Did You Know That Canadians Have Developed A Totally Effective And Completely Safe Female Version

Safe to ejaculate inside girl if she's on the pill?

Yes. When you are on the pill you don't ovulate. If an egg is not released the sperm has nothing to fertilize and you can't get pregnant. If used properly, the pill can be 99% effective. Pregnancy is possible, but very rare. Most women who get pregnant while using the pill did something wrong.

Positives of not pulling out:
-Seminal can contribute to romantic love. The liquid surrounding the sperm contains dopamine which is a pleasure chemical.
-Semen works as an antidepressant
-Easier to clean up.
-More intimate

Negatives of not pulling out:
-It is possible for the pill to fail, and you can get pregnant.
-Semen will probably drip out of you for the next few hours. (You can easily put on a pantyliner/pad or take a shower though)

Should a a guy ejaculate in the female on birth control?

I'm one of those women you read about that BC doesn't work on. You see I can't digest them so they just pass through my system. My daughter was conceived on BCP . I used them perfectly never missed a pill, and always took it the same time. Well if you don't digest them it matters not.

As long as everything goes perfectly as in she takes them the same time every day and never misses and nothing strange happens to her. Yea you are safe! Fairly that is. 99.7% effective is just dandy. If she isn't the best at remembering such things might want to talk to her about getting a depo shot. Works for 3 months, doesn't require digestion, and remembering taking anything.