Did I Binge Or Am I Doing It Right

If one of the few things we do together is binge watch, am I right to be mad at my boyfriend for watching without me?

I’d think that “mad” is the wrong emotion. Disappointed may be a better approach. When my wife and I binge on shows, Punisher, she will make me rewatch episodes with her so we keep together through the series.I used to not like having to rewatch stuff. But I’ve learned that I miss crucial moments that add depth to the story so rewatching has its rewards.Try not to be angry about it though. In 10 years you’re not even going to remember that you were upset over something so insignificant.

During a meth binge, why does your body ache?

Methamphetamine is a stimulant, it is the 'sister' drug of Ritalin, Adderall, Dexatrine ect.which are legally prescribed from a physician for relief, issues acute and chronic, of issues directed at ADHD and ADD, some forms of anxiety, depending on the person, weight loss benefits for obesity (as the doctor sees fit) well as many other uses. Note how I didn't mention Methamphetamine? That is because while they are almost the same chemical structure, Meth is extremely unstable, and long term system use is not recommended for anything living.When you go on a meth binge, or even abuse prescription Amphetamines like Ritalin, your essentially sucking all the hydration from your mucus membranes, especially the mouth, throat area and eyes. The body is loosing fluids at a extreme rate and becomes very dehydrated, Which can kill you if you're binging for days. (electrolyte drinks like gatorade would be something you would want to continue consuming )The teeth and gums are horribly affected from this as well. Bacteria associated with tooth decay and tooth loss are rampant inside the mouth of a person who is dehydrated from high levels of meth use. Particularly if you are smoking it or snorting it. The gums are compromised due to the lining thinning and becoming brittle, making no it easy to cut open with a normal gesture such as yawning. But math use causes 90% of users to move their jaw around, clenching it, biting the cheeks, tongue ect....The major issue with meth abuse is the lack of sleep. This is going to be the number 1 cause of soreness associated with a binge. The human body and brain need sleep roughly Every 12 hours to essentially recharge. Delusions, paranoia and hallucinations can be seen in sufferers of sleep deprivation after as little as only 24 hours without sleep. By hour 48 you are not functioning at anywhere near a same level. Regardless of how you perceive you feel.. The second major reason for the pain is because you are on a stimulant, which causes a constant sensation of energy and alertness. You are clenching your muscles without knowing you are doing it. And for days on end? Yes, that would make a body ache. Combine that with extreme dehydration and sleep deprivation, and there is your reasons why your in such pain after a binge.

I'm Tempted to Purge RIGHT NOW...?

I ate like 6 huge spoonfuls of cookie dough (my mom bought a HUGE bucket of pure chocolate chip cookies dough from Costco - enough to bake 80 cookies...)

Not only do I feel greasy, bloated and disgusting, I have a stomachache now.

I was doing SO well not eating junk food for five days (a feat for me), and now this happened.

I know purging is totally unhealthy, but I just want to get all this cookie dough OUT of me. Now I'm going to get fat and break out horrendously.

Is it so bad to purge just this once? How do I offset the binge damage?

I'm anorexic and binge eating right now. Please help me.?

I'm not sure what kind of answer you're looking for here.

You know you have a problem, you know you need help. If you can't do it yourself, ask for help. Stop carrying on holding it inside. Reach out for help.

You should not purge it all. You should wake up tomorrow morning, take a breathe, and think about your life, graduating from college, getting married, having children, growing old. It's a wonderful life. Don't waste it starving yourself.

You know you're too thin and that 300 calories per day isn't enough to sustain anyone. Wake up tomorrow and eat breakfast, then around noon, eat lunch, then around 6 pm, eat dinner, then watch some TV or read a book, and go to bed. Wake up the next morning and repeat.

Most people need around 2000 calories a day, no lower than 1700 is advisable. Your weight will stabilize itself where it should be. You should pay attention to what you eat, but you have to eat. You're going to gain weight, because you're more than likely too skinny and weak right now. It's okay to gain weight.

You're going to be okay. Please be safe and take care of yourself. I'm in no way a counselor, just some guy answering a question on the internet. Good luck.

I think i have a binge eating problem? help?

I don't really think you have a binge eating disorder, we all have a certain week/day where we eat too much bad food. You may also feel hungry because you aren't eating enough of calories, based on your weight and exercise! Here are my recommendations to you

Eat a bigger breakfast. If you eat a bigger breakfast, you wont be as hungry throughout the day. Also, you won't have too much time in the morning to think about what you are eating. I usually start my day with an egg, two pieces of whole wheat bread, milk and fruit, which is an ideal balanced breakfast since it contains fruit calcium complex carbohydrates and protein. A big breakfast will prevent you from being hungry at lunch, and making wise choices at breakfast will help you eat healthier throughout the day.

Pack Your Lunch. This way, you won't even have the choice to buy something unhealthy at lunch. Remove all money from your lunch account so you can't buy the food. Your lunch will be well planned out. An example of a healthy lunch is a whole wheat wrap with mustard, turkey, and lettuce. Top it off with an apple and water.

Eat something small mid-morning. This way, you wont be starving at dinner, preventing unhealthy overeating. Eat a fruit, fat free yogurt or both.

Hope this helps:)

Well i fxcked up, 1000+ calorie binge? what do i do and will i gain noticeable weight?

To start off, I am 16, 5'2 and between 105 and 110 pounds. I look like I weigh more than I actually do due to the fact that I never exercise (I'm going to change that in the summer, but for now, my life is too stressful and i dont have time ): ) and my body structure (wide hips, broad shoulders).
For the past two weeks, I've eaten under 1200 calories every day and cut all processed food out of my diet. I pretty much only ate brown rice, cooked veggies, fruit, raw veggies, tofu, nuts, organic pb, almond milk.. stuff like that.
Well, today I had a huge binge. I ate (i'm guessing) over well over 1300 calories within an hour. It was just a long day and I was having some friendship and family drama all at once. I felt fat and bloated all day and in one sitting I ate a TON of junk. greek yogurt, cookies, chips, granola bars.. yes, I did crave them but this was ridiculous. i just shoved them down my throat without feeling anything. all the products i ate were "organic" as in no preservatives or high fructose corn syrup but i know they are still bad due to the high amount of carbs and sugar and all that.
anyway, my total calorie intake for today is probably around 2400 calories. i feel sick now. what do i do? do i just pretend it never happened or will this incident make me gain weight..? should i eat less tomorrow to "make up" for today?