Describe A Dehydration Reaction And Is It A Catabolism Or Anabolism

Do catabolic or anabolic reactions require more energy?

Metabolism is the sum total of all of the chemical reactions occurring within a cell.Anabolism is the process of building up more complex substances from simpler substances. Anabolic reactions in cells frequently employ dehydration synthesis as a mechanism for building complex macromolecules. Dehydration synthesis removes a molecule of water from two simpler molecules, or monomers, as they are joined to form a dimer. Additional monomers may then be added by dehydration synthesis to form polymers , or complex molecules composed of many repeating units, or monomers. Anabolic reactions are endergonic reactions, meaning that they require an input of energy.Catabolism is the process of breaking down complex molecules into simpler molecules. Catabolic reactions often employ hydrolysis in order to break down complex molecules by adding a molecule of water to the simple molecules that are the products. However, other catabolic reactions include decarboxylation , which involves the removal of a molecule of carbon dioxide, and dehydrogenation , the removal of two hydrogen ions and two electrons. Catabolic reactions are exergonic , that is they release energy that can be captured and used to do cellular work or to carry out anabolic reactions.The unit of energy exchange that is used to capture energy released by catabolic reactions and to transfer that energy to perform cellular work or to carry out anabolic reactions is adenosinetriphosphate ( ATP), a nucleotide, composed of the nitrogenous base adenine, the five-carbon sugar ribose , and three phosphate units coupled together. ATP captures small quantities of energy by binding one phosphate unit to adenosinediphosphate ( ADP ) to synthesize, by dehydration synthesis, a high-energy molecule of ATP. The ATP can then give up some of that energy by being hydrolyzed to ADP and a phosphate unit. The phosphate can either be captured in the form of inorganic phosphate (a phosphate anion) or as an organic phosphate, that is, it can be attached to a metabolite or organic intermediate in a metabolic reaction.

Relationship between anabolism, condensation reaction, and endergonic reaction?

Anabolism. The part of metabolism that involves the building up (ana = upward) of larger molecules from smaller ones.

For example, the synthesis of a polypeptide from amino acids, or the synthesis of DNA from nucleotides.

Condensation reaction. A chemical reaction that links two molecules together via the release of a molecule of water. Also called dehydration synthesis.

As an example, when two amino acids link together, one amino acid loses 2 hydrogen atoms (from the amino group) and the other amino acid loses 1 oxygen atom (from the carboxyl group) to from a molecule of water (H2O).

Endergonic reaction. A reaction that is energetically uphill (thermodynamically nonspontaneous) and requires an input of energy in order to occur.

Anabolic reactions tend to be endergonic. For example, when a nucleotide is added to a growing DNA strand, the terminal 2 phospate groups from the dNTP (deoxynucleosidetriphosphate) are removed and this provides the energy needed to incorporate the nucleotide into the chain.

What are catabolism, anabolism, dehydration synthesis, and hydrolysis. In layman's terms i mean?

catabolism - breaking big molecules apart to make smaller ones
anabolism - putting smaller molecules together to make bigger ones
dehydration synthesis - putting a pair of smaller molecules together to make a bigger one and in the process releasing a water molecule (removes an H off one of the smaller ones and an -OH off the other).
hydrolysis - breaking a bond in a bigger molecule to make two smaller molecules; water is a reagent in this process and provides a -H group to one of the products and a -OH to the other. It's the opposite of dehydration synthesis

What are Anabolism and dehydration synthesis and what are their process?

Dehydration synthesis: is an anabolic process by which two molecules are chemically bonded through the use of enzymes and a loss of water.
glucose + glucose + enzyme = maltose + water + enzyme.

Hydrolysis: is a catabolic process by which the bond between monomers are broken by the enzyme and the addition of water.

sucrose + water + enzyme = glucose + fructose + enzyme.

How is water involved in anabolic reactions?

The role of water is huge. This is one of the basic concepts in biochemistry, but also never fails to put students to sleep. Let’s see if I have better luck on Quora.The biosynthesis of all the large complex biomolecules—proteins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, complex lipids—l involve dehydration reactions. The essential reactions are;amino acid + amino acid → peptide (amide) bond + watermonosaccharide + monosaccharide → disaccharide (glycoside bond) + waterphosphate + alcohol → phosphoester + waterphosphoester + alcohol → phosphodiester + watercarboxylic acid + alcohol → ester + waterI should write equilibrium arrows for these reactions. In fact the equilibrium lies to the left in water. When the reactions run right to left we call it digestion. Digestion is about hydrolyzing polymers to their building blocks. Biosynthesis is about dehydrating building building blocks to form amide, ester, phosphoester, and glycosidic bonds.Digestion is thermodyamically favored, with all the hydrolysis reactions associated with a negative free energy change. That means all the dehydration reactions in anabolism are associated with a positive free energy change.Where does the energy come from to drive these reactions. Drum roll, please: The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi.The chemistry of ATP hydrolysis is:ATP (Phosphoanhydride bond) + water → inorganic phosphate + ADPSince the pool of ATP in the cell is small, ATP has to be constantly resynthesized, mainly via oxphos, Re-synthesis is a dehydration reaction, and it is the oxidation of fuels that provides the energy for that.How the hydrolysis of ATP is coupled to the dehydration reactions in biosynthesis is the next thing to learn about the game plan of metabolism.

Can someone explain the monomer/polymer dehydration reaction and hydrolysis?

Here is a less complicated version:

Making and breaking of polymers:

Dehydration synthesis: is an anabolic process by which two molecules are chemically bonded through the use of enzymes and a loss of water.

glucose + glucose + enzyme = maltose + water + enzyme.

Hydrolysis: is a catabolic process by which the bond between monomers are broken by the enzyme and the addition of water.

sucrose + water + enzyme = glucose + fructose + enzyme.

How does anabolism and dehydration synthesis compare?

They are totally comparable, because dehydration synthesis IS an example of an anabolic reaction.

Compare and contrast anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism?

Exergonic reactions produce a net surplus of energy from the bond formation or bond breakage while endergonic reactions require a net input of energy to form or break the bond.

Anabolic reactions assemble macromolecules from simpler ones, usually requiring a net input of energy to join the monomers. Anabolic reactions are used to assemble starches & proteins.
Catabolic reaction breaks down complex molecules for a net release of energy, which is usually used for other things.

What does dehydration synthesis mean?

Water is given off when the bond forms.

How does a catabolic and an anabolic pathway differ?

Catabolic and anabolic reactions are the two types of reactions involved in metabolism. Catabolism involved the breaking down of larger molecules(proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) into smaller units either for energy or for resources. Energy is usually obtained from a series or redox reactions using carbs called cellular respiration, but proteins and lipids can be incorporated in the krebs cycle. Catabolism can also yield resources for rebuilding things. Various amylases, lipases, and proteases are involved in breaking down and recycling.Anabolism is the creation of larger molecules from smaller ones. Synthesis of lipids, polymerization of carbs, and synthesis of peptides are all anabolic reactions. Polypeptides and peptides are usually created through dehydration synthesis, in which a water is lost to create a bond between residues.