Despite The Influences Of Popular Culture How May A Local Culture Work To Maintain Its Identity

Where can I get the latest information on the Culture of the Philippines (Pangkat Etniko ng Pilipinas)?

...........Philippine Culture and History
......................Philippine Culture
Philippine Culture and History
Large archive of links, including historical photographs.
............Philippine History
............Picturesque Old Philippines (photos)
.............Early Travels/Remote Links:
..........Social Status of the Artist
Philippines: History & Culture
..........CIA world Fact Book........................

Unlike Mumbai, why is Pune still able to maintain its Marathi culture in spite of the IT boom?

There are quite a few reasons for this. For starters, I would say that we don’t want to repeat the same mistakes which we made in Mumbai. Marathi people sold all their lands and houses in Mumbai and gave up their culture to follow the western cultures.Few more points, why Pune is still able to maintain the Marathi culture could be as follows.Rich Maharashtrians: Unlike Maharashtrians in Mumbai who were mostly migrants who migrated from nearby villages to find jobs in the city, since they could not fend themselves and their families only upon agricultural income. These people were not necessarily well educated and worked on daily wages. Hence, the major working and middle class in Mumbai comprised of mill workers and dock workers. It was easy to suppress this class easily with the power of money. As opposed to this, Pune has always been rich in terms of fertile land as well as education. Pune has been home to various stalwarts and scholars from the fields of education, language, art, literature, business and politics. It is not easy to suppress this class. The migration that has happened to Pune is quite recent and composed of educated persons working mostly in the fields software and information technology. Most of these people are from the nearby cities of Maharashtra and hence share the same culture and take pride in it.Mumbai was ruled by the British: Since Mumbai was ruled by the British, the western culture was very much percolated among its citizens. There was a working and office going class in Mumbai, which was made to follow the British office culture. This class, after a certain amount of time started looking down on the Maharashtrian culture and traditions. Frequent usage of English words while speaking in Marathi became common and was coveted by everyone. This deteriorated the quality of Marathi spoken in day to day lives. I am aware that I might face a lot of flak for pointing this out, but the same thing seems to be happening in Pune and other Maharashtrian cities nowadays.Apart from these two points I think the immigration in Pune has been mostly of people working in IT and manufacturing as opposed to immigrants in Mumbai who work in all sectors including finance, entertainment, trading, IT and export-imports. Also, like someone else pointed out, since the immigration is quite recent, there is less unity among the immigrants. There are no Punjabi colonies, Jain colonies, Sindhi or Parsee colonies in Pune as there are in Mumbai.Peace.

What influences that feudalism had upon medieval society?

There was a distinct chain of command, starting with serfs at the bottom and eventually leading to the king. Serfs lived by working the lands owned by the lords, in exchange they would fight to defend the lord or the king if called upon to do so. The lords were granted their lands by the king, and in return were expected to contribute to the country by attending the royal court, providing entertainment or defense if necessary, acting as politicians etc etc. Each class was distinctly different in income, rights, and education.

Are Indians forgetting their culture?

Do you have any doubts about it?Definitely a big YES!!!When you see many boys and girls (especially from metros) who cannot count beyond 30 in their native language (like Hindi, Bengali etc.).When you see many people in high societies shaming Hindi and eulogizing English.When you call people wearing traditional dresses as ‘Bhaiyyaji’ or ‘Behenji’.When you shame ‘Brahmins’ for keeping a Shikha.When you look scornfully at people who visit temples and think that visiting Churches is modernity.When you see people denying entry into Malls those in traditional attire (Dhoti-Kurta) [1].When you know 1 January and don’t have any idea of our own Vedic New Year.When you do not touch the feet of your elders (parents, relatives, teachers etc.)When keeping a dog is a hallmark of modernity and keeping a cow is rustic.When there is an increasing trend of live-in relationships instead of marriages.When we know more about the glories of foreign countries than our very own land.It is the duty of every society to bequeath their culture to the next generations, but alas, we have failed!!Going by the comments, I see a clear lack of understanding of certain practices in our society. Practices like Dowry or Sati or Caste System were originally not the way they were being practiced. The Vedas give a detailed explanation of these practices, but people over centuries (probably in the last 1000 year) heavily misinterpreted to suppress the women and the weaker sections of the society. We need to trace the roots of these systems and then analyze whether originally they were perfect or not.My first answer with 3K Upvotes, thank you very much!!!Footnotes[1]

How can Filipinos preserve their culture in the age of globalization?

By means of introducing, implementing and commanding to do so. Keep them not forgetting them. Globalization can be introduce to the country as additional not as the main.