Did You Know That We Give Money To Egypt And Jordan So They Keep The Peace With Israel

Who owns the Sinai peninsula today, Egypt or Israel?

It has been Egyptian thousands of years before Judaism was invented. And it is of a very strategic importance for Egypt as a buffer zone against invaders.

Jordanians want to cancel their peace treaty with Israel, but will they give up the water, natural gas, factories and intel Israel provides them?

There is zero evidence that this is true. Jordan is a close US ally and a stable country that has faithfully followed the Camp David Accords. Israel sells what they have, but they don’t “give” anything to another country. Trade is not the same thing as charity. Indeed, Israel’s survival depends on the massive amount of free money and weapons given to them by the US, and the oil supplied from Egypt which Israel does pay for as Jordan pays for the above items in the question.Individually, Jordanian citizens mostly don’t like or even recognize Israel, and still believe the West Bank and East of Jerusalem belongs to them. Despite this, they still respect the Peace Treaty and are likely the very last country to cancel it.I have traveled in Israel, Jordan and Egypt and have spoken to people in each. I have also seen subtle evidence in Jordan of how they feel about losing that land in 1967 (for example, huge billboards in many places showing the Temple Mount and other areas that used to be under Jordan control), yet, they’ve made no move to violate the treaty.(photo; Amman, Jordan. Taken in 2010. Note the contrast between old and new).

America arranged peace between Egypt and Israel and between Jordan and Israel. Can Russia arrange peace between Syria and Israel?

Israel wouldn’t be able to meet Syria’s demands for a peace agreement.IDF soldiers observing the surrounding territories in the Golan Heights.Syria’s Assad has stated that they won’t normalize relations with Israel until the Israelis return the Golan Heights. This is the territory they seized during the 1967 Six-Day War.As a matter of their national security, Israel is unable to do that.The Golan Heights are basically a high point bottle-neck zone which prevents ground forces from invading Israel’s northern tip. When you have forces on the top of the Golan Heights, you can effectively hold off any ground forces attempting to come through. It’s the high ground of that region and it’s too strategically important to the national security of Israel.Israel has already establish a precedent for the security necessity of the Golan Heights.The Yom Kippur War was an invasion that took place on Yom Kippur (The holiest holiday in Judaism)The only reason the IDF was able to respond as quickly as they did to the invasion was most people were in Shul for prayers when the alarms sounded. Thus, they all were able to respond at the same time instead of people running to war from their houses. While at face value it was deemed an insult to attack on such a holy day, it actually ended up being the saving grace of the war.Most of the fighting during this conflict took place on the Golan Heights and thus proved the necessity of having that territory. It isn’t negotiable.From the Golan heights, you have a vantage point that allows you to repel invading forces in a way that wouldn’t be possible on different terrain. It’s too strategically important for the safety and security of Israel.Negotiating territory swaps with the Palestinians. (Not a threat to Israeli National Security)Giving control of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount to Jordan’s Waqf. (Not a threat to Israeli National Security)Giving back the Sinai desert to Egypt. (Not a threat to Israeli National Security)Handing over control of the Golan Heights to the Syrians. (Would be an massive threat to Israeli National Security)The Israelis are not going to risk their national security in the name of making peace with a state like Syria. Especially with a leader like Assad. It isn’t necessary for Israel’s long term needs in the region. They already have Jordan and Egypt warming relations with the Saudi Arabians close behind.The Golan cannot be returned.

Why did Egypt and Jordan sign make peace with Israel? What benefit did it have for them?

A2AEgypt got the Sinai including the tourist spots and the Israeli developed oil wells (and Israel and Jordan as a paying customers for that oil via pipelines) and lots of US aid money.Jordan had its border with Israel resurveyed and re-fenced (after years of patriotic IDF fence maintenance personnel who were too, um, patriotic.) ;) It also received (and still receives) desperately needed water from Israel and help from Israel with desalination technology.Those were the immediate benefits stated in the treaties.In addition the USA forgave $700 million of Jordanian debt and also forgave it for siding with Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War*.Peace itself might also be considered a benefit.There is also some trade relations and a certain amount of Israeli tourism to Jordan and (I believe mainly in the 1980’s) to Egypt.For instance just recently (Feb 2018) an Egyptian firm signed a 15 Billion USD deal to import Israeli LPG from Israel's substantial offshore natural gas fields for resale to third counties.Egyptian firm to buy $15 billion of Israeli natural gasRecently Egypt has also received some substantial assistance from Israel on combating Da’esh (ISIS) affiliated militants in the Sinai.*(Thanks for reminder Yehuda Posnick)

Since 1949 the US has given Israel a total of $84,854,827,200.?

OK you have some good arguments and if you are Jewish I understand your anger. But the Mossad and IAF claim they thought it was an Egyptian vessel. The Egyptians were using boats that were so obsolete they might as well have been frigates. I think the Mossad are liars. Your right that there are a lot of Palestinians are maniacs who would kill anyone who is not Muslim. The bottom line is though is that The USA should not arbitrarily send tax dollars to the Israeli government that has been guilty of massacres and duplicity. Its none of our business. Your right on about the PLO not taking a sweet deal to insure its own existence but I think the US and Israel has some culpability for the corrupt PA leadership.

A question to Israeli people please?

1st of all your time line is pretty right. The people of Palestine didn't want to recognise the UN partition plan because the Jews were only about 10,000 of the population and they got 50% of the land and by far the best land. Secondly the Arabs only took Gaza and the West Bank to make add to their land. The Arab countries didn't do nothing for their fellow muslims and fellow Arabs. Go to any Arab country and become close to the Arab community and you'll realise they only like their own people and by own I mean the people of either their nationality, tribe/clan or their nationality and religion. As people of Palestine only shared religoin they didn't really care. That's why my grandfather a Palestinian man married a Israeli woman because he knew he'd be respected by the Jewish people of Israel unlike if he went to Jordan or Egypt. And last but not least Arab countries only spend their oil money on their royal families and their own countries.

If Israel asks Egypt for the Sinai Peninsula to fit Israel's growing population, would Egypt accept it? On what terms (nothing Palestine-related)?

Israel does not need new territory to fit the growing population. We can (and are) building tall buildings instead. And since returning the Sinai led to a historic end to hostilities with Egypt, and saved countless lives that otherwise would have been lost in wars, why on earth would we do that? Why would we risk dissolving a stable peace with a big and powerful country that can be a strategic ally?


The present state of Israel occupies all the land from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean ocean, bounded by Egypt in the south, Lebanon in the north, and Jordan in the East. The recognized borders of Israel constitute about 78% of the land. The remainder is divided between land occupied by Israel since the 1967 6-day war and the autonomous regions under the control of the Palestinian autonomy. The Gaza strip occupies an additional 141 square miles south of Israel, and is under the control of the Palestinian authority.

Palestine has been settled continuously for tens of thousands of years. Fossil remains have been found of Homo Erectus, Neanderthal and transitional types between Neanderthal and modern man. Archaeologists have found hybrid Emer wheat at Jericho dating from before 8,000 B.C., making it one of the oldest sites of agricultural activity in the world. Armories, Canaanites, and other Semitic peoples related to the Phoenicians of Tyre entered the area about 2000 B.C. The area became known as the Land of Canaan,

So it is obvious that Israel has captured this land by power, by conspiracy, there were no country by the name of Israel on earth...and that is why they are wrong in every way, and they are keep expanding their boarders.

Would it be a good idea for Israel to return to the 1967 borders and pay compensation to dispossessed Arab people?

There is no such thing as a 1967 border. The borders of Israel were defined by the League of Nations in 1922. They also defined the borders of Arab Palestine. Arab palestine became Jordan. The separation point was the Jordan River. West was Israel and East was Jordan. This was ratified by the UN under their own charter in 1945!!!!In May 1948, the land west of the Jordan River became Israel. Jordan and Egypt illegally invaded Israel and occupied our land for 19 years. In the armistice agreements signed in 1949, the Arabs demanded that this was a ceasefire line and not a border. Just by the way, the number of Jews evicted by Arab countries was double the number of Arab refugees. Are we whining about it?So when the land was returned to Israel, the borders were returned to the rightful place.What happened since then? In 1968, A bunch of Arabs decided to call themselves Palestinians and demanded a state of their own? They were demanding the areas returned to Israel in 1967, a year earlier. This was absurd request. Why? Because four years earlier, in 1964, when the PLO was created, they claimed that the area occupied by Jordan and Egypt were not a part of the area the Arabs wanted. They rescinded all claims!!!!Now in 2005, israel tested the Arab requests. We withdrew from the Gaza area to the 1949 ceasefire lines or what you call the 1967 border. What happened? Missiles, terrorism and the May invasion attempts.Do you really think they want us here?Do you know what would be a good idea? Pay compensation to the Jews who were evicted from Arab lands and all their land stolen. A trillion dollars sound right? You should also force the world to stop looking at the Arabs as victims. They are not! They are aggressive and demanding. They have no intention for peace. If the world stopped coddling then and said: you have Gaza. You have area A and B. DO SOMETHING about it. Then they would have a country of their own. But you and I both know why the world will not