Depression Treatment Not Working

Running out of options for depression treatment.?

You have one oproblem, which is scaring the hell outta you. You have no sense of direction! You are not anti social, you are not, uneducated, you are not in a gang life, you are not untalented. You simply have no "DIRECTION".

I love helping depression victims!

As a doodler, you kmust have noticed many image you thought cool, as na image. the idea, of wow a really good shot? This is the photographic eye. Please get hold of a camera, and begin to study and work as a hobby. This will give you m back your artist's eye!

Photography will also give you as ense of belonging in your environment. as well as a detached view of the causes of your depression. You will instead of being a case you will become your own doctor.

I Am an aold man, and i know ways to integrate nature into life,successfully. Open a flickr account on yahoo. and begin to create a photo album. please add a caption for each photo. The source of your images matter not. It is your eye which interests me. I want to see your mind's eye, your images of depression, and anyother emotion will bne most welcome as a vision for mee to study you.

My flickr account is "chicogringosegundo" I am not very depressed, i am just a person whom finds joy and beauty in the mundane. Things like a restaurant sign,, on an old landmark. or an image of myy favorite mexican restaurant, or the store where i get my tires changed/fixed.

I am doing a picture encyclopedia of my area. a fairly large place with more than a half million people.

Why is some depression treatment resistant?

Literally hundreds of researchers are trying to come up with an answer for the enigmatic answer to one of the great puzzlers that has plagued mankind since history was recorded. Depression can strike anyone, anytime.Much work has been done and is continuing with work that goes into the deeper recesses of the brain but only have a preliminary understanding of how brain structures generate mood and behavior.A major problem is that some drugs developed to treat depression work for some people but are ineffective or have bad side effects that are intolerable for others. Some depressions heal on their own, while others get worse if left untreated. Depression is no respecter of gender, both males and females experience depression, although females are more likely to seek treatment.Many sufferers of depression seek their own treatment through their local liquor store or illegal drug dealer. This remedy may even work for awhile until the substance turns into a whole new problem for them and they lose control, while the depression continues unabated. Often a depressed individual gives up and turns to suicide. This is not the answer. There is hope and help. The following hotlines are available 24 hours a day, or you can call 911 for emergency assistance.Depression-national suicide prevention 1–800–273–8255Adolescents: 1–800–448–3000Please call if you need to talk.

Why should I get depression treatment? It hasn't worked for the 6 years I’ve had it. It feels like a waste of time and money. Honestly, I’m ready to just let it kill me. It’s not worth hoping it’s going to get better if it isn’t.

Thank you for the question, “Why should I get depression treatment? It hasn’t worked for 6 years I’ve had it. It feels like a waste of time and money. Honestly, I’m ready to just let it kill me. It’s not worth hoping it’s going to get better if it isn’t.”I am sorry to hear that you are suffering from depression for the last 6 years and that treatment hasn’t help you.Don’t give up and don’t give into depression. Since one hasn’t shared what treatment has been given to you, treating depression takes several forms.I freely admit that I am not a license counselor or psychiatrist so please speak to your doctor(s) regarding my comments and seek their professional advice.As you may already know there may be several causes/sources for depression. These may be some of the causes:A. Hormone imbalanceB. Unresolved Past Emotional or Physical AbuseC. Traumatic Event as Death of a Loved OneD. Drug interactionE. Physical Illness due to StrokeF. Genetics Disposition or Family History of DepresssionTreating of depression will depend on the causes and it may require both counseling and anti-depressant prescription drug supplement. However, there may be drug resistance due to prolong usage of a drug. Thus if you are not receiving counseling and prescription supplement, please speak to your doctor.In our particular case with my wife having a major stroke, drug intervention was not overly effective. Thus she is receiving electroconvulsive therapy. This has happened her significantly. She still takes her medication and receives ECT. You may want to speak to your doctor if counseling and anti-depressant drugs are not effective for you. ECT or shock treatment is usually the last resort to treat depression.Look into your past and present circumstances. Was there any unresolved issues in your life in your childhood, teenage year or even adulthood? It is an inward look that may be very painful and one may not even want to deal with it. If you family of origin is dysfunctional or you had a childhood traumatic event, then it is more than likely there were some emotional unresolved issues in your life.The Bible speaks that we have been hurt by others or due to our imbalances in our body that we have emotional and or physical suffering. Rom 8 and Psalm 23 are wonderful Bible passages on hope and love that becomes the foundation to become whole again.SUMMARY: Depression may have an emotional or physical origin. Knowing the origin will allow one to deal with it more effectively.

What is inpatient hospital depression treatment like?

I'm 15, have been feeling very lonely and depressed lately, I have absolutely no one in my life anymore and everyday has been a struggle to get by...yesterday was one of my 'worse' days, my suicidal thoughts were a lot worse than ever before and although I feel like I couldn't do it, at the same time I feel like I kinda of could if that makes any sense..

My school social service worker didn't think I was safe, and thought I'd hurt myself and so she sent me to the hospital for a few hours, I spoke to someone there who assessed myself and thought it would be best to admit me for 3 or 4 days overnight, I told him I would be fine, but over the last two weeks, come anytime between 10PM-2AM, I begin to scare myself as I get very lonely and emotional to the point where I fear I could hurt myself.

I'm not really interested in going, but I'm wondering how inpatient hospital depression treatment is like if for a few weeks ?

Discussing Adderall XR for treatment of depression?

I would like to talk to my doctor about Adderall XR (30mg) for my depression. I have depression, not major, like I am going to jump off a cliff right now. I have dysthymia, which is a long lasting, chronicly low mood, but not majorly low. It is not debilitating, it is just a looming moderate unhappiness, that fails to cease.

In July, I was at work and I mentioned that I wanted to take an Adderall to get all my summer assignments done for school. She mentioned that her GP had given her a script for Adderall XR (30mg). She said she didn't want it, so she gave it to me, and I took one to help me do all my summer assignments. I did all of them, no shocker there.

So, when classes started, I figured I would take one in the mornings to keep up with all my work, it's been working just fine, I don't feel like speedy, wired, or euphoric like, "Oh my god! This feels amazing!". I just feel better, like, it is all just okay for some reason. I am not having this looming sadness, I always felt. I finally feel like I am beginning to feel normal, and that I am finally recovering from the dysthymia.

I feel like I should tell my GP this next time I go, I tried psychotherapy for a long time, and it never really worked, and I didn't want to go on mainline antidepressants (Prozac, Effexor, Zoloft, etc.) I am afraid that she will dismiss my claims as an attempt to get high of amphetamines (Adderall), or that I'm some college student in a pinch trying to cram for exams.

Should I discuss this with her, or not?

What is inpatient hospital depression treatment like?

I am 17 (almost 18) and I have been depressed for over six years and I am scared of what I have become. Despite several years of good counseling and trying several medications, I still find myself extremely depressed, self harming and abusing drugs (not addicted but every day use of SOMETHING). Am I a good candidate for inpatient hospital treatment? If so, what is it like?

How good is Xanax for treating depression?

Not very. Shortly after it was approved, it was promoted to help with depression, but it’s main purpose was to treat acute anxiety. The usual dosage is 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg anywhere from once to 3 times per day. The problem started when they started to try to treat depression with it and in the practice where I worked at the time, which specialized in addiction by the way, we would see people come in who had been prescribed up to 8 mg per day. 1 mg of Xanax is the equivalent of 10 mg of Valium, so this is an extremely high dosage. Then it was seen that Xanax is addictive. While the half-life of Xanax is must shorter than Valium, you would see withdrawal symptoms but they began much more quickly than with Valium withdrawal. It was a common report of patients going through Xanax withdrawal that they “felt crazy”. As an interesting side note: there were a pair of brothers who were both psychiatrists in the next county. One specialized in the treatment of anxiety and would prescribe a lot of Xanax. The other brother specialized in addiction treatment.It was soon realized that the use of Xanax for depression was contra-indicated and that for long term treatment of anxiety, that an anti-depressant was just as effective and much less dangerous. Xanax is a good medication for anxiety but only for very short term use in crisis situations.

Questions about 5-HTP and treatment-resistant depression and anxiety...?

I think psychiatrists refrain from using amino acids and such because they tend to not work as well as pharmaceuticals. Or sometimes not work at all. I've even had an ND tell me that natural remedies are not as potent as pharmaceuticals, and that you're better off using a pharmaceutical for a nasty episode than using something natural.

They're also not as tightly regulated in the U.S. as pharmaceuticals, so you don't always know what you're going to get.

What type of depression do you have? If you have atypical depression, I'd be looking at MAOI's over tricyclic antidepressants. If you don't have atypical depression, tricyclic antidepressants would be a logical next step. You also have the option of taking Lamictal, which seems to help depression (usually used for Bipolar Depression and mood stabilization, but can be used for "unipolar" depression). There is also lithium (hey, that's natural!), but the side effects are a little nasty.

You said SSRI's don't work. Have you tried something that affects norepinephrine, like Effexor, Cymbalta, or Remeron?

Is not taking medicine for depression just treating a symptom, why do doctors not specify changes in life to combat depression?

To answer the first of these two distinctly different questions, taking medicine for depression is not simply treating a symptom.The situation is much more complicated, and while it may feel good to talk like it is simple, you should learn to recognize that feeling for what it is: just a symptom of taking the easy way out of a hard situation.What makes it hard is that depression can be very different for different people. Some genuinely have a chemical imbalance that causes depression, and for them, medication isn't just treating the symptoms. For others, medication does not treat the underlying cause, but it is still necessary to treat the symptoms until the person finds and establishes different lifestyle patterns that make medication unnecessary. And yes, there are some who get medication when they don't need it, whether because they're taking the easy way out, or got bad advice, or were forced against their will. And don't forget that there are people who need medication but don't get it.There are way too many simple generalizations about depression. They're all emotionally satisfying because they let us pretend depression is simple. But pretending that depression is simple harms people who actually have depression.As for the second question, many doctors do recommend changes in lifestyle to combat depression.People don't often notice because these changes are the same sort of things their doctors have already been recommending for general health reasons: get enough sleep, get regular moderate exercise, eat a reasonably balanced diet.Unfortunately, in many cultures (including mainstream US) the stigma against depression is such that people often wait to seek help until they're too deeply depressed to successfully make significant lifestyle changes.In those cases, medication can be a good first step. Ideally, once the depression is at least partially relieved, the person could make lifestyle changes to further improve and eventually not need the medication anymore.And yes, at least some psychiatrists do this; mine did. I don't know how common that is, though. And as I pointed out above, it doesn't work for everyone.Depression is not simple, and every time you hear, read, or even think a simple generalization about all cases of depression, you should have alarm bells going off in your head telling you not to trust that generalization too far.