Did I Neglect My Kitten


No , your saving the kitten. Please report the people too, the kitten deserves JUSTICE!!!

"If you witness animal abuse or neglect, please contact your local humane society, animal shelter, or animal control agency immediately. In most areas, those agencies have the authority to enforce state and local laws related to animals and the capability to investigate and resolve these situations. They rely on concerned citizens to be their eyes and ears in the community and to report animal suffering. You can choose to remain anonymous, although giving your name to your humane agency will enable that group to follow up with you when necessary."

My cat just gave birth to 3 kittens but she is neglecting one of them, why?

My family took in a pregnant stray a few years ago. She gave birth to six kittens two days later. She was obviously quite young and this was likely her first (and only) litter. Mimi regularly removed the two smallest kittens from the nesting box and left them in a corner of the room. We returned them to her and assisted them in latching onto a nipple each time. After a few weeks, Mimi stopped rejecting these runts. They grew up healthy, though one was identified as having a heart murmur.Cats who are inexperienced may become stressed more easily at the demands of motherhood. A large brood must feel overwhelming! The feline response is to focus on the kittens most likely to survive, and this can lead to rejection of the weakest in the litter.

Is my hamster neglected?

we got a new kitten and I have been paying a lot of attention to her , but my hamster before we got the kitten woulden`t come to me anymore or like being picked up.I still feed and water him ( of course) but he still dosen`t come to me or see me as his buddy ..... do you think he`s getting old and he dosen`t like being picked up or do you think he feels neglected?

Why would a male cat dislike or neglect his kittens?

The degree to which a male animal is involved in rearing his offspring varies from species to species. Among mammals—and particularly among predators—active involvement by the father is relatively uncommon. A more common pattern is for the male to mate with a fertile female and then go his own way (usually looking for other fertile females to mate with), leaving the impregnated female to raise the young on her own. The mating habits of domestic cats follow this pattern…with one additional tweak that makes it unlikely that a male cat will feel attached to his offspring: the kittens may not all be his.Domestic cats are induced ovulators—this means that a female cat’s ovaries don’t just release a bunch of eggs in hopes that a male will come along and introduce his sperm to them. A female cat’s ovaries release an egg only when a male cat mates with her. As a result, the number of kittens that develop is usually tied roughly to the number of times a successful mating occurs during her heat period. And domestic cats are not usually monogamous.Consequently, it’s possible for each kitten in a litter to have a different father. That being the case, there isn’t a strong biological reason for a male to be particularly invested in the offspring of any given female he has mated with (and chances are that he has mated with several different females during roughly the same period of time). He has no reason to equate his “hot date” with the kittens that result.Occasionally a male and female will pair-bond, and the male cat will stick around after mating, but that’s because the female cat is his buddy, not because he wants to participate in raising his kittens. If a male cat is forced to be in proximity to his kittens (if they live in the same household, for example), a lot depends on his own personality. He may find the little fuzzballs weird or annoying, rather than cute and adorable.Original question answered: Why would a male cat dislike or neglect his kittens?

Why did my cat kill her kittens?

My younger female (18 months) had a first litter of eight kittens. She did well at first, but her milk came in slowly. At feeding time, all eight kittens went to four of her teats which produced milk. She never got milk in her other teats. Even though we monitored her and shifted kittens, they would not nurse on the other teats. She would let them nurse as long as she could, but within two-three weeks she was unable to nurse. The kittens had sucked and chewed those four teats raw. She was unable to feed her kittens. We started bottle feeding them.Then kittens started disappearing. I thought she was moving them out of protective instinct. I was wrong. We found the first kitten in a empty box under the kitchen table. She had suffocated her kitten because she wasn’t able to nurse it. She would wait until we were at work, or sleeping and take another kitten and kill it. We kept bottle feeding, by the time the remaining kittens were a month old there were only two left. Even though they were growing and healthy, she continued to try and kill the last two up until they were almost six weeks old. She would groom them, play with them and they were beginning to eat solid food. Then in the middle of the day, she picked up a kitten and carried it towards the kitchen. By the time we got to her, the baby was gone. She laid or sat on his head and chest until he stopped breathing. We kept the remaining kitten closed in the bedroom, far from his momma. My roommates did not understand why she killed her kittens. Thought she was evil and just didn’t understand. I felt so bad for her. She knew that she could not provide her babies with what they needed to grow and thrive. Matricide(?) happens more frequently than people know. If a kitten is weak, deformed or not thriving, the mother will move it away from the rest of the litter, not care for it or feed it.It is a bit of Darwinism. Pass on the strong genes, survival of the fittest, the carrying on of the species.I cried and buried those kittens. They rest next to my second big orange male “Appolo” and my grey mouser “Bruce”.

Are my neighbors neglecting their cat? Outdoor kitten?

To me it sounds neglectful because they're risking the kitten's life subjecting it to all the outdoor dangers lurking outside. I would contact the SPCA/Humane Society/Animal Control/Police and speak to them about your concerns. I would also place a printed off sheet in their mailbox about how dangerous it is to allow a kitten outside. Some people are just ignorant to the dangers of allowing their kitten outside. I wouldn't even be surprised if the kitten was never sterilized. We don't need anymore kittens added to the homeless population. You can also include that in your notice if you choose to and you can bring up that concern with your local authorities. Anyways, all pets must require a yearly rabies shot and that's the law in most areas and that can be brought up in your complaint as well.

I feel like I am neglecting my cat?

Lately I haven't been 'hanging out' with my cat. I don't play with her, pat or or anything and I feel bad because all she can do is walk around our house and sleep under my bed. She's normally an energtic cat.

What can I do? I feel really bad that she is always bored and can only sleep.

Dream about dead kittens?


I suspect you love animals, especially cats. In your dream, however, the cats symbolize something else. Only you know what they symbolize.

"What happens when we leave them for a week?" This tells you that there is something in your life that you (and/or your sister) may be neglecting. If this neglect goes on long enough, severe consequences will occur.

"They starve and die," but you thought he was joking. In Real Life, you believe that the neglect will not have severe negative consequences.

"Those kittens are dead." Your subconscious told you that the negative consequences are imminent in Real Life, unless the neglect ends immediately. You had thought the "cats were sleeping," meaning you thought the problem was minor or not really there, but you are very wrong.

"I felt really sad but I tried to pick up the ones that were alive but my sister was too upset and just pulled me away without me getting any kittens." The alive kittens indicated that the neglect was not 100% desctructive; something survived the neglect. But the neglect and the resultant harm were consideable, enough for your sister (and you?) to not be able to handle it, indicated by the fact that you couldn't even "take" or appreciate what remains (in the dream, that is the live kitten).

So what important element in your Real Life are you and/or your sister neglecting? If you are not sure, the identity of the man in the street should give you a strong clue.


Please Tell Me What To Do, I stepped On My Kitten?

I have 4 8 week old kittens left and I was going outside and I accidentally stepped on one of them. I've been watching real careful not to step one them but one ran right under my foot. And i ran a rusty tack in my foot yesterday so I can't put any weight on it so al my weight went right on the kitten. We don't have an vets anywhere near us and the closest one is like 6 hours away since thee all closed now and my dad said he wasn't driving that far. He wont give me any money to take hoim tommorrow either cause I have to take my dog to get spayed but tha can wait. I dont know what to do, I cant stop crying now because I dont want her to die. And dont know what wrong with her. Like her stomachs bulged out aorund one of her back legs like where her ntestines are or something. She can still walk but I dont know what to do. I know I need to take her to the vet but I dont know how im going to. Please dont tell me Im neglecting my animals because they always get to the vet when they need to.

My kitten died and i feel guilty?

I had just moved to my first apartment by myself, a month later I bought a kitten for some company....It was only a couple months later when she died. The whole reason i feal guilty is because i seen the signs of her getting sick but i just thought it was minor and she would get over it. I never took her to the vet and i pretty much had to wach her die. I feel horrible all the time and im always thinking about it. It happened a year ago and i feel that i cant get over it at all..someone help.