Did I Overreact To This Gift

Did my parents overreact?

86, 85, 73, 94, 89, 87

Those are the grades I’ve recently brought home on test in French I, I know the 73 is horrible I can agree, though you can see I than studied harder and got a 94 on the next test.

I think my parents are overreacting. They called me a failure and said I’d never amount to anything with these disappointing grades, and my mother won't let me play my piano as punishment :'( she said she'd let me have it back when I bring home a 100 in French I.

Did I overreact? My parents went to a party. They left at 9 a.m and came back at midnight. There was nothing in the fridge and they didn’t leave money. I was furious because they behaved selfishly. I said that I hoped they would choke on their food.

No food whatsoever? Not a potato you could peel to cook for yourself? Not a frozen pea in sight? You know, I find that a bit difficult to believe. I can, however, believe there wasn’t any junk food. Or food you could just zap in the microwave. Anything you wanted to eat.No mention of your age, but I am going to assume you are in your middle teens seeing as how your parents felt it was okay to leave you home alone for an extended period of time. I don’t think you’re an adult because an adult is meant to be a bit more mature than this.Let’s assume you are right. Not a skerrick of food in the fridge. Not a skerrick of food in the pantry. Nothing. No flour in the cupboard, no egg to be boiled, nothing. You could have picked up the phone. Rang for a pizza. Yes, using your own money. It IS possible for a teenager to pay for food themselves. Oh, you spent all your money? Despite knowing that you lived in a house with absolutely no food? Not even a can of vegetables in your house. But you didn’t plan. Perhaps I overestimated your age. I know your parents overestimated your ability to be left alone.If you were that hungry (not even 24 hours, but hey you might have thought you were at risk of starving to death) why didn’t you visit a friend and beg for food? What about a neighbour? There is always options. It’s really a rare occurrence that someone is a real victim.No phone? No neighbours? No friends? Golly gosh. Well, you have access to the internet. You could have ordered a pizza online. Or groceries.Now, on the off chance that I have this totally wrong - you really are an abused and neglected child - contact child services. Through a teacher. A neighbour. A friend. The police. Heck, private message me your details and I will do it.Did you overreact? I think so. And, irrelevant of your parents behaviour, any neglect they may be guilty of, your responsible for your own behaviour. Your responsible for if you have good manners or not. Yelling at your parents is not good manners.

Why do guys overreact about little things....?

Well, very simple. They believe they are in control and thus will always want to be there. Any thing small will always get them thinking....

LDS only please: Inactive sister b-day gift?

just write her out your testimony. your words and feelings are going to mean a whole lot more than a picture of Jesus, or some book or CD. just let her know how you feel, what has changed in your life etc. basically just your testimony- your testimony of the savior and the power of the atonement etc. in the letter explain that you are not trying to change her, or anything but that this is something that is so important to you, and has had such a positive influence on your life, that as her sister and someone who loves her you wanted to share it with her. that it's not about her being gay or inactive, but that this has really made you happy and you wanted to share that with her, and open the doors for communication on the subject. and then just leave it at that. the ball is in her court- continue to be an example and let her know in general conversation how happy you are, and what is making you happy, and if she is receptive to it, and actually wants to talk about it, learn more about it, gain a testimony etc. than she will- but right now, until SHE is ready- all you can do is be an example and openly communicate with her about it. :)

Did the USA overreact to the threat of communism during the Cold War?

It wasn't so much an over-reaction as a failure to foresee future consequences.The battle between socialism and capitalism was a real ideological war which each side was dedicated to winning.For the US, the problem was that in its battle with socialism, it was willing to create new allies as proxies to fight the Soviet Union. The foremost example was by allying with fundamentalist Muslims to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.The US political and intelligence establishment completely failed to realize that it was creating a new Frankenstein monster which would be much more destabilizing than the Soviet Union ever was. Furthermore, the Soviet Union was a state power which could be held accountable, while Islamic fundamentalists are generally non-state players which the US does not really have the tools to fight. Moreover, US propaganda tools do not work against the Islamic fundamentalists because they have a completely different set of moral values and objectives. In simple terms, they do not value the things which westerners value.It is almost impossible to fight an enemy which has a completely different set of values and objectives.

Girlfriend help!? My gf says that im too emotional and overreact?

My gf is not very emotional but i am. Anyway, she says that i over analyze and think too much and stress too much about our relationship. She told me if it doesnt stop shell break up with me. I dont feel lime thats fair.

Anyway, a few days ago i surprised her with a gift from victoria secret and a picture frame with her and i in it. That same night she got a new kitten. So i went to her place to see the cat and realised she hadnt put the picture up. She didnt do it till the next day. She got mad and said that she was more worried about getting the cat comfy in his new house. Im upset because i feel like ir didnt really mean much to her and it takes all of 10 seconds to put the picture frame up.

She said things like this are whats driving her away. Am i in the wrong? If so ease tell me! Btw weve been together 6 months.

My boyfriend didn't say happy birthday to me. Am I overreacting?

It's my birthday today and everyone said happy birthday to me besides my boyfriend. Not only did he not say happy birthday to me but he's supposed to leave to go on a little vacation with his family today and completely blew me off to hang out with his friends yesterday as opposed to just coming to see me. I'm not trying to be really naggy and annoying about it but he seems to expect me to be emotionally invested in him when he doesn't even treat me like a girlfriend should be treated. I don't expect all of the attention in the world but the fact that he's more focused on his friends than me, even when I'm around, is getting fairly old.

I gave my girlfriend a cheap gift on her birthday, she got angry. What should I do?

Before bashing the girlfriend, maybe you can also ask yourself: why did you buy that for her? Are you short of money? If that is the case, does she know about it? If not, you two need to communicate better.If she knows, then maybe you can talk to her about it and check her reaction. If it is still bad, you know what to do.If you have enough money to buy something she likes, then why did you not do it in the first place? Did you not know what she likes? Then again, you two need to communicate better.If you had the money and you knew what she likes, maybe then you should rethink your stance on her.It was her birthday after all. It is normal to have expectations! Did we not want bikes, big toys, cellphones and all the nice stuff from our parents on our birthdays?Also, tip for wooing girls: putting a little thought into the gift goes a long way, instead of the price tag.Good luck! :)