Describe Character Of Einstein And Obama In One Sentence

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

I'm nothing but philosophical.I'm borderline between delusional and optimistic.I find seasons in people. ( I carry spring in my heart )I like grey skies and sad eyes.I'm a paper plane that crash lands without wreckage.Dreamcatcher - bringing only good things.I talk too much and tell so little.Ship set on sail to survive deep waters.If home is a feeling then I am at home with myself.Torn between being the girl who loves a bunch of bright flowers or the girl who loved cactus.I misinterpret silence, always.I'm a hand-hitting reality in a world where people are choosing which mask to wear for the day.I have alot to say but, I never know what not to say.All seasons beautifully wrapped in one.I'm nothing but Philosophical !

In a single sentence how would you describe the difference between the Obama and Trump presidency?

Obama was a genuinely nice guy who was an amazing speaker that I could easily have listened to any speech he gave for hours. I think he had a good heart, was honest or at least as honest as any of our crooked politicians. He was someone that could inspire people and make American’s proud of his term in office. I didn’t vote for him but to be honest I was fairly glad to see him elected.However, as far as the actions he took as President I think there was more negative than positive. His attempt at fixing health care was a fiasco. It didn’t fix the problems it just changed the nature. I was a big plus for those who had problems getting insurance but terrible for those who didn’t. He was divisive and didn’t want to work with the Republican party and was very anti-business.As for Trump as a person he seems despicable. I can’t say I can find much to admire about him as a person. If I went through the dictionary and looked for every derogatory word you could find to describe someone I think they all would fit Trump. I really dislike all the turmoil in DC and the revolving door the people under him seem to have. I really think he should stay off Twitter as well.However, he has done a lot of things that needed doing, that needed doing badly. The corporate tax cut was a big one that was really needed but personally I would rather have seen the tax rate increased for individuals rather than cut. I do agree with many of his actions on immigration but don’t agree with separating kids from their parents. It is really nice to see the possibility of North Korea being less of a threat. He has rolled back a lot of the anti-business regulations Obama put in which is good. They really need to roll back Obama’s regulation that has our trucking industry in chaos. The biggest flaw in what he has done would be the FOSTA act which will harm or kill more of those it was designed to protect and ties the hands of law enforcement. So I see Trump as a miserable excuse for a human being that has done some good things.

In one word, can you describe why you support or do not support Donald Trump?

Maybe.He is the first president who has not climbed the political ladder to get elected, and he's never been in public office before (congressman, govorner, etc). Hes not a career politician. He made his living entirely in the private sector where other politicians suck the American people dry making their living.He has proven he knows how to efficiently create and manage an organization. He took a million and made it 5 billion. He's objectively smart. He could be able to cut waste in government because he's used to doing it in business.He didn't need to run for president. He is only losing money in office (no company, donating his entire salary, paying for much of his campaign out of pocket). He therefore honestly must believe he will be able to do some good if he's willing to sacrifice personally for it.So far he's done a pretty damn good job at stimulating the economy. Even if you don't agree with his social views, objectively his presidency has added TONS of new jobs and THOUSANDS of points to the DOW.Who knows what the future will bring with him, but he seems to be a pretty down to earth kind of guy, which is admittedly a huge relief from they types of presidents we've had in the past. He'll speak his mind without carefully crafting a bull shit sentence that dodges questions like other politicians do.For these reasons I say maybe. Just maybe. Maybe he'll leave out county better off than before. Maybe he'll be able to fix things that previous administrations couldn't, simply because he's not a politician. Maybe he will make America great again. At least he's willing to try. Maybe. Just maybe.

What's an object that represents Hitler?

a puppet controler/ master controlling the germans and jews AROUND THE WORLD
hope this helps
tell me if this is good

Great Spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds?

This is a variation, if not a slight misquote, of Albert Einstein's: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

What Einstein wrote in the sentence immediately following should provide further edification: "The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”

[Letter to Morris Raphael Cohen, professor emeritus of philosophy at the College of the City of New York, defending the appointment of Bertrand Russell to a teaching position (19 March 1940)].

By way of example, when Galileo insisted that the sun, not the planet Earth, was the center of the universe, he was met with "violent opposition," despite his offering advanced "scientific proof" of his findings. Yet, because Galileo's view of the universe contradicted the Catholic Church's long-held conviction (which was based on the even earlier Aristotelian geocentric view), Galileo was continually harassed for his views and eventually tried by the Inquisition. Found "vehemently suspect of heresy," Galileo was forced to spend the rest of his life under house arrest.

Although not quite as dramatic an example as Galileo's, Einstein's own quantum theory of light met with strong opposition when he first presented it in 1909. At the time, some scientists insisted that light was made up of waves. Other scientists argued it was made up of particles. With his quantum theory of light, Einstein proclaimed that light was made up of *both* particles and waves. Scientists on both sides of the 'wave vs. particle' argument were up in arms over Einstein's theory, their minds still entrenched in the notion that it had to be either one or the other. It wasn't until years later, with the discovery of the Compton Effect in 1923, that Einstein's theory of wave-particle duality finally became accepted.

Do you believe that Richard Feynman had Asperger's?

Anthony Bourdain and President Obama meet in Vietnam. They discuss in very positive terms their impressions of Vietnam, its people, politics, food and history.You are one of millions of older Americans who lived through the war in Vietnam. You or a family member was injured. You never set foot in Vietnam but were exposed to 10 years of US anti-communist anti-Vietnam propaganda. You may be offended by the rosy Bourdain-Obama view. If you are Sen John McCain you have a different view. If you are a Vietnamese refugee you have a different view.I have known since 1959 that PAM Dirac and my grandfather were clones, that they had exactly the same personality and it made them different. I now know that condition is Aspergers.When Feynman arrived in Princeton, he was described as “Another Dirac, but one who can talk”.A real Asperger writes a play about his understanding of Aspergers. Jerry Seinfeld attends the play and goes public that he is like that. Thousands of parents with autistic children, NBC execs, and autism experts are outraged.If you read James Gleick’s book on Feynman, which is replete with direct quotes from Feynman about his thinking processes, it is clear he had both Aspergers and synesthesia.If Feynman himself says he has an IQ of 120 there are an endless number of people who are going to deny it.If Myers-Briggs gives a more exact description of various personality types that are associated with Aspergers than other sources, every autism expert is going to say the test is no good.If Feynman says he saw numbers in colors there are experts who will tell you that synesthesia does not exist , or that if real it has anything to do with Aspergers.