Did You Get Fat On Your Thighs While You Were Pregnant

Did you get fat on your thighs while you were pregnant?

Your body is doing what it needs to right now in order to provide a healthy baby for you. It sounds like you were very thin before, but your body needs more fat in order to have a healthy pregnancy and for your body to produce plenty of high fat milk for the baby. (Babies and young children need lots of healthy fat for brain growth.)

The best thing you can do is work on how you feel rather than how you look. Eat healthy foods throughout the day -- lean meats, whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies. If you were exercising pre-pregnancy, you can keep exercising. I've seen women do Zumba right up until the end of the pregnancy, and I've even known women to keep jogging as long as it felt comfortable. I continued to lift weights with baby #1 (since I already had a routine in place), and I did lots of walking, swimming, and water aerobics with babies #1 and #3 as well. I worked out less with baby #2, and I didn't feel as good.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you're at the stage of pregnancy where women often just feel "fat" rather than pregnant. You've put on some weight, you have a bit of a belly, but you're not as cute and round as you'll be in a few more weeks. Hang in there, and you'll start looking more pregnant. Buy a couple cute outfits to accentuate that beautiful baby bump, get your hair done or your nails done, and you'll feel better, too.

As for what your body will do post-pregnancy, there's no way to say. Some women bounce right back. Others lose the weight but find that their bodies are now a different shape. Others really struggle to lose any weight at all. For that first year (at least) after your baby is born, focus only on your little one. You can continue to eat healthy and exercise, but a thigh gap is not nearly as important as that tiny person. Also, think about how you'd want your daughter to feel. Do you want her to be more concerned with how her body is built or what kind of person she is? Think about that as your children grow so that you're passing on a message of being healthy rather than being stick-thin.

Best of luck with your little one!

How to lose fat/weight while pregnant?

Unfortunately, the third trimester is the WORST time to lose weight, for a couple of big reasons. First, it's during this last several weeks that the baby puts on most of its weight, laying down fat and building up the muscle and tissue so that it is healthy when it is born. This is vital.

Second, it's during the last trimester that our own bodies lay down the most fat. It's biological and there really is absolutely nothing we can do about it this far into pregnancy. The last trimester ensures that our bodies have enough fat stores to draw upon when breastfeeding our babies. During this time we also begin to retain more water in preparation for birth. It's just how we are designed. So not to be a downer, but it really is virtually impossible to LOSE weight this late on (except for perhaps the last month or couple of weeks, when it's virtually impossible to eat!)

What you can do is slow your weight gain in these final months. Limit your intake of unhealthy fats but be sure to get enough sources of omega-3's (salmon, eggs, etc). Stick to lean proteins, and lots of it, as well as lots of veggies and fruits. I keep a couple of ziploc bags in the fridge of cut up veggies to munch on, and keep bowls of grapes, cherries or blueberries washed and chilled in the fridge as well. It really helps with the sweet tooth.

Look at the labels when you buy things. I keep the pantry stocked with low sodium rice crackers and whole-grain, low cal cereals to crunch on. Popcorn is GREAT for snacking too!

At mealtime, don't eat until you are stuffed. Eat till you feel like you're slowing down a little, and then stop. You'll feel full in about 10 minutes. Then in a while, go to those healthy snacks.

I'll repeat what everyone else here is saying about exercise - walk! My husband and I take a walk 4-5 times a week in the late afternoons, at a good pace for about half an hour. It's good for us, and it will also help you out in labor. It helps with circulation and to reduce fluid retention.

And remember - this will NOT last forever!! I have to keep reminding myself that... ;)

Congrats and best of luck!!

Did your thighs and butt get bigger while you where pregnant?

YES! :(
Ahhh! And i think on me it might be permanent! lol

best of luck to you, and congratulations :)

dont worry right now about your butt and thighs. you're pregnant and everyone understands that. you have a precious baby on your mind. wait a few months after delivery to even begin worrying about those buns and thighs :)

Fat thighs and butt during pregnancy. What's happening to me?

I started my pregnancy slim at 113 lbs height 5'10, size 2. Now, I am 34 weeks pregnant and so fat that I want to turn the lights off when I shower. I have a very small bone structure, so any excessive amount of weight shows more than on people with average frames. In my second trimester I was very hungry and have to admit did eat pretty good but still no excessive junk food. I am now 55 lbs! heavier, my butt is huge and my thighs are about to touch in the middle. My arms are fat and flabby and I have cellulite on my knees. I eat very very healthy. Lots of whole grain, vegetables and fruit. I can't understand how I could have gained this much weight. I feel so terrible. Did any of you go through something similar, did you eventually lose the weight and the cellulite? How did you do it.

Do You Gain More Weight In Your Butt And Thighs When Pregnant with A Boy?

I don't know if it has to do w/carrying a boy or not but wow I sure have ....

I was thin before I got pregnant ... I've almost gained 29 pounds so far & I am 29 weeks ....

I now sport tiny pink stretch marks on my boobs, inner thighs & hips. My growing spots - not to mention my belly. The stretch marks make me feel so ugly - stupid creams didn't work.

I think woman that have boys generally are bigger than when woman have girls.

I can guess almost anyone that has a boy now ... because their stomach is big & round like mine.

I had to retake the stupid gestational diabetes test because I gained 11 pounds last month - it came back that I have a clear bill of health.

For those who gain the text book 25-30 pounds kudos to them ... Every woman I personally know has told me 50-60 pounds for them ... I'm not even stuffing my face all day.

All the best & God Bless

How Many Pant Sizes Did You Go Up During Your Pregnancy?

I definitely understand where you are coming from! this is my first pregnancy and I'm 18 weeks along. I've gained a total of 17 pounds which I find strange because most women only gain around 10-13 pounds around this time. I've been struggling with my weight and it's driving me crazy! I've already gone up 2 pants sizes and the stretch marks have formed on the back of my legs and on my hips.

It's irritating and embarrassing but....every pregnancy is different, and our bodies just seem to be accommodating to the baby in a different way.

Just don't feel bad, you aren't alone. I've even brought it up to my midwife and she isn't worried.

Most women will say just to eat better, but there isn't much you can do when you are eating healthy and your body keeps gaining the weight!

good luck and stay strong. Congrats :)