Did You Get Bullied In High School Have You Ran Into Your High School Bullies

Yesterday I ran into the guy that bullied me in High School. Did I do good by pretending I didn't know him?

I think you should have said you remember him, but said to him "oh, hey! I remember you used to bully me! well. look at me now! I've lost the weight and done well for myself" make him feel bad for his actions, but then again I think if you were on the spot then you made the right decision :)

Poll: Have you ever been bullied in school?

Everyone gets bullied one way or another.
I got bullied for my Aspergers, people don't take time to understand me apart from my best friend and family.
And I got bullied for being in care. Luckily I was not bullied physically, but words can be just as painful. Especially if people don't understand what you've been through.

Just because you might be hurt yourself or had a hard life, doesn't mean that you have to take it out on others.
My best friend had it just as bad, which is what makes us have a strong friendship and we are always here for each other. We can be just the same to you, if you ever turn yourself around.

What has made me feel very relieved is that the bully that bullied me most of the time turned around and apologised. Only once we left school and bumped into each other - I really took it to heart and it just shows that people can change <3

Do highschool bullies ever have remorse when they grow up?

I've got a good story for you. I was bullied terribly for about 4 years from middle school to high school by this girl I'll call "Jenna". I used to go home crying after school each and everyday. She turned a lot of kids against me, since she was the ring leader so I was left all alone, by myself. I was very sad and lonely. It was not a good time in my life.

I went to my 25th HS reunion 2 years ago, and "Jenna" was there. Mind you she looked about 20 years older than she was.
I was standing and talking to someone and she came over to me and said, are you " Linda", I said yes. How are you? She said how sorry she was for terrorizing me and abusing me all through school. She said that she was a very mean kid and she was sorry she hurt me so much. I actually started to cry. It was nice to hear that she was sorry because she made my life miserable for so long. So to answer our question, I do believe they can change.

Apologizing to a guy I bullied in High School?

I wrote a question 2 weeks ago and many gave great answers that helped me in bettering myself. I'm not going to go over the past again, people can read that question to get updated. My question concerns the guy my friends and I bullied.

As you know, he refused my last apology when I bumped into him at the mall. Since then I have hoped for another chance to convince him how sorry I am and to make it up to him. I work with his sister, and after hating me (can't blame her) for awhile, she has become a friend to me and my wife. She has told me how our bullying affected him and even affected his relationship with her and his entire family.

She told me today that her brother will be visiting home for Easter. She said he has stated he may be up to meeting me and talking things out. She warned that he still has hatred towards me and my friends and doesn't believe that I'm sorry, but my friends and I are remorseful. Any advice as to how to talk to him. Please read the earleir question 1st