Did I Use To Have A Eating Disorder

Do i have an eating disorder?

okay so im 16. i am 5'5 and weigh 130. when i was about 10 i was constantly bullied for being over weight. my mom always knew i hated the way i looked but never actually thought it affected me. one summer i began restricting my calories to about 1000 a day and would exersize CONSTANTLY untill i dropped about 50 lbs in acouple months.

about 3 years ago, i noticed i was getting fatter. so i began restricting again. and i would always throw up my dinners and snacks and stuff. so ive been doing that up untill now. its gotten more serious than ever this year. i throw up atleast twice a day but i never binge. i hate eating around people except for my boyfriend. hes the only one that knows about what im going through and says i need to get help. but im not bullimic. i dont b/p. i just restrict somewhat and purge alot. so im not anorexic either. i cant tell my mom cuz she wont believe me. and i feel stupid for getting help for a non-existent eating disorder. i dont deserve treatment. i feel like its insulting to real bullimics and anorexics.

but my hairs falling out and my throat always hurts. so im starting to get scared. anyone know what disorder is called? or if i even have one? any advice? HELP ):

Do i have an eating disorder?

i think i have a eating disorder. i have not eaten since yesterday night but even then i didn't feel like eating it. And when i had my lunch 2day i didn't want 2 eat it (and it were 1 of my fave meals)!!! and its strange because im not actually that hungry even tho i have not eaten in basically 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!! do i have an eating disorder!!!!!!!! by the way the smell of food (since yesterday tha is) makes me feel sick!!!!!!

How long will it take to get an eating disorder?

As someone who can no longer have children and who has permant damage to my heart, my heart hurts for you for requesting this.It can happen overnight. It can happen in a day. It can happen in a week. It can happen in a month. It can happen in a year. My point is, no two people will ever experience an eating disorder the same way. We are humans, and even though we are all made up of the same molecules and other bits of sciency stuff, we are all individuals, our lives will never take any of us on the exact same path.Now I do not know you. I do not know if you are asking for this because you desire to have an eating disorder, or if you are concerned about a loved one who you suspect may be experiencing one. But my advice stays the same. See a professional for help. Please.Eating disorders are not a “get skinny quick” scheme. They are not something that is going to make you “unique” or “edgy” or give you any sort of true joy.Eating disorders are a good way to ruin your life. They are the mental illness with the highest death rate. They are not glamorous. They are not beautiful. They are not what you or anyone you know deserve.But if you or anyone you know does have an eating disorder, it does not make them any less of a beautiful human being. It does make them a human being who needs help. If they (or you) are like myself, the help will not be well received. But if getting that help saves someone from going through the pain of losing their hair, their skin flaking, constant bruises, yellow fingernails, depression and so many other things, then it's worth fighting for.I'm just a stranger on the internet. But I care about you and your friend if there is one. I know that somebodies comment on the internet may just make you laugh it off and say “who the hell does she think she is, saying this sort of stuff?”. But I truly do care.With love from a stranger.

How in the world did you hide your eating disorder?

For me, it wasn’t hard.I was in high school, at the time, so it was a little easier.I would leave before school and just say I’d get breakfast at school, or I’d pack something I’d inevitably give to a friend instead of eating.At lunch, I’d say I was doing homework or classwork and “forgot” to eat, or I’d offer it to a friend since I had “eaten breakfast super late”.After school, I’d say I was running out to get a snack, and instead I’d go read a book in my car.When we had cast meals, I’d get a small plate and eat just enough, or conveniently be so busy getting everything ready and in-place and triple checking everything that I’d “eat after the show.”When I was home on weekends with my family, I’d sit down to eat with them and eat just enough to make it obvious I’d eaten and say I wasn’t hungry and put my food in the fridge to “eat later”.When I got home at a normal time from school, I just would say, “oh I snacked with Katie on the bus” and go on about my business.Most days, I’d eat a meal to avoid passing out and making sure SOMEONE saw me eat so it wasn’t suspicious.When I started losing weight, my mom asked me about it, and I smiled, “Oh, I’m just eating cleaner and healthier and all these shows are working off the extra weight. I’ll be starting to tone the muscle soon!” and kept brushing it off.When my mom started noticing I was looking pale, frail and tired, I just told her it was school, college applications, work and shows making me so tired.When my mom demanded I start eating, I would eat when she was around, and then avoid being home as much as I could.As an adult, struggling with anorexia is a bitch. I KNOW I need to eat, I KNOW what those pangs in my stomach mean. I KNOW what that woozy feeling means, and I have to force myself to get up, go eat, and eat enough to make it worthwhile some days.It’s even easier as a parent to ‘forget’ to eat, or to avoid eating.For breakfast, I make my kids breakfast and say I’ll eat at work.At work, I’m “too busy” until after the café closes.Then at lunch, I’m “eating at my desk, y’all go on out, it’s fine!” and then avoid eating.For dinner, I make the girls dinner, get them ready for bed, then I force myself to cook when Cam’s on his way home so I eat once he’s home so I KNOW I can’t avoid eating.

Why do people get eating disorders?

I'm 15 and I've been struggling with eating issues for 3 years now and I don't even know how it all began. There is nothing appealing about starving yourself to the point that you pass out. Or shoving so much food down your throat in one sitting that you can barely move after. I was supposed to get skinny, but even at my thinnest I still felt fat. I could never lose enough weight. And with my messed up metabolism and binging issues I'm 10 lbs heavier now then when I started. I can't eat over 500 calories without feeling guilty, binging, and starving myself the next day. I've isolated myself from friends and family. I've turned down so many invites to places for the fear of what kind of food they'd serve there. I've been holding out on my life until I can get thin enough to let myself enjoy it. I'm afraid of most dessert foods, pasta, bread, and anything containing fat. I can't eat those foods without immediately feeling guilt and anxiety. I don't like who I am anymore. Nobody understands what I'm going through. I tried to tell my mom, but she didn't think I had a problem. She probably thought I was too fat to have an eating disorder. I am too fat. I'm fat and disgusting and I deserve to be as miserable as I am. I hate myself and I don't know what to do. I don't even know what my question is anymore. I just need help but no one is helping me. Nobody understands.

Do some jockeys have eating disorders?

The reality is, Bella, that jockeys OFTEN DO suffer from eating disorders. Bulemia is the most common one, but there are jockeys who are anorexic as well. It's sad, really- society and the racing industry puts so much pressure on these professionals, and only rarely is any effort made to address the dangers these men and women face every day. Racing as a whole is one of the most dangerous professions anyone can be in- these people risk death every time they put their foot in the stirrup. Things get even worse if perchance the jockey has medical problems such as diabetes, the way the famous rider George Woolfe did back in the 20's and 30's. HE DIED because he slipped into a diabetic coma during a race, fell off, and was promptly kicked in the head by a passing horse. That was just one example of a preventable tragedy- and the racing world is FULL of such stories.

Until there's a fundamental change in the whole culture of the racing industry, things aren't going to improve at all.

Why do girls fake eating disorders?

It seems like almost every teen girl has faked an eating disorder or said they have had one before. I use to think i had one but i was never diagnosed plus i did it for attention. Now i realize how obnoxious that was...... why do girls do that??? especially fat ugly ones "oh ive only had a carrot today... hahah" dumbasses

How did you begin to overcome your eating disorder?

I’ve been in long-term recovery for 8 years. My medical team saved my life — doctor, dietitian, psychologist.There are two parts, physical and mental health. Once the brain is getting adequate nutrition with a goal of normalized eating then the work on disordered thinking begins.That’s how it happens. Regardless or psych treatment modality, the first concern is physical health, avoiding death. Eating disorder have the highest mortality of any mental illness. Next, while maintaining or gaining weight, one will begin therapy to change disordered thinking. For me, the bulk of the mental work was probably 2–3 years until I felt comfortable saying i was recovering. Personally, I never use past tense recovered, maybe I will some day, but now I’m OK with being in long-term recovery.The first step was making a call to get help, it was scary and I felt embarrassed, but it saved my life. The intake coordinator on the other end of the phone could not have been more kind, she helped me set up an appointment and answer some basic questions about my medical history. She said something along the lines of, “why don’t you come in for an evaluation and we’ll just see how you’re doing, no commitment.” So I did, and here I am.

My teacher thinks i have a eating disorder?

how do i make her stop, she barely even knows me. One of my friend said that i lost alot of weight which i did, i used to weigh around 230 pounds and now i weigh about 160 pounds. ( i lost the weight in a healthy weigh) diet and exercise. The teacher heard us talking. A month later i came to school with red eyes and she told me she was worried about me and said that she thinks i have an eating disoreder. Wtf im a 6'0 foot tall 165 pound guy, all i do is eat ( but not junk foods). how can i make this B!*** leave me alone.