Did Obama Get Reelected As President Cause Romney Was A Mormon

How could non-Mormon secret service agents protect President Romney if they can't enter his Temple?
It's like non-Muslim are not allowed in the city of Mecca. Non-Mormons are not allowed in Mormon secret places where who knows what goes on. It is a secret.

Would all secret service agents have to become Mormons so's they could go into his secret places with him?

Would Obama have won the presidency if he were white?

Obama’s heritage and upbringing helped make him who he is, so the question isn’t really answerable.In any event, there were far more voters who refused to vote for him because he is black than who voted for him for that reason. Most would have voted against him because anyway he was the Democratic Party nominee, and the less conservative candidate. And most voters who were determined to elect a person of color would have voted for him anyway.A significant part of McCain’s ultimate defeat in 2008 election was due to his choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate, a desperate move on McCain’s part that made people question his judgment. The incumbent, George W. Bush, who was termed out at this point, was very unpopular and the country was in the middle of a deep recession that many blamed on Republican policies. Four years later, Mitt Romney was not a terribly strong candidate and lacked charisma, while Obama was fairly popular. There are many other things that tipped things one way or another. Race was a not insignificant issue, but on balance racial divisions in America disfavor minority candidates.

If Mitt Romney were President, how susceptible to religious influence would he be?

LDS leadership has essentially no special leverage over Romney, any more than any other republican special interest. They can lobby him, as any organization can, and on many social conservative issues they'll be right in line with the rest of the Republican base, so they won't need to try to exert special pressure.If, however, it's 2014 and President Romney is officially repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, what would happen if Church leaders tried to intervene? They could try to lobby him harder, but if he's on the verge of repealing already, he'll just brush it off.They could sit him down and try to say that because of their spiritual authority, he must obey. Most likely, Romney would just ignore this.If they tried to threaten him with, say, excommunication (which they never would, the risk of both personal enmity from a powerful member of the church, the loss of an important public face of the LDS, and because of the risk of political blowback), then he could still stand his ground, and indeed would be loathe not to, since the perception of giving in to pressure would be a big blow to him.

Is Mitt Romney a Mormon?

Yes, he is a Mormon. So is Harry Reid.

How did Barack Obama get reelected?

Obama was a beatable incumbent, meaning that Romney had a fair chance at winning when looking at Obama's record, the state of the economy and his popularity.  Obama ran a good campaign to get reelected where he hit hard, effectively wooed the Hispanic and Women's vote, and got his voters out to vote.  He didn't run a perfect campaign where Romney had no chance at winning, but one where Romney would have to run an excellent campaign if he was to win.  Ultimately, Romney didn't present himself as a viable alternative.  He ran a subpar to mediocre campaign and not nearly good enough to beat the campaign Obama ran.  I attribute this to the fact that he had to run way too far right during the primaries that he lost his appeal to centrist voters. The biggest of the Romney gaffes was the "47%" comment which was a result of trying to get his right-wing bona fides in order.  If he was able to simply run on his record as the governor of Massachusetts, he would have been a much stronger candidate.  However, he couldn't have won the Republican nomination with that record.I think this is not really Romney's problem, but the problem of the current Republican party's primary electorate's decision to not be a be a big tent party and instead to toe the line of ideology.

Is mitt romney a real good mormon?

If he didn't think he was, he wouldn't be promoting this image to garner votes. I distrust the politicians that want to tell me how holy they are.

Case in point ... GWB masked his political incompetence campaigning behind the veil of God to fool enough electoral votes to get elected (he didn't fool the popular vote). He subsequently lied to Congress about wmds to start a war in Iraq. This occurred on the heels of Saddams assassination attempt on his father. Politicians don't learn their trade in church and if GWB was so moral he wouldn't have the blood of thousands on his hands because of his lie.

Conversely, Clinton lied about his sexcapade and the reps IMPEACH him. OMG! How can a lie about a wet willie be more severe than a lie that costs lives?

Also, GWB inherited Clinton's booming economy ... 8 yrs. later America was swirling down the economic turmoil toilet.

America needs to get the priorities right by as much separation between church and state as possible.
In some countries, the politicians COST them selves votes w/ religion in their campaign.

Mitt exhibits the same characteristics that projected the GWB debacle. How many times has he already lied? He's flip-flop, etch-a-aketch Romney. He just wants the power of the prez. Most of us will be riding in the "carrier atop his car". He thinks that's comfortable (but HE would never ride there).

If elected, would Mitt Romney have taken an oath of office on the Book of Mormon?

That is certainly a possibility. However swearing on the Book of Mormon is not a tradition within the Latter-Day Saint movement.I have never in 35 years of living around Latter-Day saints ever heard that it could be used that way. That would feel foreign and perhaps wrong to many Latter-Day Saints.Because Latter-Day Saints also believe in the Bible, and swearing on the Bible is a formal established tradition. I think it’s more likely that he would just keep up with tradition.As pointed out by Timothy L Forman, he could swear on a “quad” a book that combines the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon and D&C/Peal of Great Price in one binding.He could open the book to the Bible portion and swear on that, thereby appeasing everyone.That said, I actually wish that Romney would have sworn on the Book of Mormon had he been elected.That would have been a great moment in the struggle for genuine religious tolerance in the United States. That would have been something we could have all been proud of.