Did I Get A Lot For Christmas

Did I get too much for Christmas?

No you did not - your obviously looking to brag; because what if we told you you did - are you just going to go return it? I strongly dislike these silly questions, just so people like you can brag. Obviously you did not, if you got it. Getting too much would mean your family went in debt to get you gifts. This is simply a bragging act.I got much more, simply because my family is wealthy. A lot of your stuff is pretty cheap, and Im willing to bet you added a few extra things to brag, if not most. But I truly could care less what you got.

EDIT: Ok people, this is a false question. Look at her answers - when someone asked if they got too much for christmas, her answer was "HOLY **** YES". The person who asked the question got a lot less than this person's presents. Lmfao, fake...

How many gifts do you get your kids for Christmas?

BAH-HUMBUG to those that only get their child 1 gift! That's terrible.

We do go overboard for christmas, its what I am accustomed to growing up.

My suggestion is consider a budget. Consider the number of packages per child and make them even. Also I consider what the stack looks like. Some inexpensive things are large in size, so I try to make the size of the packages look similar as well. I wouldn't give my 7 year old a nintendo ds, and a couple videos, action figures and then give his brother a bike, piano, wagon, tool bench, play kitchen etc.

Why do a lot of people like Christmas so much?

Humans often love companionship. And Christmas is really strong in relationships. I don't know if you have ever heard of the five love languages. They are quality time, gifts, acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation. There is time off work and school, which gifts time for people to be together. There is lots of gifts being given out, and people feel cared about. There is lots of hugs and kisses and just general touch because people feel closer together. There is lots of positive and kind words because Christmas was made as a "be kind to everyone" holiday. Plus, we eat our favorite food during Christmas time. We think about being nice for others, which actually creates a happy chemical in our body. We decorate everything up all nice and pretty, which puts people in a good mood. And there are lots of memories brought back. Also, the music is lighthearted and happy or peaceful.

How much do you spend on your kids for christmas?

Wow!Lot of people who make me seem like I'm a spoiled rich brat.My mother is a paralegal at a good office and my father is next in line to run the sewage treatment plant(after my grandfather retires in three years).My parents also have no money due on any of their cars.My parents also owe very little money on out house.

I get a lot more chocolate than I would like every Christmas. How can I reasonably get rid of or through all of it?

There is nothing wrong with sharing gifts of chocolate and other treats. Tomorrow I am bringing in two boxes of Christmas cookies to share at work, and my husband is taking a large box of chocolates we received, to his office. Just don't mention it to the person who gave them to you. If you don't feel right giving away a gift, most cookies and candies can be frozen for months if you pack them carefully.  Then you can nibble on them bit by bit and feel less guilty. And you are right, we are lucky to have the problem of an excess of goodies.