Did This Guy Get Mad Because I Said Bye To Him

What to do when a leo guy is mad at you?

ok he isnt my bf yet but we both like each other and know it. yesterday we were talking then we stopped for like 30 min so i signed out and went out, then today he asked me what happened to me yesterday i said cuz we werent talking i went out. and he was just like oh thx so u dnt say bye anymorE?maybe u shud go out now also.. then said bye. i was just like i ddnt know its big of a deal and stuff and he ddnt answer so i said u mad? he just said no. and i was just joking and saying oh come one dont be mad and stuff and putting smiley faces then again he ddnt answer., so i got pissed and said fine whenever ur not mad at me and want to talk to me just send me a msg! i was wondering what shud i do? how long is he gna stay mad at me and stuff? thanks :)

Ladies why do you get mad when guys dont say bye?

I personally don't mind but some women get upset..because we talk more than men do so saying bye is like this confirmation that were separating..and when you don't say anything some may find it rude some may find it annoying some may find themselves confused (lol yes confused) at weather if the conversation is over or not. Sounds odd but kind true.

What does a guy mean when he says "bye/goodbye" and he's mad at his girlfriend?

To be blunt when he says goodbye…it means that he is leaving. He is mad…angry and needs time to cool off and think. I would think letting it rest a few hours and then a small message to see if he is still angry. or perhaps a night to sleep on it before trying to work out the problem or decide what the best course is for the relationship.

Why would a guy not say good-bye to you?

I got a new job and I left my now old job that I had been at for 3 years, I was friends with almost everyone and had a great last day. However, everyone had said goodbye, wished me luck, or gave me a card except for one person who left early and did an "irish goodbye." Him and I always had a great work relationship, he seemed to really like me so I was kind of hurt that he did this...why would someone leave without saying goodbye or wishing you luck?

If a guy says “bye bye” instead of just “bye” does that mean he never wants to see you again? He only said that to me. He just says “bye” to everyone else. What does that mean?

Okay, REEEAALLYY making a mountain out of a molehill. There is no problem here. There are plenty of real problems you will face in y our life. If you continue to create them where they do not exist, you’ll wear yourself out by the time your 30.Being sensitive is fine, but you have to stop taking everything personally. Do not read into everything a guy says. Guys say what they mean.These two colleagues once were each given two newly-vacated offices. It was a step up for both, but one had a view and the other didn’t. The one who got the room without a view assumed it was because he didn’t deserve it as much. There was something wrong with his work. But he was working as hard as he could! He always got glowing reviews. If it still wasn’t good enough, nothing he ever did for this company would be. He got so depressed that his output decreased in both quantity and quality until he was finally let go. Turned out, corporate made the decision with out having any idea what the two offices looked like. It was totally random.This guy literally worried himself into depression and out of a job. That’s what you’re doing.

Do you feel sad if someone doesn't say bye to you?

Yes. Kind of. It got to a point where I actually had to talk to my boyfriend about it because I was feeling upset when he left without waving.It’s not that he didn’t say goodbye, exactly. It was just that as soon as he was past the door or out of the car he didn’t look back. I know not everyone does but for me I turn around and wave until I’m out of sight.Since I talked to him he’s made sure he waves before he goes into his house and it makes me feel so much better. It’s like having closure for the day, it makes it feel rounded off and lets me know he enjoyed himself. When he didn’t look back it felt as if he was just cutting off that part of the day and forgetting about it entirely - completely my insecurity, I know. But it’s a small gesture, he doesn’t mind and it comforts me.

Why didn't he say goodbye...?

Maybe it's the opposite, and he does care, but he has strong feelings about the situation - as you do - and didn't know how to express it.

Good-byes are never easy, and at the same time it's hurtful when people don't acknowledge transitions in our lives. You have every right to feel the way you do, and I think anyone would feel the same way in your situation. In my experience, I've had men I've been interested in blow me off, only to come around years later and seek me out to apologize and say they think about it, and regret it, all the time.

You never know how people feel, or why they do what they do. The best you can do is know for yourself how special you are, and figure out what this situation has made you believe about yourself. For example, maybe the situation made you realize that you deserve a more loyal friend because you are worth it, and by him not showing up, he helped you to realize more of your own self-worth. In this backwards kind of way, you can actually thank him. If he had shown up, you might not have realized that you deserve more than his friendship gave to you.

Maybe he got out of the way so another guy could come along - one who can express his feelings and is good as his word. You deserve at least someone's word, right?

If someone ends an argument with "Bye.", is it likely they're mad at you?

The term "bye" at the end of any discussion, may often be used as a form of polite closure or a severe termination. It is how it is offered and what lead up to it. A possible indication that this individual has reached a point of extreme hostility or anger. And it may could mean the end of a friendship. However, it may only just a demonstration that this person is highly aroused and agitated. Moreover, they do not wish to continue that particular conversation ,    Usually, it is best to give this reaction some time and air. Enough for the other individual to calm down and come back to the realization that they value their friendship with you. If this person has decided to end their relationship with you, there really isn't much you can do about it except make it far worse. Moreover, if you hold onto this issue or continue to press the conversation that lead up to the "bye," this friendship is very likely going to end.

My boyfriend gets mad at me when i?

wear makeup to school and wear nice clothes because he says its to attract all the guys and get attention, i wear makeup for my own self estem..its not to get the guys attention and i told him that but he doesnt believe me...i have been with him for a year now and i love him..i want him to understand that its not to get guys scared that this is going to cause us to breakup!! we argue about it to much and im getting scared now. HELP

Girl gets mad at me when I didn't say hi?

I would usually say hi to this girl because I have a crush on her.
However I decided that she doesn't care if I say hi to her or even wave at her.
She only ask questions when I do, I thought maybe I'm being pathetic.
So today I went into class and said nothing, I felt that me trying to spark romance is stupid.
I walked her to her bus 2 times before but it always ends with a bitter sweet bye.
I just thought I like her more than she likes me and I should just stop trying all together.
Well that's when she asked me if I'm okay, I said yeah and she asked if I'm sure and I said "I'm not sure what okay is anymore..."
Well the class started and I just acted like nothing happened, she ended up saying hi to me after the last school bell rung.
I was kinda shocked but I tried my best not letting my emotions get the best of me.
Well she started talking to me and she said "You didn't say hi to me today" and I just replied "Hi."
That's when she was like " Why are you cutting me off now?"
At that moment I was like "What?" and that's when she went "Nothing. There is my bus lane. Bye." In a sorta hostile tone.
I already gave up on myself so I don't know to expect from this..