Did Noah As Flood Happened About 200 Million Years Ago

In what year did Noah's flood happen?

Hi there. The Bible provides chronological information that allows for a careful count back to the beginning of human history. At Genesis 5:1-29, we find the genealogical line from the creation of the first man, Adam, to the birth of Noah. The Deluge began “in the six hundredth year of Noah’s life.”—Genesis 7:11.
To determine the time of the Flood, we need to start with a pivotal date. That is, we must begin with a date that is accepted in secular history and that corresponds to a particular event recorded in the Bible. From such a fixed point, we can make calculations and assign to the Flood a date based on the Gregorian calendar now in common use.
One pivotal date is 539 B.C.E., the year when Persian King Cyrus overthrew Babylon. Secular sources for the time of his reign include Babylonian tablets and documents of Diodorus, Africanus, Eusebius, and Ptolemy. Because of a decree issued by Cyrus, a Jewish remnant left Babylon and arrived in their homeland in 537 B.C.E. That marked the end of Judah’s 70-year desolation, which according to the Biblical record had begun in 607 B.C.E. By taking into account the period of the judges and the reigns of Israel’s kings, we can determine that the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt occurred in 1513 B.C.E. Bible-based chronology takes us back another 430 years to the making of the covenant with Abraham in 1943 B.C.E. Next we must take into account the births and life spans of Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, and Shelah, as well as Arpachshad, who was born “two years after the deluge.” (Genesis 11:10-32) We can thus place the beginning of the Flood in the year 2370 B.C.E.

Hope that helps! :)

If Noah's Ark happened approximately 4,300 years ago, is it statistically possible for Noah and his family to produce offspring accounting for 7.3 billion people on the face of the Earth today?

The National Geographic May Issue 2001, documents the flood. It happened. There is a large layer of clay when core samples of the earth are taken in that area. However it was a localized flood. Noah reported what he saw. It looked like the whole world to him. They Hebrew word used for animals was all the animal you depend upon; farm animals, animals you hunt, not polar bears or kangaroos. The Sumerian story is based on the Biblical story. We have written first hand stories ever since Enoch invented a symbol for each sound. We have first hand records of most events in the Bible. Noah had in caves many of the records. We have records from kings asking for tablets from the time before the great flood to be brought out and read to him.As for the question, simple math will tell you YES 6 children could repopulate the world, but these 6 only needed to repopulate the Mideast that was flooded

Was India a continent million years ago?

India was a part of the Gondwana landwhich included Australia,South Africa, South America and Antartica as on land mass.Gondwana Land was the southern part of the supercontinent Pangea.(Angara land was the northern part).Due to convectional currents,the crust was split in to many pieces, one being the Indo-Australian plate which drifted to the north to collide with the Eurasian plate (which eventually formed the Himalyan Mountain System).So India was not a continent, instead it was part of a continent-Gondwana Land which was part of Pangea- The supercontinent.Placement of the current continentsThe Gondwana Land- India in the right centerImages sourced from google images

Do people seriously believe a global Noachian flood happened about 4,500 years ago?

I have heard Xians say that a global flood was supposed to have happened about 4,500 years ago. If this is true, how do they explain plants that lived through this global flood while being under miles of water for about a year?
- The oldest living colony of clonal trees, the Quaking Aspen in Utah, is 80,000 years old.
- The oldest living bush, a Creosote Bush in California, is 11,700 years old.
- The oldest living conifer, a Norway Spruce in Sweden, is 9,950 years old.

Let's also not forget;
- The Egyptians have an unbroken history dating back 8,000 years.
- The Chinese have unbroken history dating back 9,000 years.
- The Isle of Man has been continuously inhabited for over 8,500 years.

How could these populations have continuously existed right through the flood? Why did god not tell these people they were living underwater?

How can anyone seriously believe a global Noachian flood happened about 4500 years ago? Is this just more evidence that the Bible is a collection of fictional stories that can't be takes as truth?

Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for 130+ million years. Why didn't they advance like humans in this time?

The simple answer to your question is; they did… but not in the same manner as us as humans.Evolution will strive to develop a species to operate at it’s optimal level within it’s given surroundings/environment. It will also account for that species’ place within the food chain, etc. and attempt to equip it as best it can to combat against the dangers that may experienced on a day-to-day basis. The ultimate goal of evolution is to guarantee survival.Using one of the most well known species of dinosaur as an example:Tyrannosaurus RexDuring it’s era, this guy evolved to be the meanest of the mean. As a large carnivore, the tools evolution deemed ‘necessary’ for Tyrannosaurus Rex to be equipped with largely related it being able to kill and devour whatever it was faced with, as consistently and efficiently as possible.It takes a lot of energy to power those legs, jaws, etc. and as a result, the T Rex was usually operating only a couple of meals away from empty.Subsequently, the simple equation on this looks as follows..Tyrannosaurus Rex needs meat and lots of it.. evolution sees this and grants T Rex:Size - Although not necessarily the biggest carnivore amongst the dinosaurs, T Rex was by far the largest within it’s environment. This meant it was both large enough to kill any potential prey it came across and was also large enough to avoid being hunted by anything else.Weapons - I mean look at those jaws.. it is believed the T Rex could bite down with over 8000 pounds of force!Sense of smell - Fossils have suggested that the T Rex had a highly developed sense of smell, this allowed it to sniff out carcasses as well as other potential food sources over vast distances.The combination of these tools (amongst others) led to the Tyrannosaurus Rex being able to operate as one of the most efficient killers in history BUT as evolution gives, in most instances evolution also takes away.Brain size, vision and those arms are all examples of traits diminished on the Tyrannosaurus Rex due to being deemed surplus to requirements by evolution.T Rex simply didn’t need to have a big brain, see well or have vastly developed arms to achieve it’s main goal the three points highlighted above took care of that for it!

Where did Noah's family settle after the flood? In other words, where did all humans originate from just a few thousand years ago?

The Ark ran aground on Mount Marrowfat in modern day Asia Morris Minor.

Noah and his wife stayed in that area while his three sons and their chattel (wives) divided the animals and drove them to the three corners of the Earth.

Shem travelled to Oceania with the Kangaroos and wombats etc. Ham went to Atlantis where he founded the city of PeckHAM. Japheth went to the Americas with my sloth ancestors and armadildos etc.


200 Million Years ago, why do we think of reptiles and amphibians instead of mammals?

because there were much larger variates of reptiles than there were mammals, the amount of competition forced mammals to stay relatively the same, after a most of the reptiles died out new ways of living were available for mammals.