Describe What Happens To The Production Of Synovial Fluid In Response To Exercise

I have lower back pain in the spine,the synovial fluid that lubricates joints and the vertibrate,gone missing.

I don't have to imagine. I know exactly what you are talking about because i've been that situation for the past 3 1/2 years.
I do suggest that you see another doctor. The situation you describe isn't actually possible. If you had no spinal fluid, you'd be dead because the spinal fluid encases the brain and if it were actually absent ,your brain would not be able to function.
From your description, i would tend to think that you have one or more herniated discs. The reason i think that is because of the pain in the buttock. This is a classic symptom of sciatica, or impingment of the sciatic nerve. This occurs when a disc (s) bulges and pinches the nerve that runs down the spinal column, resulting in the symptoms you describe.
Discs are not able to regenerate or fix themselves,so a surgical solution is usually required.

Short term and long term effect exercise has on the muscular system?

Short term: Exercise burns through the ATP and creatine phosphate stores in your muscles, and forces them to start breaking down glycogen to make more ATP through glycolysis and cellular respiration. If exercise is so vigorous that oxygen can't get to the muscles quickly enough, they will have to rely more on a process called fermentation (since they can't do respiration as much as they need to). In humans, this produces lactic acid. This will make your muscles sore later.

Long term: If you keep at it, your muscles will increase the number of mitochondria in each cell, boosting your capacity to do cellular respiration. Your muscles will also boost up their glycogen stores, which is a major cause of muscle size/mass increase. Your muscles do not get bigger by adding more cells.

What stimulates the hypothalamus to release human growth hormone (hGH)?

answer is 'A'
Pituitary gland produce & release human growth hormone.
hypothalamus produce & release Growth hormone-releasing hormone/somatocrinin and Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone/somatostatin.
Growth hormone-releasing hormone stimulates releasing Growth hormone.
stimulate producing of Growth hormone-releasing hormone is affected by many physiological stimulators (e.g., exercise, nutrition, sleep).
fasting is a Stimulator of hGH secretion. so low blood glucose level stimulate hCG secretion.

Why is synovial fluid important?

The Importance of Synovial Fluid to Joint Health. The synovium is a membrane surrounding each joint and is responsible for the production of a thick, slippery fluid. Moving into the cartilage when a joint is at rest and out to the joint capsule during activity,synovial fluid helps ensure smooth and easy body movement.

What is the difference between extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid?

The key difference is in the name. Intracellular fluid is the fluid within a cell, such as the cytoplasm. Extracellular fluid is outside of the cell, which there are numerous types in connective tissue. Some examples include cerebrospinal fluid, blood serum, and stomach acid. Intracellular fluid is generally filled with the proteins and molecules that characterize the function of the cell. Extracellular fluid often is more indicative to the function of the organ and is filled with signal molecules to inform the cell what to do. Obviously, much of what makes extracellular fluid specific to each circumstance was produced in the cell’s intracellular fluid. If you have a more particular difference between the two you would like to know, just leave a comment below. I hope this helps.

Why does one of my knees sound like popping corn when I bend or straighten it?

There are many reasons why the knee can click and pop.  Sometimes the answer to this question can be totally benign or times more serious.  A meniscal tear will click - pop but most likely also catch / lock at a specific point when you are bending and straightening your knee.  Also there is a condition in which a meniscus may be abnormally shaped known as discoid meniscus that causes audible popping. Arthritic issues can cause your body to lay down  excess bone within or near joint surfaces that can cause excess friction.There are a number of more benign causes such as muscle groups around the knee that can become aggravated by inflammation and partial tears along insertion sites.  Common examples are iliotibial band friction syndrome,  snapping biceps femoris (ham string) over its insertion site of the fibula.

Explain what hip displasure is..I have a German Shepherd ll month old and was told he can have hip displasure?

Hip Dysplaysia is common in GSD. This can only be diagnosed by having an X-ray done. They will usually sedate the dog to take the X-ray. The ball of the upper leg doesn't fit snuggly into the socket of the hip. There is surgery to fix this, but it is expensive. Usually both hips are affected. It can be very painful for a dog, but there are varying degrees of dysplaysia and some dogs can do fine without the surgery. Good luck, I hope this isn't what is wrong with your dog, if it shows up with this type of symptom in a young dog, it's not a good thing.

Is HGH (Human Growth Hormone) legal? Are there any bad side affects from it?

Weight lifting and exercise will increase the production of natural HGH in the body.

HGH is legal ONLY with a doctors prescription, and primarily used to treat growth deformities in small individuals. Even then, most researchers cannot agree on the proper dose. BASICALLY IT'S A GUESS. It is also prohibitively EXPENSIVE, as in several thousand dollars for a few doses.

Most of what is out there sold as HGH is garbage.

Side effects from HGH can be very bad, especially if abused by someone under the age of 25. HGH side effects range from the minor joint pain and some fluid retention to the more serious high blood pressure and abnormal bone and cartilage growth. The term "acromegaly" is used to describe a person with excess HGH later in life. Abraham Lincoln had this condition that results in abnormally large hands, jaw, ears, joints, and joint pain.

HGH use can lead to more long-term complications such as high blood pressure, more serious fluid retention, chronic joint pain and swelling, and some facial bone growth. Long-term abuse, as seen in athletic use, can lead to more pronounced, and sometimes deadly, side effects such as irregular heart rhythms, increased risk of diabetes, joint and facial deformities, and a shut down of the pituitary gland.


Why do I hear sounds like crystals shattering or sand grinding in my head when I move my head/neck side to side?

It has also been described as sand grinding between bones.If you are fairly young , and don't have a history of bone , or disc disease , it can be the result of loss of your normal alignment of your Cervical spine , especially after a Whiplash type accident , long term sleeping on your stomach , or two pillows , hours of looking down at your work everyday , or a habitual 16 hour combination of work , and sleeping in a fetal position for several years.A side Xray view of your Cervical (neck ) will show a loss of natural curvature , aka “ Military Neck “ That looks similar to this [ | ] , this [ /] , instead of this [ ) ]Certain Doctors of Chiropractic use a technique , with a drop forward, and down headpiece , at C-5 to gradually RE-SELLERS introduce the natural curve back into the neck.Personally , I have seen it happen as quickly as 3 weeks , and as slowly as 2 years , with documented progress on Xray views .Grinding symptoms usually disappear in 4–8 weeks after initiating treatment.