Did I Get Food Poising

Did I have food poisoning?

I think it is just a conscience that you got sick after eating at papa Gino's.

In addition to vomiting, food poisoning also brings on stomach cramps and intense diarrhea.

Also, you would not have a high temp. It sounds like you picked up a viral stomach infection.

Is this food poisoning?

This is most definitely the flu.
I've had food poisoning, and it lasts for about 24 hours. For those 24 hours, you are vomiting pretty much every half hour. You are weak and shaky, and cannot move out of bed.
I did not have a fever or diarrhea, just vomiting ... lots and lots of vomiting. But it is completely over within 24 hours.

Drink plenty of water, get LOTS of rest!
Hope you feel better soon <3

How do you know if you have food poisoning?

Symptoms of food poisoning depend on the type of contaminant and the amount eaten. The symptoms can develop rapidly, within 30 minutes, or slowly, worsening over days to weeks. Most of the common contaminants cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. Usually food poisoning is not serious, and the illness runs its course in 24–48 hours.

Did I get food poisoning food poisoning?

Okay so it was 1 day ago when in the morning I started getting really cold and then I got a really bad fever. I was really cold and my head was very light headed, and just soon after the feve started going away, I've been getting stomach aches, like my stomach would be rumbling alot and I've been having diarrhea. My poop is like really liquidy, just to tell you guys, because it's been 2 days, and my stomach ache is still not going away. I'm afraid it might be food poisoning, but I'm not sure how I even got the food poisoning. Right now, I've been drinking alot of fluids and my stomach is still rumbling, but I haven't been eating too much, and I think it could be that I'm alittle hungy, but I'm kind of scared that I might thow up because right now I'm having a feeling that I'm going to throw up. Anyways, if anyone thinks that it might be somthing else rather than food poisoning, please tell me because I'm unsure about this stomach ache. I really don't want to go to the doctor yet because probably it might not be something that serious, so I just have to make sure before I need to go to the doctor.

Can you get you get food poisoning from pizza?

If there are harmful bacteria, virus, or toxins on the food, then yes, you can get food poisoning. This is unlikely considering the most likely culprits are any meat on the pizza or raw egg in the dough. Most places precook the meat before it ever goes on the pizza, and the pizzas are cooked thouroughly in dry heat which would kill all organisms on the meat, dairy, or vegetables.If you want to know if you are sick, or what caused it, note that food poisoning will result in vomiting AND gastrointestinal distress. (In other words, you're firing from both ends), and fever is common. You will not feel sick until about 6–12 hours after you eat the contaminated food, so if you just ate a pizza twenty minutes ago, you are more likely sick from what you had for breakfast.If you have food poisoning remember to drink LOADS of water, like, amounts you think can't possibly be good for you, because if you have the symptoms listed above you are losing A LOT of water from your stomach, gut, and sweat. If you feel dizzy or cannot stand, get someone to take you to a hospital or call an ambulance.Be safe out there, kids, and don't be scared of pizza!

Can you get food poisoning from donuts?

What are my chances of getting food poisoning from glazed donuts? They're just packaged in a box. They're not from a bakery and they haven't expired. I know that they have a lot of sugar and that acts as a preservative and they can get stale. But still I know you can get sick from any food. So what are my chances of getting sick.

Can one get food poisoning from cooked food?

If the food is left out after cooking, and not refrigerated (more than just a few minutes - think a day or so) it will grow things that will make you sick.Cooking kills the things that were present in the food when first cooked.  It has no effects on the things that land on your food and grow after it cools down to room temperature.Update to updated question:  Cooking does not destroy some toxins that were in the food. While it kills most living things, the toxins they leave can still make you sick. Also a possibility is that food that accompanied the tuna may have had problems.  You can get sick from contaminated vegtables or other foods.

How can you get food poisoning from rice?

The most common cause of food poisoning from rice is from Bacillus cereus, which grows on carbohydrate-rich media such as rice. People are most often poisoned when they eat re-heated rice because although reheating kills the bacteria, the toxins they have produced while growing on the rice are heat-stable.

What does food poisoning feel like?

There's a phrase that other answers have alluded to but not said.Food poisoning is also known as a "two for one special", or BOGO. It's marked by those times when you think you've got a very gassy bout of diarrhea, so you sit down to take care of that business. Only to find out a few seconds later once those floodgates have opened on that end, that now you need to find something to throw up in, because the lock-and-dam is malfunctioning in a major way!You've bought one, now you've got the other for free! Oh happy day!So you've already started one evacuation. Now you've got something else to worry about. Where can you throw up?!? The sink is too far away and lest you tried you might end up doing the garden sprinkler all over the walls. The bathtub is right across from you but you really really really don't want to have to clean up the collateral damage -- and the ongoing evacuation is weakening your resolve that you'd be able to project the second evacuation cleanly and with power-wash precision so as to avoid mess. So you frantically start searching, all the while, roiling and boiling going on and climbing ever higher in your throat. You've got two options you've had time to consider. The toilet bowl is right below your open legs, or the garbage can off to the left complete with all sorts of its own nastiness from other peoples' bodily concerns. You opt for the garbage can because...splashback. You're lucky, you've maintained enough mental resolve to realize that if any splashes back in your face you'd rather it not come from the soup that you are creating down below.It's not just one hell. It's two!

Anyone else get food poisoning from Quizno's?

Yes.. it is very painful.. I won't go into details.. but I would not wish it on my worst enemy! I didn't feel like doing much the first day and the second day I was really really sore from what I didn't want to do (but did anyways because I couldn't control it) the day before...