Did Conservatives Know That

Conservatives! Did you know that wages are not determined by supply/demand in a market economy?

Damn, you really are an idiot that doesn't understand the market.

What do they teach you kids in school anymore?

Ever run a lemonaide stand?

Didn't think so.

Ok, here you go, in small words.

What is the market? The market is two or more people who wish to exchange something.

One offers, the other decides to accept or not.

now, how it works in action.

Employer offers job for 10 bucks an hour, worker decides if they want to work for that.

Business can't get worker for 10 bucks an hour.

They offer 11.

This continues until person takes job.

Labor laws are created to make an artificial shortage of labor, in order to increase wages.

Problem, businesses hire less since they only have a limited pool of money they can offer for wages.

This means, some workers get more per hour, at the expense of other workers, this works out well for the favored workers and bad for those who are left in the cold.


no, you're the one missing out on important concepts, especially if you think businesses run the economy as a conspiratorial block, yet refuse to admit the possibility on labors side.

Conservatives, did you know that Ron Reagan (President Reagan's Son) is a Liberal?

We already know that,

Here's something you dont know. In the late 1970s Ron Reagan Junior lost his virginity to Kristin Nelson who was at the time the wife of Ricky Nelson (of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet tv show fame). When his parents found out about it, Nancy was outraged, but Ronald Reagan senior was delighted as this meant that at least his son wasnt a homosexual.

Would an ultra-conservative person know that he or she is conservative?

Would an ultra-conservative person know that he or she is conservative?The problem is there is no definition of an ultra-conservative person any more than there is s definition of an ultra-liberal or ultra-progressive person.You have a perception of what you think an ultra-conservative person is and that may be completely different than the way I interpret the same thing to mean. So rather than using nondescript words like ultra lets simplify it to staunchly ConservativeThe definition of staunch isfirm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person:a staunch Republican; a staunch friend.When we rephrase the question in this way I can actually say that I do in fact know that I am a staunch Conservative. I am very loyal to the philosophy of Conservatism, I try and adhere to its principles as a person.

As a liberal or conservative, did you know that six of the seven justices who voted in favour of Roe v Wade were Republican appointed?

I think several of these Democrats vs Republican deeds questions are frequently posed on Quora with the assumption that both parties were exactly what they are for ever.Roe v. Wade was in 1973So the SC Justices who rendered verdict in Roe v Wade were appointed by Presidents going all the way back to FDR. Between FDR and Nixon (during whose Presidency Roe v. Wade verdict was rendered), there were exactly 2 Republican Presidents….Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon himself.Compared to the batshit crazy Ayatollah Republicans of today, both Ike and Nixon were very liberal.Nixon for all his misdeeds would be considered a flaming liberal by the current GOP. It was during Nixon’s administration that EPA was created. Another important Nixon era policy was that he made it free for anyone and everyone who is on a waiting list for a kidney to receive free dialysis till that time and US Govt will pay for them (and the policy is still active and effective today)Ike was even more liberal than Nixon.Also the Democrats were not the party as they are today. Democrats had two distinct factions, the Northern Liberals and the Dixiecrats and the latter one was a very conservative group of Democrats who were anti civil rights, voting rights etc.Anyways going back to the question…. it is pointless to compare the GOP and Democrats of today to what they were 50–100 years ago.It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican who signed the Emancipation Proclamation and was instrumental behind 13th Amendment to abolish slavery. And another liberal President slightly later was Theodore Roosevelt, a man who stood with the small guy and took on big corporations and robber barons and forever will be associated with nature conservation and creating the National Park Service. The current GOP hyenas are trying to strip mine for coal and whatever else they can get in National Park lands.And SC Justice appointments did not become a partisan affair till Reagan.

Conservatives: Did you know your tyrant god Ronald Reagan signed the grazing fee with executive order 12548 which now is hurting Bundy?

You all are fighting against the tyranny of the BLM and Harry Reid with the Bundy situation.

But little did you know that Reagan placed this grazing fee.

Reid and the BLM are just using these fees for the land since they want it for the Chinese solar panel company. Corruption is great, isn't it?

So now Reid and BLM are using this executive order to their advantage.

Do you personally know any conservatives who were "outraged" or offended by the AOC dancing video?

No, not a bit of it. I’m not, and I never heard anybody do so. To this minute I still can’t understand why anybody would be. She’s a young lady. Young ladies like to dance, and many of them are good at it. And this is scandalous exactly how? Perhaps, if this is a measure of conservatism, I am not quite conservative enough, but I’m also not quite ready to condemn a person for making a music video with their schoolmates.Honestly, I never heard of the video at all until it hit the news big time. Even then, I ignored it as an irrelevancy. But then the questions started on Quora and other places, so I pinged the video and watched the first minute or so (about all I can take of a music video) so I’d have some ability to understand what we were talking about.You know what I thought?I thought it was the first time I ever saw her doing something where it looked like she knew what she was doing; that it was the first time I ever saw her looking like she was happy she was doing what she was doing; and that it was the first time I ever saw her look like anything other than a wind-up, good-little-socialist robot.If she’s smart, when it’s her turn to speak on the floor, she’ll dance from her seat to the podium.