Did I Get Canker Sores

Why do people get canker sores?

These painful sores inside the mouth are not well understood and may be triggered by stress, injury, nutritional deficiencies, genetics, and other factors. They usually clear up in one to two weeks. Get Anbesol or Orajel at a pharmacy to help with the pain. There are also mouthwashes that will help - get ones without alcohol. And rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day - it is gross but it really will help.

Why do I always get canker sores????

Some people suffer more than others. They experience more widespread outbreaks than others, and of course they are triggered by stress and trauma and illness (cold sores). First is prevention. Start taking a multivitamin daily to insure your immune system has the important vitamins it needs to function correctly. Next, get a Lysine supplement to take daily. This is very important in cold sore and fever blister prevention (it is also good for your eyes and body). If you feel the tingle coming on, apply Abreva or a similar cold sore product to that area. After an ulcer appears, apply the new cold sore patches. They dissolve on the ulcer to help it heal faster. Avoid acidic, spicy, and hot foods and drinks while you have an ulcer. Peroxide rinses help. It is a good practice to do daily, but also when you have an ulcer if you can't stand to do it daily. At bedtime, swish, spit, do not rinse/eat/drink, just go to bed. Finally, find a good health food store and talk to them about products they have that help with this (natural alteranatives). I am not a natural only person, but I have learned that there are several good things that can help and be much safer for you. Your store will have more experience and know what works best, and then search it online just to be sure of any side effects. Pretty much all are safe as long as not taken in an overdose daily. Oh yeah, if you are having lots of outbreaks, you may benefit from trying Valtrex. I know it is for genital herpes, but it works for oral too. Trauma immediately lowers the immune system capability in that particular area of the mouth and can initiate a trauma caused outbreak. Infections lower the immune system which allows the virus to outbreak again. Stress lowers the immune system which triggers outbreaks the same as infections. Even the ones inside your mouth are most likely caused by herpes also. This accounts for the multiple lesions. Canker sores normally only occur in singles.

Why do I get canker sores so much?

I usually get canker sores on my cheeks or my lips, but this is the first time i've ever gotten it at the back of my throat. Why did I randomly get it there? what caused this?

What's the best way to get rid of a canker sore? I have a canker sore all the way in the back of my mouth/throat, and I usually rinse my mouth with salt and water, but I can't seem to do it now because I might drink the salt water.

Canker sore can also be called as small ulcers that have a red lining with white cavity.Causes of canker sores are:-They are caused by a number of reasons some of them includes hormonal changes, food sensitivity, poor immunity, allergies, constipation and even stress. Chomping your lip may also be the reason that these painful ulcers are triggered in your mouth.Rinse by Hydrogen: Hydrogen peroxide cleanses and puts the healing process in action. It also cleanses the sore and by rinsing through peroxide the sore will not give the burning sensation as in case with the salt water. It gives a soothing effect and used in most of the gels recommended for canker sores. The solution can be easily made by mixing half cup water and hydrogen peroxide.Gargle: Dentists always recommend that if gargling is done salt water than it can provide great relief in conditions like canker sores. As Salt hydrates and clean the sore so as to start the healing process and is also known to be a pain reliever. It provides relief to a great extent.Avoid: Foods that are of acidic nature like fruit juice of citrus fruits should be avoided as they irritate the sore and slows the healing process. Along with this the foods that are highly rich in sugar should also be avoided during this time as sugar converts into acid and delays the healing process.Toothpaste: If suffering from cancer sores than SLS free toothpaste should be used. The normal oral mouth wash and toothpaste contains sodium sulfate which triggers the cancer sores and could result in worsening the condition of sores.Magnesia: Magnesium hydroxide is used for digestion, as laxative and also for heartburn.It is also known as milk of Magnesia and it protects the sore from any further infection and irritation by forming a layer over the sore. By applying this canker sores will heal within a few days.Baking Soda: t acts both as a pain reliever and cleanser for canker sores. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with warm water and just swish your mouth with this mixture.

Can you get canker sores from chewing tobacco?

I have read that it is not known what canker sores are triggered by, but that it may be linked to stress. If that is the case, I don't think that you could get it by chewing tobacco.

This site says:
Canker sores can run in families. They may also be linked to problems with the body's immune (defense) system. The sores may occur after a mouth injury due to dental work, aggressive tooth cleaning, or biting the tongue or cheek.

Canker sores can be triggered by emotional stress, dietary deficiencies (especially iron, folic acid, or Vitamin B-12), menstrual periods, hormonal changes, food allergies, and similar situations. They occur most commonly with viral infections. In some cases, the cause can not be identified.

So I guess that while chewing tobacco, and you bite your tongue or cheek, it may cause canker sores? I have one right now which bugs me..ugh haha. I hope this helped!

**I saw that a lot of people say that its cancer spots. Canker sores are benign, which means its not cancer.

Canker sores from chewing tobacco?

Okay guys, i have 2 canker sores from chewing tobacco in the same place on my lip for awhile, since then, i switched to the other side, as this side was too raw for me to place a dip (it burned) but i was wondering, i have 2 canker sores on my lip, one larger one on my lip, and one smaller one by the base of my gumline, i know these arent cancerous, as canker sores are benign, and also, cancerous bumps are hard, these are puss filled apparently. So i was wondering how long these will take to dissapate? Im doubting this is a serious problem, since ive only chewed 2 cans of Skoal, and cancer takes alot more time then that to develope, but right now i just finished 2 cans, and i have one left, so will packing a dip while i have these canker sores make them worse? also, after this last can, im done with the stuff, my friends even tell me that its very addictive once it has you by the balls. Please answer my questions guys, not badger me about the habit, Thank Yous!