Miranda

Who is prettier? Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato?




Who's prettier: Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

1. Selena Gomez, I love her hair!
2. Demi Lovato, she's pretty.
3. Miley Cyrus isn't very pretty. She's kind of creepy.

Selena gomez vs. miley cyrus

Selena because she was on Barney, who to this day is my childhood hero.

Miley can suck it.

Who's prettier? Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato or Taylor Swift?

Miley Cyrus - Not very pretty.
Selena Gomez - She has a baby face, but I still think she's pretty.
Demi Lovato - Not pretty at all. Bum chins aren't attractive.
Taylor Swift - Quite pretty, but her eyes are kinda weird. I love her hair.

So I think Selena Gomez.

Who is more famous Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez?

According to statistics and many opinions- Selena Gomez is more famous than Demi Lovato. The two started in the acting industry on the same show, and both later pursued the music industries. Although Demi is widely agreed to have the better vocals, both are equally debated as beautiful, but Selena is more famous. Demi lovato’s net worth is 33 million as of 2017, whereas Selena Gomez’ is 50 million. On Instagram Selena is thoroughly adored, with many followers, overtaking Demi’s count. Although I personally like Demi Lovato more, the public has finalized.