Did Obama Apologize For Lying

How to apologize for lying?

i lied to my best friend about a guy that she liked,and after the first lie i kept lying and after 2 months of lying i got cought.during the time i lied part of the lie was that he got sent to iraq and was killed.then after my friend found out she said she doesnt want anything to do with me,and i dont blame her.i feel horible for what i put my best friend through and now all i want is my best friend back. can some one please give me some addvice on how to get my friend back.

Why did Obama go on apology tours when we have nothing to apologize for?

Foreign policy is all about preserving the interests of the powerful. When politicians market a war, they speak about freedom, morals, etc. The British empire used to speak in terms of uniting the world under the banner of peace. That’s marketing. Gandhi was one of the troublemakers who blew holes in the empire’s self-image. He hurt the British national ego.If you want the truth, read declassified Pentagon documents. You can also research the current US war in Yemen. What? You haven’t heard of that war? That’s because there is absolutely nothing NOT to apologize about in the case of Yemen.

Is Trump not apologizing to Obama for lying about Obama wire tapping him to appease his base? Or is that at least part of it?

Methinks Trump feels "apologizing"- is a sign of Weakness & Failure. And with His Base being people with the SAME "mentality" cheering him on, he feels THEIR "Validation"- proves he doesn't Have To take Back anything he says.

Did Obama apologize to Americans when his friend Bill Ayers burned Flags or stepped on them on magazine Covers?

Hussein has NO IDEA who Bill Ayers is!


How this same Bill Ayers wrote Dreams From My Father
is presently under investigation by Holder of the Justice Dept.

Holder promises to get to the bottom of this mystery right after
the November elections!

PS; I'm adding the following apropos NOTHING;

From Christopher Andersen’s book;
Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage.

“....To flesh out his family history, Barack had also taped interviews
with Toot, Gramps, Ann, Maya and his Kenyan relatives.
These oral histories, along with his partial manuscript and a
trunk load of notes, were given to Ayers. “EVERY ONE KNEW THEY
another Hyde Park neighbor pointed out. “It was no secret,
why would it be? People liked them both”

Did America apologize to Spain for blaming it for the USS Maine?

The USA has never apologized to anybody for anything. - least of all for deliberate starting wars on trumped up pretexts.

Has President Obama ever apologized to Mitt Romney for mocking him during the 2012 Presidential debates about his stance on Russia when he said the 80's want their foreign policy back?

No such apology has ever, as far as I know, been reported publicly.Since the famous zinger accomplished what it needed to - embarrassing Gov. Romney on the debate stage and allowing innumerable media sources to continue portraying President Obama as the ice-cool incumbent who was totally in control - I doubt seriously that President Obama or virtually anyone in Democratic circles would even agree that an apology is warranted.I’m aware of one Democratic commentator who’s owned up for the line: Paul Begala.But it’s worth noting that Begala is an old Clinton hand, and I don’t think he ever worked too closely with the Obama campaign or Obama White House.