Did I Screw Up My Whole Life Already

My life is screwed up, what should I do?

Fix It!! (In My experience)-Many people who are in a bad place (whether it be BAD in terms of finances,/ physical appearance -weight-/ relationships,/ job etc) often “Stay Stuck”because : A) They do NOT Believe that They, themselves, are Responsible for (where they are / how they got to) this place in Life. ….AND--- B) They are looking for a“Quick Fix”/ answer to their situation. Unfortunately, until they can change their thoughts, and Actions in regards to A) & B); their life will remain “screwed up” . I Know this, from personal, as well as empirical experience. My life,also, was “screwed up”…. AND, until I was about 32 years old I Continued to screw up;; BECAUSE I truly thought that “bad things” just kept happening TO ME. However, after I found a great therapist, and really worked at getting to the “root” of my unhappiness, I began to see the ways in which I contributed to my situation AND take responsibility for both it, And my Life as a whole….things started to change. Part B) was accepting that it was going to take Time to change my thought process, change my “ingrained” responses, and change my overall Perspective about life, and how the “Universe Works”*—(another subject, for another time).- But it all began when I changed my PERSPECTIVE. It is my firm belief that Everyone has their own Truth, (which is shaped by their perspective);; and a person's truth becomes their Reality. So, as in algebra (if A=B, & B=C,; then A=C)…when a person's perspective changes, their Truth changes. When their Truth changes, their Reality changes…. Hence, a different “outcome”. CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE

What do you do when your life is completely screwed up?

TL; DR: Making progress one day at a time and keeping track of it.Long AnswerPeople will tell you that the most important thing in life is love, or family, or social connections, or money etc. They’ll give you different philosophies about how you need to think positive, go out and meet people etc. However, let me tell you that while these are all elements of a happy lifestyle, they are not the essential components behind constructing that lifestyle.There is exactly one essential component of a happy life and that is progress. Life is all about direction, a sense of purpose and the feeling of moving in the right direction all the time. No matter how accomplished you are, you would still feel very depressed about the state of your life if you are stuck at one place in life for a long time. That’s why great people are always trying new things.So, when you feel like your life is completely screwed up, no matter how badly. You do exactly 3 things:Set up a goal, no matter how impossible it might seem today. You may not even achieve it before you die; but you’ll be happy as long as you keep moving towards it.Keep track of your progress towards that goal every day. Tell yourself what you did today that takes you in the direction of the goal.Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something, not your family, not your spouse, not your friends and definitely not your enemies.In many ways, life is like a game of chess. The end goal is checkmate; you strategize every step of the way for that one goal. The only difference is that you understand that the chess game of your life can start whenever you are ready to play it.

Did really bad first semester of 9th grade is my whole life messed up now?

No, your whole life is not messed up. But in your second semester of 9th grade, be sure to get your grades back up! Strive for A's, but be okay with B's. :)
And for the rest of high school, focus on your GPA and your grades like your entire life depends on it- because it will.
If you failed any classes, you'll have to make up the credits. Take summer or after school classes to make it up.
Good luck!

Boyfriend backing out of living together and now my whole life is messed up.?

My boyfriend recently graduated from college and chose to stay in town to continue our relationship. We have had tons of communication problems - I know that my assertiveness can turn pretty aggressive, especially since he never tells me what he thinks or feels (he's apparently scared of "my reaction") to the point that I constantly have to tell him what he wants to say based on his behavior and body language.

Case in point is that I'm graduating on December 18th. He has been having financial problems and a solution we talked about was moving in together (we would still have our separate rooms). Said solution was adopted a few months ago. I started planning and saving up for the costs and stuff.

Lately I noticed that he acted wiggy every time me moving in with him was even vaguely mentioned. Then yesterday, while I'm trying to study for finals I have tomorrow and write a paper so I can graduate, I get a bunch of texts from him saying "Hey, what are you doing?" I told him and asked what's up. "Oh, nothing. I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately. Nvm for now I guess."

"Okay," I said. "I won't be studying all night. If u wanna talk later, let me know."

"Yeah I've just had a lot on my mind."

Then I immediately realized why he wanted to talk. "You're having second thoughts about me moving in, aren't you?"

"Yes, I really am. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave you hanging... what would you do?"

And I became really upset but said, "You have to do what you feels best." So now I'm having to search craigslist to see if I can get a new place. The ones I can afford are sublets with roommates who I don't know. I can't afford my current place without student loans, so I sublet it and have to move out by January. Otherwise, I'm going to have to make plans to move home. Which is three hours away.

I just don't know. This whole situation is stressful, on top of finals stress. And I almost want to break up with him, because although in hindsight we obviously shouldn't live together, why couldn't he have voiced those concerns sooner? Heck, even three days ago when he was acting weird would have been helpful. Now I have to finish school and literally figure out my life in less than two weeks.

I feel like I can't count on him, and that he has really let me down.

What should I do?