Did Obamacare Ceased Being The Law The Second He Changed It

How many laws broken by Obama.?

It makes liberals feel powerful to be able to murder unborn children with impunity. You see liberal men are such big tough guys and liberal women are so full of compassion.

Theres no such thing as gay marriage. What you think of as "gay marriage" is just two deviant perverts making a mockery of marriage and forcing the state to validate and condone it. Marriage can only ever be between one man and one women. That is natural law and cannot be changed anymore than the law of gravity can be changed.

Did President Obama “misspeak” when he repeatedly claimed, "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it"? Was it a lie? Will there be any political consequences now that it appears to be untrue?

At the moment President Obama made that statement, it was technically the truth - since he was basing that on what his team was proposing. It was not yet law, and Obama was trying to “sell” and also “explain” the proposal.Later, there were those in Congress who insisted that “big insurance” be allowed into the room, before they would ever consider voting for it. These congressmen insisted that Blue Cross, and Cigna, and all of the others be allowed into the negotiations. The major insurance corporations, who already were making the entire health care system in the U.S. such a disaster. [NOTE: I will leave it up to the reader to guess what political party those members of Congress might have belonged to, and remember that some members of Congress take a lot of money in contributions from those “big insurance” corporations.]At the moment Obama made that statement, it was true. He was describing his own plan. Before it was law.After big insurance was allowed to enter into the negotiations, that began to change. And, change. And, change.(The same is true of Obama’s other statement, that he made, where Obama claimed “you can keep your own doctor.”)Once the major insurance providers were allowed in, the ACA was now subject to something that would allow those major corporations to “stay alive,” and “keep their profits rolling in,” and “satisfy their corporate board.” The ACA was diminished, and altered, and changed, and modified.The ACA is flawed. It needs to be be fixed. However, right now, the Republicans will not touch it (since they spent the last six years campaigning on how it was the worst thing since cyanide — a terrible exaggeration.)So, as of today, we are stuck with a very flawed law. It is (honestly) better today, than those days when anyone with a pre-existing condition could not even get health coverage. But, it is far more expensive than it needs to be because “big insurance” is still collecting a huge chunk of everything that happens, every time you go to a doctor, or go the E.R., or visit a hospital, or dare to have a surgery.The rest of the planet has figured this out. The U.S. is the last “advanced” nation on this planet that still does not have the balls to tell the major insurance corporations that they can go fuck themselves.

Federal income tax no longer coming out of my paycheck?

on my recent paycheck i cleared 622.50 before taxes. i claim zero and married on my federal. they took out 38.50 for ss, 9.02 for medicare and 10.00 for my state. however i noticed NOTHING was even taken out on my federal income tax and up until now i always had something coming out. when i questioned my employer they said it had to do with the 2009 obama tax stimulus thing that went into effect and that i didnt owe federal on this check and how on some checks people in the company will owe and others may not ?? i am really lost over this i dont want to have to pay my husband and i owed last year and my company always took out the federal until recently on this check of mine plus i am claiming married and zero here to. can anyone help does this sound or look right? i dont know what im supposed to do at this point i did fill out another w-4 claiming what i claim now and asking for an additional 20 bucks to be taken out my federal income just in case now becuase this doesnt make sense. status on my check still says married and zero i just dont get it. i just want to make sure im not getting screwed over here? can anyone please help me and what should i do?

Will the Federal judge striking down the Affordable Care Act really change anything or will a work around be found to save Obamacare?

I’m going to borrow from another answer I made: the Republicans getting the ACA struck down is a little like a dog chasing a car. If the dog manages to catch the car, now what? The car is a lot bigger than the biggest dogs and mostly made out of metal.The GOP has been promising to “repeal and replace” the ACA for 8 years. They’ve controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency for nearly 2 years. And the result? Only to nullify (without quite repealing) the Individual Mandate.Well, that was the least popular part of the law. Nothing surprising here. The big problem with democracies is that people like to receive benefits from the government, but they don’t want to pay for them. Usually that’s in the form of taxes; in the case of the ACA the price was requiring the young and healthy to subsidize the older and sick by buying insurance they were unlikely to need any time soon.So now what? Most of the rest of the law is popular*, so they’re going to need to find a replacement. I suspect the net result is going to be some form of Single Payer, which is the only thing the Republicans hate worse than Obamacare. Or maybe they hate the ACA more because they hung the “Obamacare” label on it. If they now enact some form of single-payer — whether “Medicare for all” or something else — they can claim credit (via President Trump) and take away Obama’s “signature achievement.”If you really hate the idea of a “single payer” plan, my prediction is that you’re going to be very unhappy with the net result from the end of the ACA, whether because the Judge O’Conner’s ruling stands on appeal, or because the Republicans finally manage to repeal the ACA. (THey’ll have to bargain with a Democratic house next year to do that, and simply going back to 2008 is simply not going to be an option any more.)Like I said above: they caught the car. Now what?* That doesn’t mean I think it’s a good idea. I just note that if you explain what “community rating” means and ask people their opinion, they like it. SO there’s going to be enormous pressure from the voters to actually replace the ACA.

Why has ACA enrollment accelerated so much over the past few months? What changes have been made, and are they making enrollment faster and easier?

First of all, if you still need to sign up for health insurance, you should go to Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act right now and sign up for  coverage. You've got just seven days left until the March 31st deadline. It’s last call for 2014 if you want to be covered this year.  Now, it's no secret to anyone that we had some issues with the website at launch. But that was months ago. Thanks to a team of experts who worked around the clock to get the site working back then, response times on Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act are faster than ever. Most young people are eligible for financial help to make health insurance more affordable. And more than 5 million people have already signed up for coverage -- with tens of thousands more signing up every day.We’ve also added more call center staffers to help people enroll over the phone, and launched new search tools at where you can find in-person help with filling out your application. Historically, we know that most people buy health insurance close to the enrollment deadline. We’re human. We procrastinate. Massachusetts, which passed a health care law in 2006 that served as a model for the Affordable Care Act, saw similar trends early on in its enrollment period. In the first month people could sign up for plans in Massachusetts, just 123 people enrolled.  After the first four months, 15,560 people had enrolled. And more than 20 percent of all those who enrolled in that first year signed up in the last month. But the broader reason that enrollment has improved these past few months is that the Affordable Care Act is working. Folks are recognizing that quality, affordable health care is available to them in the marketplace, very often with a tax credit that lowers monthly premiums and makes coverage even more affordable. For many Americans, it's the first time they've been able to afford care at all.So, one more time: If you still need to sign up for health insurance, go to Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act right now and get yourself covered -- this is the last call for 2014.