Dga How To Find Out Who Voted Not To Investigate

Can mixing random chemicals in a chemistry lab prove to be dangerous?

Yes, it can be very dangerous.Hydrochloric acid will happily react with many compounds to release Chlorine gas. This can cause severe respiratory damage.Sodium Hydroxide dropped in water can cause rapid heating and boil out of its container. If this solution spills onto aluminum it will create even more heat, release hydrogen gas, and can burst into flame.Nitric acid forms explosive compounds with a plethora of compounds.Those are just a few ways to seriously injured yourself. There are many more.Chemistry can be a fascinating hobby, but you must use care.Read about your chemicals.Try to understand and predict what will happen in your reactions.Always work in small quantities when experimenting.Have plenty of ventilation.Have appropriate fire extinguishers and an escape plan.Be prepared for spills and boilovers.Safety glasses are not optional.Be prepared to safely dispose of hazardous waste. “Pour it down the sink” is not acceptable for many chemicals.

What are the reasons against 17th amendment?

None of those who have answered thus far seem to understand why the Constitution as originally drafted called for Senators appointed by state legislatures. The answer is simple: the states were intended to have their “voice” in the Senate. The people exert their political power in the House of Representatives - the states in the Senate: a balance of power. In Federalist 62, Madison writes: “No law or resolution can now be passed without the concurrence, first, of a majority of the people [meaning: in the House], and then, of a majority of the States [in the Senate].”Since the states appointed, and could thus “unappoint” their Senators, a Senator who did not vote in his state’s best interest was soon in a new career path.This balance of power was forever disrupted by the 17th Amendment, the best constitutional example we have of shooting one’s self in one’s foot. No longer did the states (who, amazingly, asked Congress for the amendment!) have any control over what legislation passed in the Senate. The concept of federalism, i.e. power shared vertically between the national government and the state governments, took a major hit. And the Founders’ intended balance of power will never be restored until the 17th is repealed.