Did You Know Muslims Only Have About Ten Nobel Prize Winners Whereas Jews Are Going On 200

Why jews israel are more successful than muslims ?

"34% of the total nobel prize awards !"
its Jews who give out the awards -.- and tend to avoid giving it to Muslims

i hope you have heard of the Islamic golden Age :) why don't people mention it its because Muslims and Arabs were the intelligent ones during that times while Europe was in the Dark Ages suffering with the Black Death O_O 'and putting onions does not help
if it wasn't for the Islamic golden Age Europe probably would have still been in the Dark Ages
and btw the first step into creating a camera was thought by a MUSLIM :)
the first guy who TRIED to fly (but failed) was a MUSLIM from Al Andalous(Spanish Muslim :3) and he was the reason we have planes!!
MUSLIMS were the ones who found out how the blood is pumped around the heart!!
MUSLIMS were the ones who found out how the eye works!!
MUSLIMS invented algebra -.- (Algebra technically is a Arabic word, al-jabr)
MUSLIMS invented the number '0' (>.<)
^^10 best inventions by Muslims^^ there are MORE!
MUSLIMS knew how many planets there were (its in the Quran)
"and muslims will have go back to the dark ages" OBVIOUSLY do not know history

"israel lost a 40 billion$ ! contract with chinas "People's Liberation Army" because of state department veto ! " ISRAEL lost MONEY :O
"No western country will buy an american weapon before its been tested by israel" its tested on Palestinians

"cherry tomatoes" you forgot OLIVE did you know the best olive used to come from PALESTINE!!!
"|must be the camel urine if you ask me...... "

Why do non-Muslims think that Muslim women are oppressed?

ٍSHORT ANSWER: Because most of them are, some don’t know, they think it is their duty to obey men.LONG ANSWER:In most Arabic countries Muslims are oppressed, take me as an example from Iraq, specifically Mosul, I was “programmed” to believe that my rule should be a wife, if I wouldn’t be a wife and have children, I wouldn’t be really a good woman, and also I have to obey my husband, well you might say this is culture, not Islam, but take this Hadith as an example of the things I was told: ( لَوْ كُنْتُ آمِرًا أَحَدًا أَنْ يَسْجُدَ لِأَحَدٍ لَأَمَرْتُ الْمَرْأَةَ أَنْ تَسْجُدَ لِزَوْجِهَا ) “If I were to instruct anyone to prostrate to anyone, I would have instructed women to prostrate to their husbands, because of the rights that Allah has given them over them.”Now you might say yeah but not all Muslims are like that, you are right, but I can safely say the majority are like that.You don’t feel oppressed for one of the two following reasons:1- You think it is the right thing to obey your husband, cover your body, and other stuffs.2- Your family is an example of moderate Muslims. They don’t take Hadith and Quran literally.Another reason is, Saudi Arabia is supposed to be the place where perfect Islam is practiced, since Sharia law is the law used there, non-Muslims wanting to learn about Islam would think that they represent Muslims, they don’t, but they could be representing Islam, they have their arguments about how their law is the real Islamic law.Then you can see, a man can say to his woman “Taleq طالق” or “you are divorced” and she is divorced, you can argue that this is Haram in Islam and he shouldn’t do that according to Quran, but no “life” law is there to prevent him, on the other side woman should offer an amount of money that can be equal to the dowry, less or more, and he has the right to reject it and her “divorce request” is declined.Also, some Quran verses are representing women as a property, mainly this: “Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth [righteousness] for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers” 1:223These are the main reasons that Non-Muslims think Muslim women are oppressed, in addition to photos like this

Do you think Muslims are a threat to America?

There are a lot of threats to the US,  but it is disingenuous to say Radical Islamists are zero threat.  It goes without saying that Muslims have contributed quite a bit to our country.  Muslims are higher paid and have higher levels of education than the general American population.  Muslims tend to contribute quite a bit to the professional world here in the US.All societies have people that struggle with suicidal, homicidal or psychotic tendencies.  The problem with the Muslim world is that when people have those tendencies have an ready made ideology to turn to that will encourage them to commit acts.Look at the Orlando shooter,  obviously a disturbed guy.  Having a disturbed young man in your society is nothing new or different.  But this guy has Radical Islam to tap into and so his loathing and hatred have an outlet and have a higher purpose.  He is not just killing for fun or for vengeance. He is killing for Islam!  ……. This is the problem.  He found justification for his killing in Islam.The people who chopped off the head of the Normandy priest today or plowed over and killed all the people in Nice believe they have a higher Islamic purpose in doing so.  They have quotes from the Quran and Hadith to back it up.This is all the truth,  might not like it,  does not have to be this way but it is the truth.  This does not mean you have to be afraid of muslims .  But let’s not be all phony baloney either and deny reality.

Do you know who has won the most Nobel Prizes? Americans won 304.Jews won 130.English won 114.?

Please allow me to act as an Umpire, without pathos, with a hang to peacemaking, for Vince's interesting question.
The "facts and figures", under give some "flashes", like
797 Nobel laureates, of which 34 women 743 men (male chauvinistic Educational system - let's hope it's changing); the double and family winners (the Curies etc.), which accounts for Vince's heterogeneous reporting .
Re: Religion - Jewish winners are tops because, owing to a severe natural selection process (progroms), past restriction on property (only in the last Century were they totally lifted) driving the brightest to the economy, medicine, science and academics in general (Shabat shalom Gerard).
Muslims - in the Middle Ages they were tops (Byzantine, Persian, Mesopotanian, Egyptian and Moghul tradition, but also Maghrebinian, occupied Sicily and Spain). The lapse was due to a long period of decadence, from which only the recent wealth is helping them to come out (Salaam aleykum).
Re: Cultural (Anglo Saxon, Central European Dominance) - the wealth of these regions encourages Scientific academics, as opposed to the "Arts" (Good for you lads).
The Institution itself: excellent, but it needs a little "window opening".
Well done Vince, good subject.

re Music: got ye there Vince: what about Verdi, Puccini, Paganini, Donizetti, Vivaldi, could go on for ages...

re The “Jewish” factor is pretty unique. A stable “people” since the times of Abraham, it became an established “religion” with Moses and the Ten Commandments and coincided with a “territory”, with Jerusalem as it’s central focus, since the “Israelites” settled the area. Often split into various kingdoms, it still persisted as a “people, with a religion, on a settled territory” until the first Century C.E., when the Romans dispersed them all over the World. Since then, until the creation of Israel the “Jews” lived in a Diaspora, held together by a strong religious bond, as a “people”. Why do they take umbrage so easily? Systematic persecution through the Centuries, no more, no less.

Re The “Muslim” factor: a religion, that encompasses a multitude of people, some of which would like to be seen as a “single people under a Universal Caliphate”; aka a fundamentalist theocracy.

Ps avoid the word “race”, it’s incorrect and refers to macro segments, the only steady ground would be for a Human race.

I have been trying for weeks to find a Muslim invention, which is part of the modern world and I have failed so far why is this?

The numbers we use in the west are Arabic.

Arabic numerals, also called Hindu-Arabic[1][2] or Indo-Arabic numerals,[3] are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, based on the Hindu–Arabic numeral system,[4] the most common system for the symbolic representation of numbers in the world today. In this system, a sequence of digits such as "975" is read as a single number, using the position of the digit in the sequence to interpret its value. The symbol for zero is the key for the effectiveness of the system, which was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent around AD 500.[4]

Athesits: Did you know that some of the greatest inventors and Nobel Prize winners have been Jews?

Given that Jews comprise a mere 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the world's population (6 billion) and that 99% of the world is non-Jewish, the following list of accomplishments by Jews is quite impressive.

Of the 660 Nobel prizes from 1901-1990, 160 have been won by Jews. Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any other ethnicity. They have won 40 times more than should be expected of them based upon population statistics
Latest Stats

No Judaism is a faith.. Jewish people first spoke Hebrew in the Bible . and Live In Israel and All over the World..and in America now

Jews are people who Follow Judaism and are of many races and countries
Russian Jews
Indian Jews
African Jews
American Jews
Arab Jews
Israeli Jews and So On.

What are some interesting facts about Jews?

Did you know that Bernie Sanders was a strong supporter of MLK, and fought like many jews against racism.Jews fought with Mandela to help stop apartheid in South Africa.Nelson Mandela Was a Revolutionary—and These Jews Made Common Cause With Him - Tablet MagazineJews where among the first citizens of Marrakech Morocco (1100) and also Alexandria Egypt.Holland was the first country in the world where jews were not killed for being jewish (1600)Jews were awarded more then 20 % of all the Nobel Prizes ever given out. N.Y. only accounts for more then 35 Jewish Nobel Prize winners.Dylan received the price for his work (Literature), first time for a musician.Jews can be black, like Ethiopian Jews, or Sammy Davis jr., and they look like people from India, like my old friend Maria Moses, and I even met a Japanese (looking) guy who said he was jewish.Harry Potter is Jewish, and the two front guys of this band, who would have thought. (Simmons and Stanley)D’Israeli was premier of United Kingdom at the end of the 19th century, and the current premier of New Zeeland is descendant from jews. Leon Blum the jewish was premier of France, before the Second World War.New Zealand’s Jewish PM wins third termThe famous Dutch Jew Baruch Spinoza lived in the 17th century. He was very wise and a great philosopher, but the jewish community of Amsterdam outlawed him. Spinoza was one of the first to look in a different way to God, and his plan for the people, compared to other people in his time. That was not appreciated. (he’s Sefardic)Bugsy Benjamin Siegel was a notorious jewish mobster, and so was his friend Lanski.Jews were killed, hundreds, thousands, millions on each inhabited continent. except Australia.Warasaw had 300.000 jews before the Holocaust.Jews were burned at the stake in Lima and Santiago, and in Mexico City. Jews were killed in Coshin, India by Portuguese, and they were killed in Africa, in the Arab nations. But most jews were killed, but realize that even before the Holocaust, millions had been killed in the 10 previous centuries.But today there are around 15.000.000 Jews in the world.

Why do Jews constitute 20% of all Nobel laureates despite being 0.19% of the world's population? What specific sociocultural elements are the root cause of this phenomenon?

In olden days, when a young Jewish man excelled in his (religious) studies, the richest man in the village would give him his daughter's hand in marriage and would support him so that he could continue to study and to learn. The young couple were able to have many children thanks to the father's support.At the same time, a Christian man who did well in school became a priest, and that was it for his genes.Repeat this for many generations and see what you get.

In answer to a deleted Jew hating question, why are Jews the highest % of inventors & Nobel Prize winners?

well, it's obviously because most well-to-do, closed-grouped people favour the same. The judges are also probably jewish or employed by one. Also, since moses they've asserted their claimed superiority over other races, demanding some be their personal slaves. So if you don't have to do the daily chores of living; like cooking, shopping, catching a bus, or even having to work (no need since daddy gave you all those bonds/stocks/cheque book) you're going to have a hell-of-a-lot-more time to ponder why you're so freaky as to want carnal knowledge of your own mum! See Freud for more about that! It's not that they are especially gifted, but their silver-spooned existance permits the intellectual growth- shame they only share the gains with their own 'kind'!

Are the Hebrews proof of God's existence? What is the argument against this?

Your uncle is sadly misinformed.1. If 22% of all Nobel Laureates are Jewish, that means the other 78% are not. I pulled some data on Nobel Laureates (up to 2014), and the breakdown was:Christian 423   56.4%Jewish     187   24.9%Muslim     21      2.8%non-relig 119    15.9%Total       750  100.0%According to these numbers (admittedly not up to date), 24.9% were Jewish, and 75.1% were not.I don't know what that is supposed to mean, except that Jews have always been at the forefront of education and scientific advancement, even when they were ultra-religious.2. So what if a lot of rich people are Jewish? A lot are not, and most Jewish people are not rich. Most people of all other religions are not rich. Most non-religious people are not rich.3. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Protocols of the Elders of Zion and all that bullshit. Tell your uncle he's nuts if he believes that. Besides, I thought Obama was supposed to be an Ay-rab Muslin Terrist®....4. Haven't you noticed that most Middle Eastern countries have been trying to destroy Israel since 1949? It's like their hobby. Israel has been successful so far because they want their country more than their opponents want them gone. That's not "favor from god", that's just pure cussed determination.And as I noted in a comment on this thread: Looking at the history of the Jewish people since Christianity became the "ruling" Western religion, if they're The Chosen People, then the Abrahamic god has one helluva strange way of showing preference...Burning at the stake,  burning alive in synagogues, drawing and quartering, hanging, forced to live in ghettoes, persecuted everywhere they went, prevented from working in most industries, allowed to work as money lenders then being vilified for being money lenders, thrown out of their homes when Christians decided to cleanse their towns of Jews, drowning, spearing, having lies told about them to incite murder, all leading up to that  horror of horrors, the Holocaust....Yeah, all that makes me not want to be chosen by the Abrahamic god. It never seems to end well.