Did The Girl In Persepolis Not Like Her Uncle On Her Moms Side

What ethnicity was Cleopatra? Some people think Greek, and others think Egyptian.

Cleopatra was ethnically Greek. Her name is the most common royal ancient Greek name. It means "she who has a glorious father" (κλέος=glory).She was the last of a long line of Greek Pharaohs that had begun with Ptolemy I Soter.  Ptolemy I was a Macedonian nobleman and a general of Alexander the Great who had the good sense and fortune to establish himself in Egypt when Alexander died. His direct descendants the Prolemies ruled Egypt for over three centuries when Cleopatra was born.Almost all Cleopatra's ancestors (give or take a princess from Pontus, Persia or Syria) belonged to this ruling family.  In fact she didn't have that many ancestors because she was a product of incest to the point that she had only two great-great-grandparents instead of the expected 16. Therefore she definitely was no exotic beauty. Look at this portrait.Also look at some of her ancestors. They weren't exotic beauties either. Ptolemy IVPtolemy VIPtolemy VIII (Fyskon=potbelly)Yes they all look the same. I said there was incest and it also seems that they liked food and drink a little too much.


i keep telling my dad that he is a persian-american and not just american but he keeps saying he is white and starts talking to me in english and he totally lost his accent but when he is around his persian friends hes just like a normal persian again. i saw the movie persepolis and the mother said that u can never change where you are from. what im saying is that its not like a religion where u could change it cuz we are christian. and you should never be ashamed of where you are from even though the government is bad. but im proud of being persian, its a great race..persians have done so much like make up chess.
just like chinese-americans
or african-americans

am i right?

How was Alexander able to maintain control of his vast empire?

He was able to maintain his empire by treating people right in his kingdom. He never let outsiders come and take over the kingdom. And when he went into battle he fought with courage, bravery, and heart. He was and could have been a one man army if he really wanted to.