Did Al Qaeda Get The Message Yet That They Are Decimated According To Obama Since They Are Now

What would have happened if the Pakistani forces engaged Seal Team 6 after they killed Osama Bin Laden?

Had Pakistan wanted to mess this plan up, despite taking casualties, all the SEALs would have been killed and helicopters inbound shot down. What the US reaction afterwards would have been is a different issue and not the topic of the question.Simple plan for Pakistan would have seen 200+ fighter aircraft (with BVR standoff attack capability and other aircraft), in a matter of 15 minutes, completely saturate the air space over Abbotabad and the environs. This is well within Pakistan’s air defense capability and has been exercised in multiple exercises over the years. In this dense environment, flying out SEALS in helicopters would have been impossible.Yes USN and USAF aircraft deployed off of Arabian Sea and Afghan bases would have taken on the Pakistani fighters, but the SEALs would have been history by then.Pakistan has multiple infantry units in the region that can move their Rapid Reaction Forces (trained and hardened over many years responding to terrorist attacks all over Pakistan) to troublespots and these forces would have made the chance of the survival of the SEALs impossibly low. They would have been cordoned off, cornered in some housing, perhaps even in OBL’s own home, and decimated. US would not have been able to bring in close air support assets such as AC-130 gunships, A-10s or Apaches because the Pakistani Air Force would have made things extremely difficult for them to operate in this space. Pakistan would have taken significant losses, but not before decimating the entire SEAL team on the ground or capturing them. There were F/A-18s and USAF assets on stand-by in Afghanistan, but Pakistan too has a very significant over the horizon visibility that allows it to look deep inside the Afghan territory and also on its southern coast (Arabian Sea) to know in advance, what the US/ISAF aircraft are doing.These are just some of the high level factors that Pakistan could have brought to bear tactically had it wanted to disrupt the SEALs.The simple reality is that Pakistan was involved in green lighting this operation. Otherwise there are so many indications of Pakistanis being in the know that it is beyond reason to believe the SEALS arrived, as in a Hollywood movie, did what they did and escaped without harm. Afterall, the SEALs were on the ground for 40 minutes!

Military: what do you think of obama appointing a homosexual Secretary of the Army?

He still has to be confirmed by the Senate and that could be a long drawn out process look at how long Loretta Lynch's confirmation took. Doesn't surprise me he has shown nothing but utter contempt for the armed forces.

A brief, but interesting history lesson.// Got this e mailed to me what do you think?


There is a question to this post. What do you think about this article written by Mr. Kraft from Northern California? Now that I have rephrased the question do you have an opinion? :)

If you are a Christian and voted for Trump in the primaries, how can you justify that decision and still claim you are a Christian?

Trump was not my original choice in the primaries. I actually wanted Ben Carson. Then when he dropped out, I wanted Marco Rubio. When it came down to Trump and Cruz, I didn’t like either of them.I saw through Trump from the very beginning. I have had two people very close to me in my life that had Narcissistic personality disorder and saw many of the same type of traits in Trump, which led me to believe that he had the disorder too (Even though I can’t confirm it since I’m not a licensed Psychologist). Anyhow, I couldn’t fathom a world in which either of the two people I knew with the disorder was president.I still followed Trump’s speeches closely all the way through to the election, especially as the race was narrowing. By the time the general election was approaching, I began noticing a change in Trump. He was starting to display behavior to suggest that his personality problem was starting to heal. I began noticing certain behavior that he was exhibiting that could not come from someone that truly had NPD (such as saying something good about an opponent, forgiving previous critics, etc). This led me to believe that he was starting to heal. This made a lot of sense to me since the amount of rejection he was getting from both democrats and republicans at the time was great. I figured all that rejection and criticism might have actually helped him to heal.I wasn’t sure I would even cast my vote until about a week before election day. There were many reasons for me not to want Hillary as president. The two main reasons that probably pushed me to finally vote for Trump was:a) Being that I felt Obama had decimated this country both economically and on the international front during his term in office, Hillary’s constant reminder of 4 more years of Obama type policies scared me.b) Being that I believe abortion is murder and that Hillary was pro-abortion and Trump was anti-abortion, I made my choice there as well.I know it’s hard for some people to fathom how a Christian could have voted for Trump, but one must look at the options he was up against to truly understand. I can’t speak for all but I would say that most Christians that voted for Trump probably would agree that he isn’t the perfect candidate that they would have liked, but compared to who he was up against, he was the more Christian choice.