Did You Know Cannabis Can Mimik Schitzophrenia

Do I have paranoid schizophrenia-please help!?

im an 18yo male and i used to smoke cannabis regularly but quit and i take ecstasy on certain occasions.

I have found that whenever i smoke cannabis or take ecstasy now i get extreme paranoia, even around my best friends. Its hard to explain but its like i enter this world where if anyone says something to me, i think they are taking the piss out of me and if i am in a room with my friends and they are talking to eachother i will think that they are talking about me in 'codes' so that i cannot understand what they are saying.

For example me and two friends 'chris and rob' were in a room watching television and they were talking to eachother and chris said to rob "oh my god that guy is mental"... i thought they were talking about me but pretending to be talking about someone on the TV so i wouldnt realise.

Basically, are these signs of schizophrenia. I know i have probably explained it poorly but please offer any help you have to give, many thanks in advance x

Can alcohol cause schizophrenia?

NO,but Schizophrenia can cause alcoholism.Schizophrenia is a mental disorder caused by a complex or a variety of factors such as genetic,biochemical and psychosocial.

Schizophrenia, ecstasy, and cannabis...?

I'm pretty sure drug use can mess you up. I have heard that ecstasy causes some serious problems. I known some pot heads; they tend to be, well pot heads. I have not heard any reputable links between actual mental illness and drug use. I have heard that diseases can sometimes mimic mental illness. It stands to reason that drugs affect the brain and can cause damage. Brain damage has been known to cause mental changes, including drastic personality differences.

Mental Illnesses were not really understood in 1950s and 1960s. The diagnosis process was different; the knowledge of the mind less. It was a greater social stigma and therefore people did not seek help as often. Therefore documented cases of mental illness in the 1950s and 1960s would not be a reliable comparison.

Does Weed Cause schizophrenia?

Please read Thanks :)
I was just wondering because when i was at my friends house last month i believe, we smoked weed, and i have smoked weed before this but not that much, maybe a hit and im done for the day.. but when i smoked at my friends house i smoked alot...And it felt different... And ever since then i felt a little foggy like its hard for me to remember little things, and like 2 weeks ago i had my first depersonalization attack you could say, like i felt i was watching myself do all this stuff but i felt as if i wasn't there, and i got scared cuss this never happened to me when i smoked weed before so i looked up on the internet on how marijuana affects the mind and mental state and found out it can cause, vulnerability to environments, and i also seen it can cause schizophrenia, that some test say if smoked at a young age increases the risk of schizophrenia, and i first smoked weed when i was 12 not that much tho hardly any, but i stopped for 4 years , until 2 months ago with my friend... But anyways yea im just really really worried if i'm gonna have schizophrenia when i smoked at a young age... Like i dunno i sometimes have a hard time talking to people like i stutter alot, thats about it? i don't hear voices or see anything thats not there... i sometimes lose my train of thought , which is a Symptoms.. i have a hard time concentrating in class... I'm not paranoid i don't think everybody is out to get me or anything like that, my family has no history of having schizophrenia at all, i just get really worried, because it said marijuana changes the chemicals in your brain to form schizo,i just wont stop thinking about what if i have schizo? or something like that it just makes me go crazy... Thanks if you read all that :)

I think my girlfriend is mildly schizophrenic. How should i handle this?

My girlfriend is showing signs of schizophrenia; early signs. I have noticed the symptons since we first got together (almost a year), but its becoming more apparent as time goes on. She's having absurd idea's about her body(like bubbles under her skin), she confides in me that she thinks people are out to get her. When she gets high this all get's completely intensified, but as compared to the former symptoms (which comes closer to paranoid schizophrenia), she shows signs if disorganized schizophrenia when shes high. Like she forgets words out of her sentences says stuff that makes no sense, leaves out major facts when shes talking and expects you to follow along.
She's also told me she has a hard time discerning dreams from reality. When she has dreams about me that are bad she say's it takes her up to 20 minutes to get over them and convince herself that i did not actually perform the "act" she saw in her dreams.

Here's my problem. I cannot confide in her family (or mine) to help her out for unnamed reasons. I live far away from her so it's hard for me to be there every day. I am afraid to tell her she has it, because im afraid it will make her symptoms worse as with knowing her personality she will dwell on the thought to the point that it may intensify her symptoms. (She Dwells, and is Paranoid. When she has thoughts that "upset" her, they will stay on her mind FULL FORCE for a long time just replaying in her head)
I have been trying to convince her to stop smoking weed. But it's hard to find good reasons when im afraid to tell her the truth.

Help me out, how should I handle this? As of right now, I am still a safe person to her. She thinks I do things that fall under the category of "out to get her" but she still trusts me and loves me. As I do her.

please help?

Side Notes: Despite all of this, she has an insanely powerful mind. She remembers things in Vivid Detail. She has a Phenomenal memory, better then anyone I know or have ever met. I have watched her in an argument dissect up to about 20 different aspects of the conversation, and lay it all out with complete clarity. She is able to process, keep track and analyze multitudes of things at once. I am convinced she has the mind of a prodigy. I just need some guidence to help me give her guidence.

I love this girl.
I want to help her.
Please help me.

Can marijuana cause tachycardia or been know to cause spasming or tremors?

ABSOLUTELY! The drug in marijuana (THC) exerts profound effects on the brain and various other organs. When THC reaches your brain, it binds to cannabinoid receptors by mimicking anandamide, a neurotransmitter in your brain which affects your emotional state. When this occurs, your brain releases other neurtransmitters, the primary ones being dopamine (responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward); norepinephrine (responsible for feelings of arousal); serotonin (responsible for mood elevation); and GABA (responsible for feelings of relaxation). It also has dramatic effects on your heart muscle, making it beat much faster than normal (known as tachycardia). With that said, the spasms, tremors, and tachycardia are due to the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Most people do not have issues with these side effects, but some do. If you are taking ANY other medications, especially ones that affect your brain--spasms, tremors, and tachycardia can be greatly increased and could become life-threatening. Marijuana used alone is one thing, but mixing it with medications is very dangerous. Potheads will usually tell you "no, it's not gonna hurt you" or "weed can be mixed with other drugs" but they are badly mistaken. I have smoked my share of weed while taking various medications and have had very bad reactions, (i.e. spasms, tremors, and tachycardia). My advice to you is to not mix MJ with other drugs, or better yet, not use MJ at all.